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Today the site updated the link to the GreekoAI artist archive, but it is empty, can you help with this problem?



Provide any part of your import id.


From the related comments, it artist that this creator changed to delivering the link by DM


It looks like he's changes the link every few hours


Can someone download the entire archive and post to kemono?


im trying to get it everytime the patreon updated, but it took more than 5 hours to finally the lastest archive page updated on kemono.
so kinda impossible for now. as he quickly change the mega link


I just reimported all of the posts. Be quick, Greeko changes links very fast. If you weren't in time flag the posts and I'll reimport again.

I wonder how long it takes until he notices all of my payments were declined and I still got access lmao


Wait, of you have access couldn't you pass the links?


As someone who creates LORAs and generates constantly and shares all kinda of AI generated porn… selling this shit is fuckin' nasty and lazy. Shit folks do this, and it's even worse when they do shit like this. What a fuckin' loser.


Bro, I didn't make it in time again :(


Post a MEGA link here, I'll check in here every hour


Glad there are some people out there like you man.

Missed it too. Damn. I'll wait. Could you also share how you did to bypass the payment or is it sensible?


I'm still here, waiting for the link please


greeko changes link faster than kemono makes reimported post visible…


That's unrealistic. I didn't make it again :(


He's so annoying.


Updated Mega, please?


i wonder what happens if you already have a mega link to a directory open in browser or are even in the middle of downloading a file when it gets deleted/replaced

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