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SimplePatreonLoader seems to not be working as clicking on the link results in "Sorry The video does not exist."

Any solutions?

Video Post link for Example: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/85680274/post/115480406


The reason it's telling you the video doesn't exist is because the video doesn't exist.


Change the vimeo URL to https://player.vimeo.com/video/<Video-ID>. So in this case https://player.vimeo.com/video/1026925631

You can download with yt-dlp.


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Don't talk about things you don't understand.



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yt-dlp https://player.vimeo.com/video/1034727174 –referer https://www.patreon.com


curl –referer https://www.patreon.com -o /home/user/Vimeo_Video_Webpage.html https://player.vimeo.com/video/1034727174

and then open the html file in your browser. The important inclusion is the referer from Patreon. You'll need to change the location of the html in the command and note for that vimeo link you only include the numbers, not the letters. If you've never used the command line or yt-dlp before then let me know and I'll see if I can help.


the yt-dlp command is getting me 3 unrelated 5 second videos from patreon.
I think it is not parsing the referer as a command and tries to download it as a link too
After fiddling with it for an hour I got it to work by doing
yt-dlp –add-headers "Referer:https://www.patreon.com" https://player.vimeo.com/video/1034727174

I tried -referer, –referer etc. but only the –add-headers worked

curl also didn't interpret the options correctly. It didn't output a file but printed the htmls for both the url and patreon.com seperately. idk whats up with that one.

Thanks for the help!


Anyone know how to watch non-vimeo redirects? Such as vids.io?

Example: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/15134196/post/113470114


I use your code, but it says
'batch file dd-headers could not be read'


–referer flag uses 2 hyphens
The first example line downloaded just fine after that


Having trouble getting the commands here to work; new to yt-dlp so this may be a simple mistake but im inputting yt-dlp –add-headers "–Referer:https://www.patreon.com"https://player.vimeo.com/video/1018904058
and it won't work.


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The problem as mentioned earlier is that when entering the command in my post I made a mistake. You need two dashes in front of referer not one.

yt-dlp https://player.vimeo.com/video/1018904058 –referer https://www.patreon.com

Should be fine.


Ok when I say "I made a mistake", actually the problem is that this website turns two small dashes into one long dash which screws up the command.


49533 here, I did try with 1 hyphen and 2 hyphens neither worked, only add-headers worked
You don't put any hyphens before the referrer that's already in the add-headers option.
Copy paste this:
yt-dlp –add-headers "Referer:https://www.patreon.com" https://player.vimeo.com/video/1018904058


add-headers does need 2 hyphens btw


God this thread is a mess lol
Don't copy and paste that command. As mentioned in (>>49745) this website turns two dashes and combines them into one long dash after posting. This means when people copy and paste the command, the command doesn't work. People will need to add the two dashes themselves.

Also I would be very surprised if you actually needed to do the weird 'add-headers' option. You probably are doing something differently with the normal command without knowing it.

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