[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/b/ - Random

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File: 1653811223817.jpg (20.04 KB, 505x550, IMG_20220521_185655.jpg)


I don't know if theres a thread open I can use or not but I have a couple creators i want to have put in but got no clue where to request it in


Perhaps the button at the top of the page that says "Requests" would be a good place to start? :P


I've been asking the same question, request only has sections for feet, and MURRSUITERS, would be nice to have a proper topic for your everyday creator.


File: 1654511943123.gif (1.62 MB, 304x259, AD7F2AA.gif)

Then all I can suggest is y'all try and take your sexy minds off it. Heres a gif.

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[ b / kemono / coomer ]