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Kemono Development and Discussion
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File: 1734552884522.png (578.7 KB, 3765x2159, alessandro-gobbetti-ir.png)


So I finally found a way to scrape SubscribeStar, it's Alessandro-Gobbetti/IR ( https://github.com/Alessandro-Gobbetti/IR ) (It's a web scrapping app built on MERN stack). To run it, you will have to download the code to your computer, open it in vscode and run the backend and frontend server using the terminal.

Any tech-geeks here willing to run it in a browser?


Does this actually scrape posts and their contents or does it only scrape information about the artists?


It does both I think…


Did any one tried it? Like did it work?


SubscribeStar is dodgy enough as it is. I'd never ever use it as an artist even if that was my literal last chance to get any money.

The fact this gets reposted multiple times without the original poster testing it in spite of being awfully knowledgeable of details that aren't in the readme doesn't help with trusting the repo and what's in it.


Nekohouse has finally updated their SubscribeStar importer to import text and multiple images: https://nekohouse.su/subscribestar/user/pieceofsoap/post/1334588


kys pedohouse shill this is for Kemono

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