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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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In the rules sticky, it says that requests are only allowed in the designated sticky, yet I can't find that anywhere. Is this unintentional, or are requests just not allowed?


Hey does anyone have a link to the "unofficial kemono party discord"? The one I found from february is expired


Wanna say what that fucking means?


Yeah wheres the sticky for requesting new content creators? Cause I sure aint seeing it


theres one on kemono's telegram account named "request channel"


bro is lying. on telegram in faq it says:
"No. Asking/requesting in telegram is an instant ban"


wish requests came backs


wish requests came back :((


wish requests will return soon :((


Requests are not allowed because
1) Not enough people pay
2) Too many people leech
3) People think $100/month for their shitty Blender half-baked models is cheap and worth it

Just pay yourself if you're desperate and import whatever shit you pay for to prove me wrong. If the importer isn't down, that is. Or just keep it to yourself and watch it all crash and burn when you forget to backup (or didn't even download what you paid for).


You could always scream into the void over on https://boards.4chan.org/r/
theres usually a Kemono.party thread over there.


>half of the thread is dead importers
lmao typical 4chan


Except half the threads are requests anyway, so it's a moot point.

Might as well get a single thread to do it.

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