[ b / kemono / coomer ]

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people didn't learn from what happened to Schnurri and Haubna, clearly


Elaborate, because the latter person is a literally who to me and the former I only vaguely recognize as the owner of that one meme Jenny OC.


Schnurri isn't the owner of the Jenny OC, they made a porn mod for Minecraft that just includes a bunch of SlipperyT OCs. His mod got taken own presumably because Microsoft are a bunch of losers and don't like that some guy is making a porn mod because "think of the children" or something.

Haubna is the creator of the Physics mod that adds physics to broken blocks, entities, and dropped items. Also snow physics and ocean waves. Most of the better features of his mod were paywalled on Patreon, and around the same time Schnurri was getting shit by Microsoft, Haubna got the boot too and now is forced to make every feature part of the free version.

The patreon shill in the image is for a resource pack that literally just changes the textures to look realistic. 256x, 512x, etc. are the resolutions and obviously bigger = better. Unfortunately some of the features are locked behind Patreon, which means paywall, which means Microsoft/Mojang no likey.

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