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requesting the option to block accounts so the most recent section isn't just 40 pages of AI bullshit and year old stock reports


By "accounts" did you mean profiles?




"profiles" are still accounts retard. You knew what they were saying and didn't need to go "You mean profiles? 🤓☝️"


That's the namefag's way to delay answers with another question instead of just answering what he can tell.


>>50319 what else would it mean you fucking retarded inbred pig , would you stop try to look smart under every fucking thread .


The worst is not having to see that shit in the most recent section, the most painful part is that all those resources and time are being wasted importing shit and ai slop instead of preserving art that might disappear forever at any moment.


fr I'm tired of seeing AI slop and zronku's shit ass "fun" posts everywhere


"Account" is something you create on registration page or log in to on login page.
Since only the admin can view "accounts" you literally can't "block accounts" even if it was possible.
> asking for clarification is "delaying the answer"
What was the "question"? Pretty sure the OP is a feature request.
The things you browse on the `/artists` page, even though the OP talks about `/posts` page, are called like 4 different things across the code and database. "Account" is not one of them.
Guess you are just a natural-born retard, a mistake of nature, if you will.


both of you are just as awful as the other


Genuinely go kill yourself. I'm glad you at least won't reproduce with that personality.


Unfortunately many women are desperate to get bred and he could be a filthy rich retard.


It’s patently obvious what OP meant purely by context, and only the most ESL-addled retard would legitimately be confused. If OP had meant a Kemono user account instead he would have specified. OP’s use of “account” as shorthand for “Kemono’s scrape of some pay site account” is the sort of thing that anyone who isn’t painfully autistic does naturally. Fuck, even many actual autists can fathom this. Being willfully obtuse isn’t helping, it’s just you being a smarmy cunt so you can dunk on somebody.

>Wasting his time on a piracy site “helping” by being so pedantic that he’s bordering on overcorrecting
>filthy rich
pick ONE

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