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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>51606
77 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why is web frontend c died?

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See here for words on Maintenance and works being performed on the site!
36 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Gumroad is back on the menu, get ya vr assets you fucking furries.

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Requesting is NOT allowed.

Doing so will grant you a 3 month ban from this board.

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So, you've got some questions about the site, and the way it operates? Well, this will be your one-stop location to get answers to the most asked questions on the site's Telegram and Partychan.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I tried to import something, but it gave me an error and told me to contact staff. What do?

In cases like these, you do exactly that; but before doing that, please try going through the following troubleshooting steps:
1: Check to make sure you used the correct Session_ID. You can find it within this tutorial: https://kemono.party/importer/tutorial
2: Make sure you are logged into your paywall
3: Log out and back into the paywall, then use the new Session_ID
4: If an Internal error occurs, please retry your import
5: If you get an “Error while trying to import (insert post here)”, please contact Kemono staff for assistance.
6: You are not subscribed to anyone. Please subscribe to someone and try again.

Should you want to get in contact for support, the best place would be the telegram chat, as moderation and administration is more active on there.


This is the place to discuss kemono.party, a scraper/leaker site for Patreon, Pixiv Fanbox, SubscribeStar, Gumroad, Discord, DLsite, and Fantia.
1. Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America.
2. Keep it comfy. Avoid uncomfortable topics likely to start arguments. You know what they are.
3. Genuine discussion concerning piracy is welcome, but blatant trolling, flamewars, and bait are not.
4. Do not ask people to update or add creators ("request,") outside of the dedicated sticky. Doing so will result in a ban.
5. Self-promotion and all forms of advertisement are not welcome.
>Wait, what happened to the old board? (paywall.party)
The original Partychan board was made as a collaboration with the administrator of the late ofans.party, who went more or less MIA without warning. I did not control paywall.party, or have access to its servers, so could not fix the issues the board was having.
This new site is 100% controlled by me on Kemono's infrastructure.
>Want to develop or moderate for Kemono? Need to send a bug report?
>Contact me!
DO NOT send me requests.

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Does patreon importer fix itself if some posts are missing in between?

Example: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/48257698?q=Runebound

Series jump from 691 to 696. 4 chapters are missing. They are present on the Patreon side though.

Did anyone see this happen before? Did it get fixed after a second update? Or is the author's page broken from now on?


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It's not that big of an issue if the content creator is an artist.

But when it's an author…

It's like reading a book with missing pages…

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9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>even insert links directly on fanbox
For those still asking, just edit the html using your browser dev tools.
Steps for the needy:
1. Copy one of the sakura.ne.jp links in a post
2. Go to hinosaki.fanbox.cc (or whoever)
3. Right-click on a link, like the pixiv badge under the name or whatever, and select "Inspect"
4. Replace the value in the href of <a href="…"> with the copied link. It'll be a pixiv url in this example, should be obvious.
5. Click the link from step 3 on the actual fanbox page. ez.


step 2 clarification: it needs to be the creator's fanbox page, not just any one


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it just works, thank you anon


godsend. where do you even figure out this stuff


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I tried it with tsukimaru but it didn't work for me. I mean, I looked for a post on kemeno and entered the link that takes you to sakura.ne with the padlock and then I inspected the main page of the tsukimaru fanbox and pasted the previous link in the pixiv icon when editing the html and it keeps sending me to the same thing. Why would that be?

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Does anyone know the mega password that aiusagichan is using? As of 2025-03-06 there was still no password, everything that was posted after that is password protected on mega


I've noticed it too. He's using community chat now. I don't know why he changed his approach after so long.


There are more of them who use community chat to share links or passwords. Would be nice to start scraping the chat too.


this. we already have dms, need chats

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Hi everyone, I have a question about how I can see this creator's content now that I've moved to the community chat, and I don't know if Kemono will implement them or if they're already there. Honestly, I don't know much.https://kemono.su/patreon/user/26946897


Unfortunately, kemono doesn't have community chat feature yet.

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Attempting to import Futornyx's Boosty and I ran into a error I'm not well versed enough to understand. It said something about an error with client settings but as far as I know I've double checked the steps for Boosty importing and can't find anything wrong with them. Assuming this is the import id, just in case it's needed 22165459-6d55-4a9f-bafd-d759d01376c7


Boosty imports aren't working nowadays. The only ones working are patreon, pixiv, discord and gumroad.


boosty is gonna have a new importer I heard stay updated.

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