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Are there still no updates for Fanbox and Fantia?


Fantia = DEAD
Fanbox = Due to the implementation of cloudfare to fanbox I think that is why it still does not work but I really don't know what could happen.


Fantia has been dead for ages and Fanbox is now broken because admin is too lazy to get around a captcha. I can't blame him, people here are beyond hope.

Move to Nekohouse and go spread cancer there.


wanted to ask if like, is the admin just not saying anything as per usual.

or like did they explicitly say that fanbox is just gone forever?

Thank you




Damn liar, on Telegram they don't tell anything, since the one who said the status of the importers left, the one who is now on Telegram is just a newfag who bans you if you say something he doesn't like.
It may be more useful for you to fuck around here.


Damn liar, on Telegram they don't tell anything, since the one who said the status of the importers left, the one who is now on Telegram is just a newfag who bans you if you say something he doesn't like.
It may be more useful for you to fuck around here.


You would think these people could take a screenshot to post.



Yeah, Fanbox is also dead. Do you really think the 'devs' working on the importers(if there even are any) have the skills to work around this, when they can't even fucking write an SQL query that sorts import dates in descending order?


So, is there any possible that fanbox would return to this site


It will be back on July 31st. Trust the plan. Don't forget to import somewhere else though.


Oh good I was wondering if there was an issue, was trying to import shit since yesterday
Guess I'll keep trying until it's up


Where did you hear this? did they say this on telegram?



I'd love to be proven wrong. But the folks that run this place don't exactly have the best track record.


fanbox is dead


Any news regarding the fanbox importer?


So the fanbox is dead, damn, I was wondering why none of my imports were even trying to go through :/
Wish there was a way to manually upload


I’m really not much a fan of this box


Substar jumps through so many hoops to track down and ban anybody who imports when they could just slap on Cloudflare and stop Kemono just as effectively. Really funny.


Anyone know an alternative to kemono.su that supports fanbox then?


So it's over…


it's 7/31, any news about fanbox ?


is there any alternative site that support fanbox


nekohouse.su but it's barely usable for now


It's dead, ask again next month to get the same answer
Furry freakout about mass account bans (don't ask, they'll deny it)


you can always upload stuff somewhere else while imports are dead.
e-hentai, booru's, doesn't matter, it's gonna spread around naturally.


It's sad that fanbox has been dead.Thanks for all shared the key and hope fanbox would be back in the future


don't talk bullshit, fanbox is not dead, the admins are already working on a solution




I'll have whatever he's smoking


the fan is not boxing anymore


since the scraper died i've slowly regained control over my bodily urges and finally after 2 months of not having access to fanbox content i've turned over a new leaf and lost my porn addiction. thank you kemono devs i couldn't have done it without you


I've deleted all my paid fanbox stuff here so even if manual imports come someday I won't be tempted to relapse. I feel free. I don't even visit pixiv anymore.



Can someone please upload mnjs fanbox somewhere I have been waiting so long



No Nut November is quite early my dude.


get a job and pay the fanbox


the fanbox importer is dead and will be for a long time


Many artists also moved to booth. Like why booth.pm was never included in kemono?




barely updated, don't have proper filenames, and "nobody here but us chickens"


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give me my fanboxe updates lole


I wonder if their telegram has any life or insight into development.


So that was a lie


nekohouse(.su) can do fanbox and fantia uploads, but little else.

Kemono is atm borked for most things save Discord, with everyone who could fix stuff either on vacation, missing in action, or no longer working for komono.


Nekohouse cannot do Fanbox. It currently only imports Fantia and Fantia Products, which I guess is equivalent to what Gumroad did.

They had some random SubscribeStar imports as recently as August 4th, but none since, and a lot of the ones as late as a week before that, they had an empty import. They're working on it, I guess?


This might work idk though https://github.com/iigmir/fanbox-fetch



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