I've seen it. Has everything stored on the 2PB backup server, including the frontend.
Iirc, everything was merged into Kemono, minus the manual uploads.
very touching story, bro
If Trump could win the elections, the admins can fulfill their promise
>>48065Elections don't require skill or effort.
If it was as easy as running for puppet governments, we'd literally have an importer for every existing paywall and 410,757,864,530 devs on suicide watch.
>>47850More importantly, sex with little Neps.
Bonus points for burger trolling if they claim they are * years old.
>>47991why are you lying?
this link was imported by link contains a zip file with several pictures.
kemono doesn't have it.
>>48013Cope harder lil bro
>>48124Thanks. If only AI wasn't forced to generate massive bazongas because flat chests cost lives…
That reminds me I would really like to see an updated YuukiS link
>>47850I wish the YuukiS link was updated
>>48306>implying gelbooru is the sauce>calling another retard a retardnever change partychan lmao
Who are you even talking to?
>>48366Who said it's the source? The anon linked it because it shows it was uploaded to Gelbooru years before you learned how to use AI.
You're the only retard here.
>>48426>>48366>thinks anybody said gelbooru is the source>claims to have used AI in 2018>gets involved in conversations knowing nothing about them>calls others schizokill yourself, you're either underage or severely mentally retarded
Why don't you answer the question, admin
Instead of samefagging like you're doing here:
>>48426>>48366>>47991When will you delete this thread or autosage it?
You're such a liar and coward
just go to yerf ya poofter bitch
>>48454>>48426>>48366the admin chooses to spam the thread with an AI that has been trained on 4chan/reddit rather than taking responsibility
anyone proven to be human who defends this clown should face the wall
Patreon's back on main, now push those session keys instead of shitposting.
>>48514stop deflecting and say why you haven't merged
for years you said had and that will you merge it
you stopped saying it last month
you lied here
>>47991 that you have done it
why are you so despicable?
>>48558Drop it faggot and go jerk off in your room with the lights off while watching hentai
>>48743stop deflecting
stop playing the victim
answer the question
you fucking faggot holy shit
>"yo guise "
>"me have"
>4 years later
>kills every importer
>breaks gallery-dl
>yet no signs of
typical liar turned on auto sage
Get a fucking life instead of constantly adding a comment and whining like a little bitch. Go masturbate to some fucked up furry porn, cuz we know you aren't gonna go touch grass
>>49518woah the tranny admin who hasn't left his room in years is attacking furries who created and fund his website and telling people to go outside
just how low will the tranny sink while doing damage control
>>49644we'd see more nep if the faggot admin merged yiffparty
you've ever seen an admin who is this afraid and full of shit?
when does the admin not lie?
>>49800All neps are walled now? Damn bro
The copies were distributed long ago, who cares though it's all furry and viruses
>>50149and now the admin, being the retard "she" is, is using a bot to get people less interested in the thread
anyone knows when the faggot admin said he'd merge it with
>>47905They are not lying. As
>>48013 said, they do have a backup of, though I do not know how big it is. I know they've said it's 2 TB but I only managed to see a few folders that were share through Google Drive long time ago, probably around the end of 2022. I can't remember when I accessed it.
To be honest, I don't remember if they have the posts' info but they kept images. I don't know if they scraped videos and other files such as .blend, .fla, .psd or others
Ranting about it or calling them liars will obviously not make the sysadmin(s) push the merge obviously, so now the best we can do is wait and hope it happens, if ever. We can only hope.
>>51019But you lie all the time, you fucking tranny of an admin.
Now you're reddit typing and being a brony because you think it'll stop people from knowing that you're samefagging.
Cut the bullshit and start merging because you've been saying you'll do it every day since the day you made this website public or admit that you were lying.
Jesus someone spam 500 CP posts in this thread already. Nobody cares about yiff, it's DEAD along with the people who run it and good riddance. Less furries roaming the Internet.
>trans hating
Leave trans people alone with your bs.
4/10 bait
>>51211i would've said you're baiting if you weebs weren't real
you are literally the dumbest subhumans on the planet
where's the
why is the admin a lying piece of shit
>>52075Damn. I was hoping you'd died.
You're the only one who cares about this, and you're never going to get a satisfactory response from the admin. Just let it go already.
>>52075Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff
>>52076>>52100everyone knows you're samefagging, you piece of shit.
it's hilarious to see you claiming nobody cares about
you begged people to visit your website when it was fresh. you told us that you had's data and would merge it with your website.
years later, where is it?
it's almost as if you're a compulsive liar.
>muh malwareand yet you serve malicious advertisements and files to us.
you're so bad at lying, lol.
>>52127holy fuck Shut Up please you're actually clashing on a level of annoying with cobbler/cobbler impersonationfags not every anon you schizo hone in on is meow shut the fuck Upppppppp holy fuck
>malicious advertisements>advertisementsuse an adblock you absolute faggot its 2025 if you arent using one you need to throw whatever device you use out of a 7 story window immediately
>>52100Why are you obsessed with screeching about unavailable content from Fanbox/Fantia/Patreon on a website that scrapes Fanbox/Fantia/Patreon and claims to have the unavailable content, you fucking retard?
>>52129Holy shit, you and the other schizos defending the admin need to commit suicide ASAP, you are peak cancer.
It was you who accused of being malware to defend the admin, you human freak.
>Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff>Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff>Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff>Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff>Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff>Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff>Why do you care so much about that big ass archive filled with malware and useless stuff No.52135
>>52131i havent mentioned /anything/ about yiff you autist those are different anons
>human freak? one or the other retard
>>52135you are so fucking bad at samefagging, admin/meow/hr/whatever the fuck you call yourself nowadays, schizo
>>52135it's even worse if you're not samefagging.
it means you CHOSE to FREELY defend the greedy liar.
you're not getting paid.
you're doing this for free.
no one else except for a retard would do it.
also, i would've encouraged you to commit suicide, but you take posts out of context and screech like a sperg when people call the admin out on his bullshit, which underscores the fact that you and him are irredeemable.
>>52153>>52154oh my god you are actually a schizo im not samefagging you retard and im not defending /ANYONE/ do you have any reading comprehension where am i saying "oooggh i want muh yiff backup!!" Im Not holy fucking autism
im pointing out how annoying the retard is constantly bitching in threads about the yiff backup most people probably dont know or dont care about
>you take posts out of contextnone were taken out of context dumbfuck i was replying with a normal response that matched the context of the reply ??? you actually might be a room temp
>so fucking bad at samefagging, admin/meowim not meow none of us are meow
>>52159>im not meow none of us are meowthe post you're screeching at isn't accusing you of being the retard who owns this website
take your meds, retard
>you are actually a schizo >you retard >im pointing out how annoying the retard >do you have any reading comprehension self-projection
>im not samefagging you are
>im not defending you are
you're clearly underage and/or suffering from brain rot due to excessive porn consumption
>bitching in threads about the yiff backup most people probably dont know or dont care aboutnot an argument
>where am i saying "oooggh i want muh yiff backup!!" ??????????????
FUCKING KEK you are the most retarded piece of shit that i've seen this year
you are DEFENDING the retard admin
by SCREECHING at people who are calling out the retard admin
because he LIED about merging
as he NEVER did that
and you are DEFENDING the retard admin
for free
without monetary compensation
(assuming you're not the retard admin samefagging)
(which would be a lot less worse)
>>52159>none were taken out of context yes you did
you took the entire post out of context because you're an unpaid shill (assuming you're not the admin and samefagging)
first, you lied that the admin had merged with
then people called you out on the lie
then you started screeching that everyone is a schizo
then you said is full of malware to get people to give up
then someone pointed out that you're a hypocrite because is full of malware too
like the disgusting shill that you are, you took that post out of context by samefagging again and screeching about how malware isn't an issue because of ublock origin or some shit
kill yourself
you're a subhuman
just admit you're the admin and you're samefagging, it's a lot less worse than being an unpaid shill, KEKKKKKKKKKKKKK
so does anyone still got links and access to the backup?