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I gotta ask because I just keep seeing this shit and it's basically been years now; Are the people who add/update a Patreon user who exclusively posts cropped previews with a "heh, le monthly stuff just dropped you know where ;^), don't le forget to link your patreon to your le discord :D" without EVER importing the Discord itself just trolls or are they legitimate fourth-world niggerlicious gorilla mongoloids?


good question. I've already asked that


Or the one's that have uploaded the Discord, don't bother updating anything in it. So many artists have archive links just hanging out in Discord that they could be copying and adding to the relevant Kemono page.


Most people who do it are clueless enough to think it's automatic or they are indeed trolls, so what you said.

People who import anything with a Discord linked also need to import the proper channels from the proper server every single time or they're just paying in the void.


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Pictured: average "saar I import the bloody patron cooki in kemono and Vishnu redeems the rest all automatic all bobs vagene anus and futa panis will be showed :D" enjoyer


Looks accurate lmao




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I believe they're either too lazy (ughhhhh I have to open the console and get my session key AGAIN??? FR*CK that noise!) or legitimately retarded. The worst part, though, is the tranny mods banning you for a month if you ask the mongoloid updating a specific patreon to also update the discord. Absolute shitshow.


>the tranny mods banning you for a month if you ask the mongoloid updating a specific patreon to also update the discord
Yeah this shit should be pardoned, fuck Meow


Only a month ban? I've been banned for 3 months for 'requesting'.

Like, my guy (Admin), either reinstate the request thread or make uploaders aware that 'updating' Discord servers isn't properly updating them due to X, Y, or Z.


Just export the discord channels elsewhere lmao
Imagine being so addicted to kemono you stick to it even if you have better options


What other options


Discord channel exporters on github. Grant your token, pass channels as arguments, send all data wherever you want, profit. The Discord importer itself uses an old version of what's now deprecated open-source software.



bump because I just saw this shit happen again in the fucking frontpage


Reminder that some Indog scum is ready to be retarded and spill the beans


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>artist only sends MEGA links through DM's, every month
>check DM section (if there's any)
>sparse DM's of random months of 2021/2022/2023
>months or years of DM's missing
>BUT the Patreon posts themselves are perfectly up to date, always
It HAS to be trolling and/or reverse advertisement from the artists himself, 100%

I refuse to believe contributors actually "forget" to upload DM's or the Discord channels 75% of the time.


To add to this indeed, some of the more popular creators have their Discords updated alongside the fanbox/patreon. You could be onto something here.


2 niggers


thanks to the guy who imported the TakaTaka discord with two channels and literally zero posts are you fucking stupid


I like to think it's tech illiterate brainlets that don't even know what the fuck a "Discord" even is.


Everybody knows what shitscord is, sadly


>>51372 its super annoying, hell, why does nobody upload the archives to a separate mega, having downloaded everything from there and then put it in their own mega or Dropbox. I checked rottenheart10 patreon or meteorreborn and its always locked due to no one posting mega links that are updated and not deleted or just uploading them to a separate link. No one even puts the goods on ehentai, same with srun. Hard to be a guy with a fetish


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- artists moving DM/post links over to Discord
- gaps because importers broke and no DMs get saved for long periods
- importers fixed, no one restarts importing at higher tier, or different importer starts importing at lower tier
- importers linked Patreon/Fanbox with their main email/Discord, not throwaway, scared to import Discord with main
- artists with insane tier prices, hiding DM/Discord archives behind $20/30 a month, people only import basic tier
- people stop importing and no one takes up the torch

There's myriad ways these gaps can be explained with simple incompetence or problems with Kemono interrupting full imports, including their Discords, but sure, there's probably a handful of artists that import a basic tier to advertise. Sometimes imports just fall through the cracks for years, because no one is bothering.

This is what f95zone is for in most cases, users making their own Mega archives and sharing them there, but none of the artists you mentioned have any threads. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some more sites like it, but I haven't had the need to track them down yet. lewdweb.net and simpcity.su are the f95zone equivalents for real porn stuff.

It's also worth mentioning sometimes exhentai will have paywalled content that is hidden on the e-hentai search, but you're also shit out of luck there. The more niche the fetish, the fewer the potential uploaders. My condolences for your foot fetish.


too bad meow will never implement manual uploads and community stuff because he's a plant. he must get quite terrified whenever he remembers exhentai, rule34 and f95 exists.


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Every site has its own role. Kemono takes the work out of saving every single post for the price of your login cookie. Why would Meow go through the trouble of doing what F95zone does already? Those other sites also backup what is uploaded here. In the grand pirated porn ecosystem, many depend on what Kemono does.

Meow doesn't care they exist. There's no conspiracy stopping manual uploads, just it's already too much work for them to maintain the automated solutions they already have.


this would make sense if he was actually trying to do stuff. but he isn't. he acts with hostility towards anyone trying to make the site better or help him.


I remember some time ago Meow complained because all the programmers he was trying to hire to help him with Kemono were giving him ChatGPT/AI generated answers about programming. Can't fucking blame him for reacting hostile with others after that shitty experience.


No sane human being would be willing to work on something that is a big bunch of servers held together with snot and cum since 2021. Insanity requirements must be really high.


3 niggers

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