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Is there any way to somehow receive notifications of new posts or changes to old posts from a particular author? Some authors change the link to their archives some time after importing them into kemono. That makes the links that are still left on Kemono just not work, I would like to know immediately about importing a change or adding a post to quickly download it before the author changes the link


Short answer: No and if there was one it would be useless to you.

That would only cause their army of loyalists to instantly invalidate the links. Imagine getting paid by some paywaller (remember, they need to pay the bills, they cannot even afford grass as food) to tell them their shit is being leaked and where.

Just let them import their own account with dead links as it's currently the best defense against muh piracy and also the best way to lose all subscribers unless they are all braindead.


>receive notifications
in a way, yes, but it would require you to have some knowledge on programming, since you could utilise kemono's api to check for new posts/reimports/updates/whatever. you would need to add cooldowns in between requests though.


I tried to make a script in temprmankey. Unfortunately, I can't check whether it works or not because the author hasn't been imported for 2 days now.


try testing with some popular artists that are very frequently updated here to see if itll work, and once you verify then you can set it up with the creators you want


Do you have any such authors in mind?


check frontpage with anyone who is frequently updated and test out with them for a bit and see how it goes


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it works, it's not as feature-rich as I wanted, but presumably it can be customized for anything


im proud of you anon. if you want help you can ask


I've noticed that some posts initially import dead links, is this due to the import function? Or how is this possible, I think it's because the import of the post is delayed and when the import happens, the author has already changed the link in the original post.


when you say initially, are you talking about the first ever import of a post that has edits? if so then yeah old links are most likely dead. otherwise, if you mean a post with just entirely dead links overall, then the creator most likely killed the links due to leaks/they time their posts availability.


If the importer is the creator themselves or one of their paid goons, there's not much you can do. In any other case, see the thread at the usual place.


why would the importer/non-leak sub reimport on kemono lmfao?? it would literally reimport any other posts too possibly making some accessible


the creator themself* not the importer


More views, SEO (kemono is on top of search results include reverse searches) and injecting dead links.

Why do you think there is so much AI and reaction content on kemono? Check how many people are subscribed and check how the numbers evolve.


Only flagged posts get reimported. Creators doing this thoroughly check the entire page. That's how they blank out their pages and that's one of the reasons kemono has revisions.

Revisions won't revive dead links.


not listening to a resident thread schizo

>Only flagged posts get reimported
i know? thats what i said in my reply without stating the obvious of flagging.


That attitude isn't going to get you much help.


im not op autist


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What’s the point of updates. If the importer literally posts the existent post, without attached the locked files from other websites. Again why the importer didn’t manually import the files too?


ok retards


Because they can't
Do you even know how scraping works?

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