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jap platforms like pixiv/fanbox, dlsite, allows lolicon content but requires censorship

western platforms like patreon but even pirate sites like f95 needs no censorship but disallows lolicon content

where can one publish uncensored lolicon content with at least decent reach?



how about twatter?




Great overall, use it often

Great for furry, and they allow links to uncensored human loli, but the naughty bit on the post in IB have to be censored.






Baraag mastodon



jesus fucking christ


Baraag/Mastodon if you aren't a cuck after money

F95 if you're okay with paying their shitty mods to keep silent

Twatter if you suck Musk's dick

Shitcock Complex if you have a Shitcock Gay Plus subscription or also suck enough cocks to be a staffer

Panda if you literally suck everyone's cock until you reach the pony boss and take it out and also have a contract with Uncle Xi and Jewcobis


You guys are awful with your suggestions.

Awful forum that runs a shoddy danbooru clone.

Troll suggestion

No Hoomanz

Terrible, and very biased, invite process, they've also fucked over Baraag hinting that they might be rolling back on open-minded policies.

Dumpster fire booru clone with awful moderation. Wants you subscribe to see everything.

Invite based platform ridden with terrible western lolicon artists or toddlercon retards with no sense of consequences.

Rather wants to you to do service and live a clean life than being a poor sap who has to hope some faultless OM art platform will finally rise up.

The worse part is that Sadpanda is still the best alternative out there.
It's that bad.

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