[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/coomer/ - coomer.party

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File: 1737833420047.png (9.43 KB, 535x370, qeweqw.png)


The site doesnt load at all for me, and havent for a couple weeks now.

Any of you experiencing the same thing?


everything works fine for me


So I'm experiencing the same thing today, and I tried setting up a VPN going from my original location (Scandinavia) to the US, and suddenly everything loads without any problems at all


search function is down due to "client settings", any fixes?


that's not going to do anything, their access to the api is being blocked by ddos-guard. they need to visit https://coomer.su/api/v1/ and solve the captcha.


File: 1738009587979.jpg (7.77 KB, 298x111, Capture2.JPG)

okay, what now numb nuts?


Deu certo aqui, valeu


you weren't receiving the error because ddos-guard wasn't blocking you, numb nuts. obviously doesn't apply to people not having the issue.


File: 1738041360519.webm (3.55 MB, 1386x1180, Screencast from 01-28-202….webm)

this is what solving the issue looks like, numb nuts.



I was receiving the error, this page never threw captcha and once it did, it never fixed anything. Why would I respond if I weren't?

>"it works for me, you must be doing something wrong"

>different error message
>different browser
>different adblock



That would be great, except I'm not getting a 403 error. I'm getting a 502 error.

VPN OFF: The API works, The site returns a 502

VPN ON: The API works, The site works.


figure it out


403 > Api ban from DDoS-Guard, try to load the creators.txt or whatever page gave you the error manually first.

502 > if you are in norway finland and etc, your routing will take you to russia where we are currently blocked, only way to fix is vpn.


I'm from Brazil and it's giving me the same error. Banned here too?


>Sorry, we could not verify your browser automatically. Complete the manual check to continue
and doesn't load any fucking captcha

US, no VPN or other bullshit


I'm getting Putin on the phone right now. He has some explaining to do.


It's so bizarre that the same DDOS guard middleman runs on Fitgirl Repacks and it just werks there, but it completely shits the bed on the Patreon/Onlyfans scrapers.

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