[ b / kemono / coomer ]

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Anyone knows if there's any pages that does scatbook/darkfans?

I got a bunch of videos I wanna download off a creator but it's so annoying I'd rather just import it to someplace like kemono/coomer and download it normally


I don't think anyone has figured out how to bypass the DRM for it, and if they have it's not public. Spent a while searching online for a download guide and I only came up with a sketchy looking reddit link. Screen capture might be the only way to go which is unfortunate.


Yez, the option screen record


Nice fetish faggot


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I bet you can use a virtual screen with size the same as your image and route it through an external capture card to get maximum fidelity capture. Won't do shit if there's a watermark printed on there with cryptographic stenography, but any file based controls should be removed. I wouldn't run it on a networked device. I wouldn't put it past the DRM to run code.

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When the artist's an actual cuckold.

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this shit's going the way of yiff party, isn't it


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nvm we might be back


Yiff party was closed because the retarded admin wasn't making "enough" money for him.
Kemono on the other hand has retarded admins that can't do shit.
It's totally different


holy shit patreon back

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>alex kirshe outed as a creep by twitter people
>somehow, someway, person making the giant plot point leak thread decided to do this
no wonder this site keeps getting fucking discovered by people, no one shuts up about it
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Is it really that hard to keep a fucking secret?


>alex kirshe
Literally who?


If something is free and pretty good, its a eventuality people talk about it
Nothing anyone can do


Even Satan finds this incomprehensible.


why not make it a private site? at least registration based with a certain contribution or trust verification required to access content

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Post the cutest drawing or image of any pony. G4 or any other generation. Keep it SFW.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Cory Rumbaugh teacher Onlyfans.com/prettypeaches4560. She increased her subscription fee to $20 a month.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I can confirm that the teacher on the right doing a duckface mysteriously didn't show up for work this semester, and the teacher on the left went into a huge family dispute because the overseers of her maternal grandparents' estate found her OF and it is a 360 to the estate's personal beliefs and philanthropy.



Let me fact check you right there… 1. The girl on the left did NOT have a family dispute over finding her OF. They found out because you messaged it to them. It was not her maternal grandparents. You talked to her sister in law- the most judgmental sadest person in the world ( no wonder you got along so well), who we already had no ties with at all and could care less about.


incels have to try and doxx people to feel like they have any sense of power because in your real life you are a nobody.


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it's not like there's a common format to use layer (maybe PSD or KRA, but then you need image editor to open it)
so people just export every combination to image


disgusting practice


are you talking about the furryshit, or the fact that the likely child molester choses to make its images bigger than five MB

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people didn't learn from what happened to Schnurri and Haubna, clearly


Elaborate, because the latter person is a literally who to me and the former I only vaguely recognize as the owner of that one meme Jenny OC.


Schnurri isn't the owner of the Jenny OC, they made a porn mod for Minecraft that just includes a bunch of SlipperyT OCs. His mod got taken own presumably because Microsoft are a bunch of losers and don't like that some guy is making a porn mod because "think of the children" or something.

Haubna is the creator of the Physics mod that adds physics to broken blocks, entities, and dropped items. Also snow physics and ocean waves. Most of the better features of his mod were paywalled on Patreon, and around the same time Schnurri was getting shit by Microsoft, Haubna got the boot too and now is forced to make every feature part of the free version.

The patreon shill in the image is for a resource pack that literally just changes the textures to look realistic. 256x, 512x, etc. are the resolutions and obviously bigger = better. Unfortunately some of the features are locked behind Patreon, which means paywall, which means Microsoft/Mojang no likey.


> The patreon shill in the image is for a resource pack that literally just changes the textures to look realistic.

does it also unfuck the blocky nature of minecraft? cuz them highrez textures stretched over cubes roughly half your player characters height looks almost as retarded as the average minecraft player.

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porn scraper coming in clutch.
thanks yall


When the education system fails, coomers have got you covered.

Let no one disparage the importance of coomers in our modern world.

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omg is that Minecraft!!!

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