[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1735413064983.png (91.02 KB, 275x264, 1004.png)


I got logged off from my account and have no clue what my password was. Lost over 200 favorites and I can't even seem to be able to make a new account due to it giving me an error every time. Fuck do I do?


You forgot to post the error.


It's a recurring problem but this retard >>50643 will keep pretending it's not a thing


Whitelist the login API, admin added aggressive scripts in addition to that terrible interface change


You write down your password, retard.


Did you even read the fucking post?

Kill yourself.


> some third-party list was hyper-aggressively filtering down to specific paths
> it's kemono's fault
Bitch to the list maintainer.
By complete coincidence your post has 0 (ZERO) value.


Go suck admin's tranny cockgina and die from furry AIDS.


So rude.

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[ b / kemono / coomer ]