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Any resolution to the "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page" vimeo issue for patreon videos?


take this url for example
it has the following vimeo link:
it takes you to the "not found" page. this is due to a missing 'referer' header that should be set to the actual page it was embedded on (e.g. patreon.com).

the solution is as follows:
given some url https://vimeo.com/ID
where ID is some number, the correct url is:
if you visit this new url, you'll get some "privacy settings" page because the video can only be viewed when embedded on the right website (e.g. patreon). to fix this, you need to set the 'referer' header to the correct header (for patreon videos it should be 'https://patreon.com')

if you are using yt-dlp, the following command is what you're looking for:
yt-dlp https://player.vimeo.com/video/ID –add-headers='Referer:https://patreon.com/'


How would I go about changing the referer


I also would like to know how to change the referrer header without yt-dlp.


not that anon but theres browser extensions that let you change headers on a page


it's difficult for me with chrome


Good to know, are there any in particular that you think would be best? I don't want to download some junk. I'm using edge, by the way.


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You are a saint. Picture related lol.


That thing doesn't seem to be working at all for me. I don't know what to do.


Honestly the yt-dlp doesn't work for me either. I think I'm just fucking retarded.


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To the folks having trouble with it don't worry here's an alternative.
1. Download the extension referer control
2. Open the extension and type in where it says enter site with https://player.vimeo.com/video/
3. Click custom and then click TARGET host
4. Enter in https://www.patreon.com/

Should look like the screenshot and to those that what to download the video, I use an extension called Video DownloadHelper


Thank you so much, I finally got it to work!


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Reviving this thread because I've been getting an error trying to download a particular video. It keeps telling me that yt-dlp can't "download an embed-only video without the url of a page that uses the embedded video."

I've used yt-dlp to download vimeo stuff before and it worked fine, and I don't remember seeing this particular error. Plus, I can view the video through my browser with the referer control extension just fine. Is this a new problem or am I just missing something obvious?

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