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Kemono Development and Discussion
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1734988554846.png (268.68 KB, 1067x256, Screenshot 2024-12-23 2215….png)


Hi. Does anyone know the password required for the Tabakowayame's ZIP files downloaded from MEGA? I can't find anything of the sorts.



>AI slop creator
>you have to pay to see the slop
>you need password to see the slop
>there are retards out there who legitimately go out of their way to try and see your slop

humanity has failed


People just need more motivation to stop throwing away money and encouraging this mental disorder. It's not even compulsive spending at this point.


I genuinely cannot comprehend this. It's as if some people had zero artistic taste, as if every kind of shitty art just looked more or less the same to them and they just so happened to find this specific slop creator and subbed to it. I can't think of any other explanation. There are hundreds of excellent artists out there.

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