[ b / kemono / coomer ]

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The things this faggot does makes my blood boil. Instead of linking the videos on his actual Patreon posts he only sends them via DM or email.

Unless I am missing something?

Pic unrelated, I don't have my reaction images folder anymore.


FUCK I forgot to set the title of this thread, it was supposed to be 'Shit that makes your blood boil, the thread'


I see you are new to paywalls. This is a common practice and far from the scummiest; in fact, simps paying more and more only encourage them to make it worse, it's almost like paying a rapist to rape you harder because you enjoy getting raped. Or it's just attention whores with a lot of money to throw away ruining it all for everyone else.

Please enjoy your stay and make sure to bring more guns next time. You'll need them.


KP's DMs search not filtering/searching usernames doesn't help either.

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