[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/b/ - Random

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File: 1667377559271.png (810.23 KB, 900x1100, Abubu 0a2a6435cdcefa69bd7b….png)


Are there any alternative options/tools to try or are we truly SOL?


poor human what have you done to xer? our women and race is doomed


I've seen this artist before. For some reason, there are humans with furry moms and furries with human moms.



Couple months late, but if you're looking for the artist of that particular pic, it's Abubu.

If the pic is unrelated and you're just asking in general, I'm not sure what to tell ya. I've never really had much luck with SauceNao, while Yandex has been pretty solid for the most part. Everything else I'm convinced is just a glitch in some Mandela Reality shift.


also couple months late but try https://ascii2d.net/ if other site cant find it




oops my internet fucked up



Did I make this post? I can't even fecking remember but I think I did. Some sauce is still very elusive, even today :*(


Google is still the top one owns edge technology for picture reverse search, but it is restricted by things like laws.



Learn to reverse tag pictures. Once you master tagging the image you're looking for in the search box of the right booru, SauceNAO and the others just become pointless.


even doe not all images are on the boorus


Looks like an Abubu's draw.


google reverse search (not a joke)


Make new ones with AI using the ones you have as a template.

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