[ b / kemono / coomer ]

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Cory Rumbaugh teacher Onlyfans.com/prettypeaches4560. She increased her subscription fee to $20 a month.



so what exactly is the end goal of this thread? you doxxed this POC diversity hire teacher and prolly got the full nudes on an obscure chink forum now what?
not trying to be a white knight but why did you even spam this multiple times on /coomer/ and /kemono/ at some point?

whats the connection? i doubt thats even the same person linked here



You can close your eyes all you want, but what are the chances that there are two different teachers in a small school, located in a small town of about 1,000 people, about 100 miles away from any major city, who are involved in this shenanigans?

They should've learned that the Chinese have some cool technology which can trace people's faces down to their buttholes.


This is the only video left of her…reading a book and sounding very weird for her age (late 30s)



I can confirm that the teacher on the right doing a duckface mysteriously didn't show up for work this semester, and the teacher on the left went into a huge family dispute because the overseers of her maternal grandparents' estate found her OF and it is a 360 to the estate's personal beliefs and philanthropy.



Let me fact check you right there… 1. The girl on the left did NOT have a family dispute over finding her OF. They found out because you messaged it to them. It was not her maternal grandparents. You talked to her sister in law- the most judgmental sadest person in the world ( no wonder you got along so well), who we already had no ties with at all and could care less about.


incels have to try and doxx people to feel like they have any sense of power because in your real life you are a nobody.


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