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Ridiculously small add keeps appearing, please reduce the appearance of this ad, and make it larger


>What is an adblocker
>What is a good browser

If you can't take these steps to even browse the Internet, you will suffer the consequences.


if you aren't jailbroken (which if you are asking niggerbrained questions like this, you aren't) then set your DNS to one that blocks ads


Who uses Google Chrome in 2024? Lmao. Make yourself a favor and try Brave Browser dude, is the web browser I use in my phone to explore in Kemono.


If you love running background cryptominers and having affiliate revenue stolen, sure


>Brave browser

Just fucking use Firefox retard


L take


Do you seriously not have Ublock or anything? Hell I run both Ublock and ScriptSafe. I don't see a fucking thing unless I tell it I wanna see it.



Firefox is gay and jewish.


Fair enough. Stay with your shitty google browser and enjoy those ads then.
But if you DO want to get rid of those ads, consider your options.


>implying there are only two options
go back to reddit, nigger


If it's good enough for the two groups who pretty much rule the world, it's good enough for everyone else.


why would you want to give them business and your data?


Nah, I'd use Rope Browser. It's breathtaking if you use it right.

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