[ b / kemono / coomer ]

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File: 1661626222477.gif (2.44 MB, 320x240, ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif)


>Your request looks automated; Post discarded.


>>238 (i just got home from work and saw this fugg)
i got that error too fucking eduardo now hes gonna spam cp next since i mentioned the name

you okay there admin? what do we do now? (lel janny is still moderating his favorite board aka /requests/) might wanna move the board to JSchan if you decide to push the the reset button hole
the board isn't backed up at all you are seeing the cache (and the jak threads/images are still there if you enter the direct post number)
every thread aside from the issues sticky is 404ed and the chan is read only (didnt expect partychan to end with a BANG reminds me of the time mecuga got spambotted)
we all make mistakes dont be too upset (also i have the habbit of archiving the frontpage every day try recovering from that)

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The blacks are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe.

We will not allow a country where people must live in fear of blacks.


I strongly suggest you view, learn and *share* the document available here:
http://naggers.likesyou.org/ or http://naggerz.likesyou.org/ (HTML format, website)(mirrors)(recommended)
https://files.catbox.moe/52salp.pdf (PDF format, 48 MB)(recommended)
https://files.catbox.moe/as5ux6.zip (DOC format, 102 MB)
(67 pages with infographics, lulz, and more)


The jews own the governments and media in the west.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: 1660778539772.jpg (83.45 KB, 500x500, 1659835076825113.jpg)


The blacks are committing massive amounts of violent crimes around the globe.

How do we end their reign of terror?

We will not allow a country where people must live in fear of niggers.


I strongly suggest you *DOWNLOAD* and learn the PDF available here, containing all the information you’re not allowed to know and much more:
https://files.catbox.moe/52salp.pdf (67 pages, 50 MB)
(infographics, lulz, and others)


The jews are running the government and media and they’re rigging the system for niggers to attack whites.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


fuck of in/sig/nificant cowards stop indoctrinating third world countries and shoving your americanized culture down our throats
your dying race cant even figure what gender you are born with let alone pick an imaginary fursona and get your leftist views right
why is it so hard for you to leave shithole islands alone aren't you supposed to be massively inflating the corrupt US economy?


Go back to the /pol shithole you came from.

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5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


the sharty is that way ~~~>




fuck kuz and fuck the antichrist go to jakparty-soy instead


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Hhgh un jvjhj

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I am so fucking glad o never paid for anything on patreon, holy shit most of these meet artists trying to make money off smut can't even figure out how to post content on a regular basis. One of the fee artists I want to see content from, just releases images now on both social media and patreon at the same time. 3D artists I'm watching posted a few files, neat and all but what the hell am I going to do with your rigged character files for unreal bro. Like am I going to sot here and pose some scene with a Minotaur fucking your demon girl and then spend the time fucking up my linux install just to get open compute working to render something I won't even cum to? Come on bro.
What happened to the early days of patreon where content was exclusive and actual quality, where did all this income come from that e-simps for meets can sit there and pay just to get the same content as these people post on twitter? What is there even to do about how broken money is as a whole, politically when a woman taking pictures of her ass can make more money than a man working his ass off?
Just saying bro. Shits fucked. Look at the big picture, not just the 43MB useless one on their patreon bro.


>What do you mean, "if I don't figure out a plan to properly release the content that builds the entire foundation of countless communities, and not constantly wipe it the second I feel "depressed" like a classical menhera, an ever-growing part of my audience will naturally reduce their generosity and push accessibility and archival efforts instead?"

File: 1654736248047.png (132.28 KB, 337x248, Janny bananny soy monkey d….png)


Your anti-ddos service is blocking gallery-dl again, giving a 403 error. Clean it up, janny.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Anti-DDOS measures dictate JS checking, so all downloaders are dead currently. All you need to do is wait until stuff is sorted out


My solution above worked. I used an old and forbidden cookie manager for Pale Moon which likely parses the cookies differently. It should look like this as lines in your cookies text file which gallery-dl is setup to read from:


The asterisks will be replaced with unique data. I didn't copy them over because I don't know if it can be used to track me. See if you can extract those cookies in particular.


File: 1654751253745.png (28.35 KB, 747x129, Untitled.png)

Okay the formatting got fucked up due to this website. There should be whitespace between ".party TRUE / FALSE 0 __ddgid_ (your data)" Use the TAB key instead of space to make the correct type of whitespace.


Gallery-dl will work now.


don't work again T_T

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Anybody know any bbw, hairy pussy or couples with both on coomer?

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Primeleap when?
I want to see https://www.primeleap.net/#/sealled/
Sealled pornography

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Anyone know where to make coomer requests?

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