[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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I am unable to login into my account .


Same, the end is upon us.


Same,and cant be allow to register


Same issue as well. Hope this means the Patreon importer is getting fixed.


If you disable your ad blockers you'll be able to login, but it seems the website is dying because then it says you have not enough API permissions and all that, all my favorites were wiped out I guess…


I have no problem logging in, but I can't access my favorites tab. "Failed to fetch from API due to lack of credentials. Reason: 401"



same issue, was working not too long ago but now can't log in even with adblocks turned off. API 401 error


Its so fucking over


looks that way


it's over goonerbros

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[ b / kemono / coomer ]