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Ive seen a bunch of posts that have links like Download 12124123.txt and have no clue how to open them. When I click on the link it takes me to a page with a bunch of hashtags, links and random code. I am on Opera GX. Anyone know how to access these files?


These are Patreon M3U8 playlist, see >>41359


lmao I love these guys. Their CIA video is crazy, they're really good at packaging their politically charged messages through a fun and algorithm friendly format that will reach a far bigger and diverse audience than any leftist video essay ever could


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Absolutely loved their trip to Pine Gap. This is definitely a case of the Underpants Problem being a nice problem to have. (When someone uses the same Patreon account they use to sub to gay furry porn as they do to sub to podcasts and youtubers.)


I have no fucking idea why uploaders even bother add these to your shitty site when it doesn't even have rss feed and all you'd get is an expired link.


They work when you actually view them on Patreon. They no longer work after being archived, because they expire after 24 hours but the archive remains. Theoretically, kemono could download these videos on the backend, but it's not so much like downloading a video file as capturing a stream, so I'm not sure how much it would impact the costs of running everything else.


or maybe kemono could have had rss to let us know if new shit is added before it expires or maybe kemono could add a message for contributors their txt links from patreon will expire in 24h /if they're too stupid to know this already/ and to not bother at all otherwise this shit is just trolling


Can anyone fix this guy's posts?



If they can't archive videos because of storage concerns, I'd nuke coomer[dot]su and use the CS storage for archiving kemono stuff. But of course, they won't do it. This m3u8 issue needs to end. So many videos that are from lost creators that they don't work (and are not recoverable.)


I know there is way to tell when link expires, but I lost the link to site that helped me. All you had to do is copy number after fastly&expires= and it would tell how long it will last. does anyone know?



I think an Unix epoch converter is all you need.

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