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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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Thread for all things webnovels.

Anyone have a link to the discord? The old one appears to be broken.


Gren, please don't abandon us in our time of need.


I'm on it, but I have no idea how to give you a link.


File: 1738122339040.png (20.81 KB, 244x475, image_2025-01-28_224541521.png)

Click on server name in the upper left, and then Invite people, it should give you a link at the bottom


invites are closed until my account is in good standing again .
if you know someone inside that can invite you good luck .If not sucks to suck .
I go to the trouble of cleaning up invites every now and then


Why don't you guys use multiple accounts? Using your main for this sounds counterproductive especially with discord's shitty standing system that doesn't even work properly, they just want more phone numbers to sell (especially if you set up 2FA)


That’s what I had except my 2nd account logged out and it’s not letting me recover it, so I’m stuck off the server till gren fixes invites


Damn, yeah my 2nd account was banned from discord, so I'm waiting to get back in for the wandering inn stuff.


Are you sure you have it setup to work like that? I tried asking Mo for an invite and he said that shit was locked down tighter than the border


anyone have akikan advance ch? cause the one in kemono seems broken and missing 33 ch in between


Invite still not up?


Open the gates pls grenskul sama or someone add me pls


HolyMouse has started posting again.


Please could someone inside update the Discord channels on Kemono. Just PathOfPen: The Lone Wanderer would suffice.


Whoever updated mathaz or mistervii you are appreciated but please, my last fix of The Lone Wanderer was more than a month ago. Please be kind and update the web novel v3 discord on kemono . I don't want to be annoying so I won't ask again.


Pray for grenskul



Does this work? If yes, Someone get in and pull every channel and put it on Kemono.


It doesn’t work


Grenskul invite where


Erin Ampersand aka (300YearOldMagician) is also missing

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