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Kemono Development and Discussion
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Is the site just not updating? I usually just check the newest posts, but for the past like 4 days nothing new has been posted. I highly doubt everyone just collectively stopped uploading


What a genius! Yes! It's amazing that nobody else here has noticed and complained about this before now!

Thank goodness you pointed this out.


Actually the site still works. They just decided to block your ip.


but how to check my ip has been banned or not



Seriously? I'd never call anyone an idiot, but you test my restraint. If you were banned you wouldn't be able to see the site at all.

If you look at Artists-> Recent, you'd see the last update happened on 4-13, that's two weeks ago. If you read various threads posted on this forum you'd discover that the site is not updating because the drive is out of space and the sysop has new drives on order. We're now waiting and it is expected to be up again by May 6.


Oh, if that's the case, then I'm sorry for complaining. I don't usually do much on here other than check the artists' posts for anything new. I was about like *this* close to saying "fuck it" and importing shit myself.


>various threads posted

Where? I looked in the catalog and i saw nothing regarding this. Not even the technical updates sticky. There is 50 billion password request threads though


bro really look at sticky at say "hmmmm, no one is complaining"


>Hey is something wrong?

Some of you need to masturbate more or something


Reckon they would, but the website won't give them any new material


OP needs to chill. Lmao


Honestly, I would love for the importer to be fixed but I think I like it more when the retards are screaming


anyone got alternatives in the meantime?


OP - regular question
YOUR DUMBASS - OP needs to chill. Lmao


Unironically kill yourselves, retard samefag nigger



You assholes. That was me.

Drink shit faggots. I'll fuck your mom and drink her post menopausal boob milk.



Oh yeah. Fuck my tight little asshole daddy! Make me cum!


>>40979 Quit shilling and enforcing the admins and importers retarded tendencies, you dumb nigger.

>>41009 Bro couldn't handle facts, so baby-tantrum stomping to nuke the post, lol.

Also, memoryhole was the name of the site. Don't bother trying to make sites like kemono. These extremist, greedy sandniggers will just DDoS you to oblivion.

P.S. Dumb niggers are too lazy and busy screeching "ban" to make a new screech thread. The issue is you, lol.


You know the drill.
1. Subscribe to the creator.
2. Give your keys to the importer.


Someone update Squidbone? They haven't posted on Twit in months. and, no, admins aren't allowed to update, lol.


You know I will just hold on to the content I have anyways. Toasterking has some good stuff though.



Rape me with your big black stud niggerdad.






Update haps on kemono you fuckin inbreds, stop fucking around and GET SOMETHING DONE
Jesus people have been asking for over a month and you retards are all here circlejerking, fucking do it already ffs



Nobody is going to update your shitty creator unless you do it yourself, poorfag.

P.S. Get a fucking job and a life.


Sure, I'll get right on it once I'm done with your mom.



>Sure, I'll get right on it o-[HEADCANON]


Stfu and ypdate haps on kemono


Sorry, still busy with your mom. She really is a cumslut, I can see how you might have happened.



Retarded hands wrote this post.



I just imported haps. Since the importer is running behind,you might have to wait a little before it shows up.



KYS for helping a retard. This board should be filled with begging and desperation from poorfags.


Thanks for importing haps.

Some people here are scum, but you are a good person


Hey, shut the fuck up bitch.
You not helping? Stop taking up space and go play in traffic. At least someone was nice enough to help, thank you to the good Samaritan that did that


Shut the fuck up bitch
At least someone is helping others here! If you are going to be a cunt, jump off a cliff head first and do us all a favor.


You cant handle his mom, your dick is too small, sit down spaz and get back to blowing your dad in your parents basement and quit acting like you do anything productive



Oohhh. That's rich


It's rather obviously the discord imports. It takes hours to do each one frankly there isn't anything worth that wait on the entire of the site.

I've looked. They're just backing up gigs and gigs of toddler-drawn furry porn.


So basically discord has DDoSd the rest of the importers?


Not Discord itself, the morons (or smart people) importing a metric fuckton of useless channels to completely destroy the site.


Holy shit you weren't kidding. There's gotta be some way to have the person importing specify which channels to archive or something like that. Downloading entire discord servers isn't sustainable at all.


if it was, the admins would be saying something about it


>saying anything
Good one


Haps still isn't updated…
Someone update the artist on kemono party?


How long? Been a couple days and no update on haps yet…

Is the importer THAT slow? Or are the retards importing entire discord servers breaking kemono?


No one will update your shitty content creator. Sorry, go pay them and buy handkerchiefs to cry about it.


The importer's been broken before, it was just broken like a month or two ago, it'll get fixed it just takes time.


I told haps to delete their stuff periodically. No actually I didn't, they found this site on Google and had an epiphany.

I literally don't even know who or what haps is and should kill myself, which I will promptly do to let others rage about this.


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Update haps on kemono you retard faggots.


No. Cope and seethe. The importers will stay down for one additional week whenever you beg.

Keep begging, by all means. I would personally tell that creator to move somewhere else just to make you rage harder at waiting and wasting your life.


At least the site has twice the popups it used to now


I've sen the same discord channel updated three days in a row. wtf is happening?


Every time you beg for your gay furshit, God adds another thousand Discords to the importer queue.


Praise Jesus!


for any doomposting in the future


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Kemono Devs summoning 100 useless Discords to cover up importer issues


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Patreon got updated again so good luck everyone.


Patreon looks exactly the same. what are you talking about?


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COME ON!!!!!!! Seriously?! Look at this garbage!!! When will this nightmare end?!?!?!?!?!?!




Literally where do you see that.


On the recent pang, jackass.


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Bruh stop being faggot
The site have issues I guess and admins working on it, just try to be grateful for their work


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Enough is ENOUGH! I have had it with these motherfucking Discords on this motherfucking website!


This thread kinda funny lol


Since the site is dead here is the latest Beware of Chicken chapters. Someone asked in the locked thread.




>and admins working on it

and dare I say, lmao


>The site have issues I guess and admins working on it
I hope they are cuz I swear to god I am THIS close to losing it.


Do you have holymouse?



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It's been years since you published new images, including Nel-zel Formula above all, Naruhodo and TWF Productions (Thewritefiction) to name a few. Why? What did we do to deserve this? There are no alternatives, there are no solutions. What can be done?


It appears that the patreon importer (the only one that was still working) also broke

I guess that kemono will soon end…


No new content doesn't mean it's dead.

That's the same logic that makes people pay for stuff when forgetting about all the stuff that's already online. I'm sure they've seen it all. I'm sure they totally looked at the literal gorillions of free e-books, games, pictures, reaction vids, AI, you name it and now they need new stuff.


Did you have any of this juices again?


This site is so busted man.


Real and true. It's all Discord now and Patreon hit or miss with 99% miss rate during import.


>>43834 I myself am sub to some patreon, when trying to import them the importer simply fail.

It seems that if you're trying ot import a NEW account, it will work but only if it's new


So only indexing works, updating is rekt?
Thanks for the info. It's going to be exploited if someone sees this though so keep a close eye on it for patreon spam.


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It's so over bros


>>44004 It seems so

there is some account that manage to import 1 or 2 posts, but they are pretty rare.

So yeah i think updating is fucked, but it seems to work under a specific condition that i don't know


Man im dead. Been waiting months at this point for fanbox to be importer to work again but it seems that instead more and more importers are just breaking.

Are pirate sites doomed to forever be unviable financially? Or is it just this site?


It wouldn't be unviable if people stopped bitching about ads and weren't too lazy to click to support the site. Or just donated ethereum, bitcoins or whatever.

"I can't pay" isn't a viable argument because no one posting here can't pay, it's just not true, you're not in a favela with Internet access. "I WON'T pay" is the piracy motto if a creator is a scammer. You only pay if you want to support them or want to leak their shit all over the place and laugh at them trying to take it down and cry to their simps.

Don't cave in to creators whose motto is "make subscriptions for fans as expensive as possible, laugh at people who pay, keep making support more and more expensive because they'll keep joining", that's how the mentality becomes the new norm.


the ads are clickjacking you would be a fucking retard to accept that

i would look at the ads if it was just banner ads lol


Some patreon like zesta also hadn't update for some months now



Any chance for Calamitous Bob? It hasn't updated here in weeks.


Anyone has the new movie from ReadyArt?


also can someone get better captchas or competent mods to deal with the diddler?


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