they want you to disable adblock, i tried to do so and i immediately had my antivirus go nuts blocking threats so, basically, the site is dead
it's so over
imminent rug pull
had it work for a few minutes but then it stopped again, even using a different browser with no adblockers am getting the same result
I get 502 errors from that window rather than syntax errors, something's boogered on Kemono's end
They force you to watch ads, I believe they are running some scripts to check if ads are displayed, so there is no way to get rid of ads if you want to use the side, if ads are not displayed they will give you errors and write cookies about it! You have to clear cookies and cache to get it work again.
>>49170I thought admin of this place wasn't a faggot, guess i was wrong
>>49170All I'm gonna say is that you can bypass it very easily if you know what to block.
It looks like v1 API is nuked, only getting 404s.
Lifting on the v0 seems to work for now, though for how long remains the question
>>49170actual shizoposting
it has nothing to do with the ads you fucking retards.
>>49175what does this mean exactly shithead why did this happen?
>Lifting on the v0what does this mean?
>>49179It means you should stop thinking with your dick you gooner.
If you use your brain more you can still access shit and rip the site, though not using existing tools which rely on the v1 api.
>>49181i see, so that's why gallery-dl suddenly doesn't, i guess they're doing some maintenance in the backend?
>>49183That remains a mystery untill the admin says something about it.
The v0 api is the api which is used by the frontend. The API documentation was updated today to point (back) to v0, i know since i was using it to develop my own tools to work with the api.
I did notice however that the backend is unstable, throwing out 5xx errors at times, if that happens, wait a few seconds and try again.
>>49184in my case before 1 hour ago gallery-dl still working fine, then suddenly its keep giving me 404
some artist page cannot be viewed after multiple refresh attempt so i think they're doing something in the background.
for now i'll just do some manual archive and wait tomorrow or the day after and see if the problem would resolved by then
Is there a way to make gallery-dl use the old API?
Errors with status 5xx are server errors. They have nothing to do with adblock or anything you do really.
update: now it works again and it's not asking me to disable ADBlock, so maybe it was a temporary thing or a mistake
It's not asking me to disable adblock anymore but is still only saying "displaying cached artists" has been for over 24 hours now so I assume it's on my end
>[kemonoparty][error] An unexpected error occurred: KeyError - 'service'.
gallery dl still not working for me anyone else?