[ b / kemono / coomer ]

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>see twitter post of a piece that i like the look of
>the full thing is on patreon
>go to the artist's kemono party
>there is a post on it
>it says that a link to a folder with the video will be sent to patrons
I mean, props to the artist for trying to combat leaks like this, but this feels like such a gross misunderstanding of the point of kemono party


Thinking about the economics of the matter is beyond most artists, and they especially don't care how you, I, or any healthy supporter wants to be serviced.
They want to take care of the perceived "threat" as fast as possible so they can get back to their Simpscord throne rooms; that's where the matter for them begins and ends.


To be clear, I'm criticizing the person who uploaded the post to kemono party, who I assume is a different person than the artist.


is there a way to get the links?

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[ b / kemono / coomer ]