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 No.51606[Last 50 Posts]

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>50438


File: 1737986500019.jpeg (4.62 KB, 225x225, images (12).jpeg)

First on the new thread, i'm so amazing. Still happy for you fantia people.


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Fanbox status?


Is it true that Patreon DM importer stops working now?




wait, I take it back. Their posts are appearing on the general posts tab, its just the site is retarded and doesn't show them in the artist's page. I guess I'll wait for it to unclog then.


ublock has a list called easyprivacy and is blocking the creator page

add this thingy in custom filters on ublock


I tried it but it doesn't work. The artist itself appears in my favourites page, and is brought up signaling it has been updated, but when entering its page it shows only posts from months ago, despite newer posts having appeared on the posts page. I think it just needs time to refresh after the recent influx of imported pages.


One of the people I'm looking at has had posts up until today uploaded, but is still missing between 12/27 and 1/16. Will this eventually be resolved automatically, or is it more involved than that? I've looked on the other tabs and it doesn't seem like it's an issue of them just not showing up on the artist page.


REPOST (new thread)

As was reported here before, I fond yet another example:


THERE IS A GAP OF MISSING STUFF. Here, The "Duskbound" chapters should go into the 70+ chapter numbers before they switch to book 2. Instead, chapter 64 is the last one,


Somebody wrote:

> Looks like it imported up to Patreon's "See more posts" button, and stopped.


keep up the fanbox importer much has been missing out since the blackout of last june


Huge number of accounts are adapting by embedding offsite links into patreon/fanbox posts directly. Hope the importer can find a way to automatically grab and upload those to KP in the future.


That's just an artifact of the artist's page being cached and the cache invalidation not working great. It'll fix itself once the cache expires. Give it 24h or so.




Artist category's Search/Recent pages are fucking up, had to disable adblocker on firefox to view them.


Report them to patreon/fanbox if the site is suspicious then laugh


File: 1738020532729.png (102.76 KB, 1347x683, 0スクリーンショット 2025-01-28 0827….png)

Importer logs for be1defaf-c1cd-4137-a81a-38ae185fa7fb


Are the API endpoints getting fixed any time soon? They're a fucking mess right now.


Also see

There have been reruns of imports and it is useless. The importer needs fixing before reruns do anything.

They still have the gaps:

https://kemono.su/patreon/user/79475427 (after "Duskbound Chapter 64")

https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2778175 (after "B4—Chapter 52: A Rocky Adventure")



> Also see

> >>51606

I meant
>> 51624


>go to some random artists' page, load video, play a few seconds
>change page back to (kemono) home
>try to scroll with space bar
>it starts playing the video again, despite no longer being on the page
Idk if it's actually layering new sites on top of old sites somehow, but I don't think it should be doing that.


>type up post
>hit captcha
>captcha says okay, green checkmark
>hit submit
>error: failed to complete captcha
>try again
>error again
>go back to main site
>post was submitted anyway
I'm 2 for 2 now.


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Has anyone encountered anything similar?


Can they like add an itch scraper and a way to see patreon collections. They should have no where to hide content.



LOL - https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2778175 just tried to update for the third time in as many days- and of course it remains USELESS. The gap remains. If the importer stops at end of the initial page you can run the importer as many times as you want, you won't get the chapters that are hidden behind the "Load more" button.


To Meow, the search bar right now requires at least two characters to work, ignoring the user if there is just one. But some japanese names are just one kanji long, meaning some anime characters are unsearchable unless you also add their second name (which many posts will omit, blacklisting themselves from the search)



Another such case: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/48682286
Importer stopped right at "see more"


Import ID d27a03ed-3bed-4075-b4f7-649e620becf6 is failing. Debugging is enabled.


So many fanbox pages here on kemono appear to be broken one way or another. Submissions that claim to not exist once clicked, and a number of submissions that are not sorted by date. Is it really a cache issue?


Noticing the same issue
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/62263150 has a gap between 12/22/24 and 1/14/25



BETTER, but even after most missing chapters have now appeared, a few are still missing in at least this case right here:

This chapter #17 should be followed by a few filler (song) chapters and of chapter #18, but instead we get to #19 (18 exists on Patreon, not an author mistake in chapter numbering).



Well, thank you!


2025-01-23 05:59:11: Starting import. Your import id is 21404733-5305-41ce-97fe-5194facd2bc4.
2025-01-23 05:59:20: Restarting job…retrying import in 30 minutes…
2025-01-25 00:48:22: Starting import. Your import id is 21404733-5305-41ce-97fe-5194facd2bc4.
2025-01-25 00:48:31: Restarting job…retrying import in 30 minutes…

stuck in here since the 25th and it's not even responding anymore


2025-01-23 05:59:11: Starting import. Your import id is 21404733-5305-41ce-97fe-5194facd2bc4.
2025-01-23 05:59:20: Restarting job…retrying import in 30 minutes…
2025-01-25 00:48:22: Starting import. Your import id is 21404733-5305-41ce-97fe-5194facd2bc4.
2025-01-25 00:48:31: Restarting job…retrying import in 30 minutes…

stuck in here since the 25th and it's not even responding anymore


An uploaded is giving an error. It says the post is not found.


some bad news: Discord is deleting lolisho channels in the name "child safety" while ignoring the actual harmful material.


just jerk off to adults dude


It's literally been banned by their ToS for over 10 years, they only act when someone blows the whistle on a server, too many servers out there



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>Fanbox works
>Except it doesn't because comments don't import

Good luck to all those folks importing comment-walled artists


Did the admin rewrite it from scratch? Seriously, that's the most retarded thing ever. Sure, it scrapes posts sometimes still pretty hit or miss. Now good luck with manually flagging dozens of thousands of useless posts.

I wouldn't even hire this guy for a car wash. I don't want my car to blow up once the wash is over.




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Yeah I'm experiencing this as well. Many posts are going through but my logs have nothing but restarts. Do the minutes stack too?


> see that XXX's fanbox is updated
> open their page, nothing new
> few hours later
> Still nothing new
> Open their page on another browser, the newly updated posts is here
> Back to my original browser, those new posts are somehow invisible


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I can't wait until we'll have to go back to a pre-Kemono/Yiff world where we just share images around like back-alley drug trades just because some fuckhead can't code an importer properly


>>complaints about fanbox

Did I ever announce it was finished?
Go cry somewhere else.


meow,are there any plans for patreon community chats?


I hope devs can find a way to import comments again, is the only thing missing.


Can you please make the sidebar invisible by default in mobile view?


>the guy that makes an announcement or update post here once in a blue moon is shocked to discover people are complaining about something that isn't complete because they don't know it isn't finished yet
I don't want to sound like a dick but there's no way to make it sound not-dick-like


When it is sorted, then could you help out at least 10% (likely way more) of people who use Kemono/Nekohouse by getting SubscribeStar sorted out? It's been sitting there like a sore thumb that's only growing more sore the longer help doesn't come. We can't just keep kicking the can down the road (that road may not last long at this point), especially considering SS may prove to be Kemono/Nekohouse's achilles heel by either drawing more people to SS or lead SS to stand as an example for other sites to follow and it might one day become impossible to import anything from anywhere. WHEN WILL THE WAIT END??? Please tell me you guys haven't given up. I don't want to start another forest fire.

Besides, I STILL have a potential plagiarism case I'm waiting to confirm and I won't know until I see the art on a certain artist's page (I can't pay, though I wouldn't want to reward someone for stealing my shit anyway).

Just… eugghhhh… DO IT already!


meow *literally* announced when patreon was fixed. don't you think the same would MOST LIKELY happen for another importer people are relying on being fixed/expecting?


"meow" likes to be vague as possible just to troll people, then gets mad when the people he trolled complain about it

he's just fucked up in the brain, nothing more


Been trying to import from my Fanbox since it's up again but after 3 days it still doesn't import (https://kemono.su/importer/status/c5090eb1-22b1-4281-a550-62eec7b41a15)
do i have to disable/enable something? Be patient i'm retareded


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Coomer isn't grabbing from OF.
I've double checked all of my information.


New OF posts are still being imported and I ran my own import just a few hours ago. It works just fine.
Don't know what, but you did something wrong.


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IDK guys I am just happy that the importer is partially fixed anyways, even if comments can't be imported yet.

If I have learned anything, in all these months of waiting, it is that it will be ready when it is ready. Meow has no obligation to keep the page alive and still does it, thanks Meow.


>SS may prove to be Kemono/Nekohouse's achilles heel by either drawing more people to SS or lead SS to stand as an example for other sites to follow and it might one day become impossible to import anything from anywhere.


I'm really close to seeing sedes posts again after close to a year of drought and that makes me really happy. I'm so glad the site is back on its feet, even if it still has to iron out some kinks.


File: 1738288677852.png (16.91 KB, 880x458, error.PNG)

trying to import fanbox stuff but no success, debugging enabled



File: 1738288972466.png (26.64 KB, 1697x437, import logs 01-30-25.PNG)

nvm it somehow started lol


>only imported specific ones
not how importer works


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looks like theres a similar problem here is there any way to fix it?


Wait for it to be indexed


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>>51606 I tried to import my fanbox import files into kemono as some of them are imported and working but it didnt work for me, is there a problem with this import or something and also today is my final day for three pixiv fanbox membership so sadly they wont appear on february.


Please locate where this announcement is, because it sure as hell isn't in the dedicated announcement thread made specifically for announcements which the elusive "Meow" hasn't posted in for three months and counting


Just wanted to post to give my thanks to the people sharing their keys, and to the devs that got Fanbox working again.
Some artists that I've been waiting for for almost a year just got updated, so I'm eternally grateful.


the announcement was in the form of a banner on the top of the website. it has been removed since then



This issue is happening when I try to import as well:


theres a huge 50+ post gap between 01/01/25 and 22/01/25 and no matter how many different ways I try to import, it's stuck like that. Is there a fix for this?


File: 1738357434186.png (103.5 KB, 700x380, error.png)

not sure what the issue is. my blockers are off on all relevant sites, i'm subscribed, i'm giving the session ID. never had these issues before.


>we do not remove content
Press X to doubt, how many others were hit? Announcements are still there for 2723951.

Comments are also missing from Fanbox.


My Fanbox subs got expired but successfully imported all of it!
Feels good to contribute for first time.

I gonna get some fantia stuff this month, Hope be, that works soon too

All Hail Meow till then.


Ok update, got Fantia, it sucks.

I need to pay for content for each month?
who made this bs? 1000 yen for one post each month

I hate this.


>tfw my favorite artist hasn't get any update since may 2024 and still didn't get any update during the uptime
fuck man


i don't think you could import fantia stuffs on kemono, try nekohouse


May 2024? How about November 2023? All because the one I'm waiting for fucked off to a site in which there's no working importer for at the moment.

You're living the high life.



The importer doesn't seem to be working.
Can anyone else test it?


fanbox has just been fully broken for me, i've tried multiple times. it just gets stuck with 0 logs, no errors or anything. import id starts with 14ed9fbd-4f3b


problem is they didn’t updated some lolicon artist like shihoina


Same I want zumi or konkon but they didn’t updated


don't forget to check nekohouse


Fanbox - ends with bcff-728533e9372e


Fanbox is broken again, after working for like 3 days


>fanbox already dead


Fuck shotas indeed


fuck's sake, i still want hirodi, haven't been updated for almost a fucking year


>requests everywhere
>actual issues are ignored or dismissed


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Link the Discord importer. You are uploading fucking nothing.


tbf the fanbox "test" was a relatively decent success


Yep, the cleanest test so far in the site.


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Quick question, when using the search bar, is it possible to negate terms? Like if I was searching through an artist's posts for scrimblo but didn't want any bimblo, is there some equivalent to "scrimblo -bimblo" that I could use?


What the fuck is scrimbo? What kind of sick deranged shit are you into, anon?


"You faggots were bitching a year ago about 'muh empty profiles', we remove empty profiles from view, 'mug deleted content'. kys" —sa


You can never satisfy our gaggle of coomer-autists, so don't even try.


hey sorry to bother you about this but how did the fanbox test do? is there any word on if there will be another test in the near future


>still doesn't explain how all the posts I imported magically vanished
Cool thanks, I'm sure the imaginary myon fumo houseboi has an explanation about public fanbox posts being spammed all over the place too

This coomer-autist will import AI artists just to spite you


No, it only matches naively.


I don't care about AI, I am just here to read my comfy LitRPGs.


Oh, you mean the ones complaining about gaps in their chapters when we 'coomers' imported them but they can't see the posts, my bad
Have a nice day then sir and have a nice reading!


No gaps in mine, everything is perfect. You seem slightly booty-blasted, anon.


glad you fixed the fanbox issue, almost gave me PTSD when it stopped for a day


It's only public posts lmao


I'm amazed we can test fanbox get it working for a few days only for it to die but we can keep patreon running like there's no tomorrow!


If you have to ask, you ain't ready.
Ok, thanks.


me when all my gay furry porn fanbox artist are importing all their paid posts:



Stop talking shit, paid for Fanbox items are coming through.

You can easily check this with a quick 30 second look.



Paid for tier 400JPY


Bullshit. NishikunSP was updated and it was only publics. I even cross-referenced with the actual Fanbox post IDs.


Senri-gan, Man i miss hum…😮‍💨


File: 1738554962216.jpg (80.86 KB, 666x800, 68735538_p2.jpg)



Fucking pervert.


Weak excuse, you shotafucker.


This place is weird.

>Talks about 'loli' art.

"Eugh eugh, CP, take it down."

>Talks about 'shota' art.

"Wahh where's me shota stuff?"


dude breathe there's no need to get so worked up


Is this site being backed up on the Internet Archive>


Only free garbage posts are imported. This site is completely useless.


so fanbox is only importing free posts now?


Unlikely fully


Check the date, the importer went offline and back to public posts at the end of the month. Every post from here on will be public until Meow restarts it or fixes whatever he and SA broke, like comments flooding 404s.


Paid, no. Public, yes. Contribute your key to spam all of your follows.
For better results, follow every single fanbox on a throwaway.


Also works with Patreon's free plan btw


You love them inside you.


How come it's not blacklisted lol
>blacklists some random biblefag site but kemono gets archived with all the CP on partychan too


File: 1738612546199.gif (60.64 KB, 360x358, fuuuck.gif)

>One pixiv import away from getting Dandi's folder link


Nobody even bothered importing tksand before the it broke again so I know how you feel.


File: 1738616589657.png (30.91 KB, 530x117, Capture.PNG)

bit of a bug with the kemono blacklist userscript. if one uses the search function within a user's imported profile a few times, it keeps stacking blacklist icons until one hard refreshes (ctrl+shift+r)


It's been about a week since DotF update. Can someone import it? Plz.


I refuse.


File: 1738655292595.jpg (47.75 KB, 750x772, WHENIFINDYOU.jpg)

Is there anyway to roll back a flagged post? Some faggot is striking several of my artists with no lol/sho. Meanwhile, known artists of that shit stays up on the boards???


Admin can you please add option to organize posts on an uploader page by imported date parameter.
Posts are listed by date created or date modified, but there should be an option to list them by date when content was imported into the system, so if an old post that was previously missing got uploaded for the first time to an already existing gallery that I have already seen, I would know about it, about the "new" content.


rest if you need to, you have work hard for us


Anyone else getting a blocked page with Russian text talking about how the Russian Internet Restriction Bill? Trying to figure out if it’s the site or I need to run all the antivirus


It's just you. Either that, or you need to move out of Russia.


flags are for reimports, used whenever there's missing data so that the post gets imported again. If it gets reimported, you'll get the option to watch every instance of that post along with the date of each import. If there's no missing data then whoever flaged them didn't know what they were doing, but regardless you have nothing to worry about (and should stop being paranoid, there isn't a secret conspiracy of shota/loli fans specifically targeting you).


I’m not in Russia, or using a vpn to make seem like I’m in Russia, which is why I’m confused as fuck.


kankurou is a good artist


kankurou is a good artist, but no one has updated it


Are you challenged mentally?


Well, they *are* using this website.


True, true.


>>51905 that's technically an observation and not a request, but you're banking a lot on that technicality


Where should I request?


You shouldn't.


What the fuck is going on with these? Why some of them show up fine, while others don't?



Are you in a country allied with or under Russian influence by any chance? Like Belarus or Kazakhstan or anywhere like that?


File: 1738752347804.png (72.22 KB, 819x677, Untitled3.png)


some fanbox did have paid posts like: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/11045087 for example

but: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/88630 didnt

this one only some:

from what i seen i conclude we only updated to 500 yen ones. i really hope i could see stuffs especially on second link one. he update a lot and missed since a year ago


i have an actual legit question. so for a long time now someone has been scrubbing posts from a reaction channel that restricts their google drive links, if your subbed to them u can access it if your not the link doesnt matter, so m question is is there way to bypass it and thats why the person been scrubbing their posts?(its been like this with them for years so they didnt change it) so unless there is a way that idk about i have no idea why someone would go through the trouble of posting theirs. if anyone has any ideas pls let me know.


Kankurou has been updated, but only with public content


Since no one said it, thanks for the fanbox tags and comms.

Good, working as intended then.


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Same issue trying to import from boosty


Is it normal to have only free content? Why?


kemono is back in top form


So what's all this about public-only Patreon posts? Is it just a handful of artists or all artists affected?

And if all then what's going on? Did something go wrong with the Patreon importer or has Patreon done something stupid that's either deliberately or inadvertently sabotaged it?


Is Petreon even updating? All the stuff I consoom has been stuck with no updates for like a week and a half. Not exactly a new thing for Kemono, but I'm just wondering what is happening now.


I found some weird anomaly with the updates from this artist: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/81970

It seems that this Artist's fanbox are updated a lot, but only the free part appears. But the weird part is that I found some of the paid post are updated. Here are some examples:




These posts are supposed to be 500 or 1000 yen posts in the FANBOX and it got updated in Kemono. And yet most of the other paywalled posts didn't get updated. It seems like the guy who imported the keys do have a 500 or 1000 yen subscription, but there were some problems with the importing. Do anyone has a similar problem?



I tried importing FANBOX for this artist, and I found it appear in Kemono,but only 3 post got imported. How do I fix this? Should I import the session id again?


The gigachad who updates Getdowncrazy's monthly MEGA links, do it again please and thank you.



Same case for my favorites. Some paid content is updated mostly the 500 yen ones. But some of others arent


>16 updates today
welp something definitely was fixed


for those who only got free version imported, do they have to reupload for the paid version or just wait


Today feels like some dam broke, so many updates, hory shiiiiiet.


And over half the updates only have previews with messages to check Discord…

How difficult is it to link Discord, exactly? It's insane to me no one has linked Dangpa to it.


So guys, who's willing to flag a few million fanbox posts so they have tags and comments on them?

Or will it be retroactive? So far it isn't and flagging this many would destroy the servers.


If an import only has public posts the import was a fanbox follow, meaning the uploader is not subbed to them anymore but has at least one paid subscription so the session key still gets processed along with all the old follows.


Are fanbox announcements being ripped?


Yay my favorite artist got updated after 11 months, almost, only free posts but I'll take what I can get!


I have a suggestion on how to improve everyone's experience on Kemono, and this might go a long way.

You know how every post preview includes an upload date, right? Well it would be REALLY helpful if the preview includes the import/update date too.

I say this because there are often times where people go and check out an artist page on Kemono and not know what has or hasn't been updated. The only way to know for sure would be to open *inhale* EVERY SINGLE POST on the page. Not such a big deal if there were a total of 10 posts, but a HUGE deal if there are 20 PAGES of posts (remember each page has 50 posts each) which would mean opening 1,000 posts. Even if one were to open all the posts one page at a time, it'd still be very time consuming (and that's before we even get to the risk of the PC crashing at a certain point). And that's assuming one were to check one artist's page and not that of 5, 10, 20 or even more.

Heck, there are other people on Kemonochan who have gone on about not knowing whether an updated artist had even been updated, or what was updated. If one had a super keen eye on an artist and kept a ridiculous amount of info on what has or hasn't been imported (I can relate), then MAYBE someone will know. But 99 out of 100 times, people don't.

As much of a lifesaver it was to include an import date on the posts at all, I know it only works so well because there are still artist pages where people need to go through EVERYTHING to find what has or hasn't been imported or what was or wasn't already there.

You MAY as well put in that little extra effort, it might just save people years of searching. PLEASE consider this! Thanks!


File: 1738914721189.png (223.9 KB, 839x433, スクリーンショット 2025-02-07 16490….png)


Failed to fetch from API because path "https://kemono.su/api/v1/fanbox/user/71144330/profile" doesn't exist. Reason: 404 - . {"error":"Creator not found."}
Status code:


alright then so either they have to resubbed or someone who bought the subscription have to import it
same here, i'm happy that they got attention but i'm still unhappy that it's just free


So how does the fanbox scaper work now, is it no longer automatic and posts need to be manually selected, or is it just buggy right now?
I'm seeing a number of artists where paid post ARE being imported, but only certain/random ones while ignoring others on the exact same tier, some just days apart from one another.

select 110 yen, 330 yen, and 550yen posts are being imported while ignoring other posts on the same tiers around them, and this is only happening with the imports made after the scraper was brought back, everything before they went down in june(?) is fine


does anyone know how to get those patreon vimeo videos working? looking to download them at least
many thanks


Import ID: 5bb1cbcd-4081-4cd2-b6bd-84c5fe7e02f2

I have problem with importing FANBOX. Kemono seems to be struggling to import from this artist:


Only 3 random post has been imported for some reason. Should I just wait for it to import the rest?


File: 1738943346087.png (486.86 KB, 1699x496, Screenshot_1.png)

Why some artists get updated and it's just some posts? Is this a way they found out to protect their stuff or is it the uploader's fault?


Most likely because it's only grabbing the free public posts as there are no people actively paying for that artist.


To the retard importing Tanquito, they've got their stuff kikewalled on Discord.


Updating their page here is pointless.


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I want to call them retards but just assume it's imports from people who set it up months ago. And also don't know/care if the site is working now.

Otherwise, yes, fuck those retards. So many moved to Patreon and yet nobody is linking their uploaders to Discord.


meow is a fucking bitch


I have a suggestion on how to improve every user's experience on Kemono, and it'd really help if implemented.

You know how every post preview includes an upload date, right? Well it would be REALLY helpful if the preview includes the import/update date too.

I say this because there are often times where people go and check out an artist page on Kemono and not know what has or hasn't been updated. The only way to know for sure would be to open *inhale* EVERY SINGLE POST on the page. Not such a big deal if there were a total of 10 posts, but a HUGE deal if there are 20 PAGES of posts (remember each page has 50 posts each) which would mean opening 1,000 posts. Even if one were to open all the posts one page at a time, it'd still be very time consuming (and that's before we even get to the risk of the PC crashing at a certain point). And that's assuming one were to check one artist's page and not that of 5, 10, 20 or even more.

Heck, there are other people on Kemonochan who have gone on about not knowing whether an updated artist had even been updated, or what was updated. If one had a super keen eye on an artist and kept a ridiculous amount of info on what has or hasn't been imported (I can relate), then MAYBE someone will know. But 99 out of 100 times, people don't.

As much of a lifesaver it was to include an import date on the posts at all, I know it only works so well because there are still artist pages where people need to go through EVERYTHING to find what has or hasn't been imported or what was or wasn't already there.

You MAY as well put in that little extra effort, it might just save people years of searching. PLEASE consider this! Thanks!


Look, the current situation is a nightmare, but it's one that could easily be solved. At least write it down somewhere.




That 3 month ban is gonna look so hot on you


File: 1739047399870.jpg (20.58 KB, 450x441, 450px-Creating_Bugs_Bunny'….jpg)



api exists, make your own tools to ease your experience like i have. 98% of requested features will most likely not see the light of day unless mods decide on their own


File: 1739065140130.png (186 KB, 2920x578, Screenshot 2025-02-08 at 8….png)

I just subscribed to fanbox artists just now.

I got the Fanbox Session ID like I'm supposed to and I checked all three boxes like I'm supposed to…

…So why does it keep restarting?! I keep seeing Fanbox artists updated so why can't I update them myself?



File: 1739067405858.png (549.92 KB, 2866x1364, Screenshot 2025-02-08 at 9….png)

UPDATE: First it actually updated some artists…and now it's back to restarting for no reason…




It's not a request, it's a complaint over quarter-imports (if even that).


>api exists, make your own tools to ease your experience like i have

I don't hold a degree in computer science, I'm not even a computer nerd in any way. How am I even supposed to understand what API is or how to make one's own 'tools' (whatever 'tools' means in a computing context)?


And what about the rest of the site's users? They'd still have to put up with it.


Importer tool is eventually going to need functions that grab content from external links/paysite chat channels/DMs.
Most paywalling fags have wised up. I'd say roughly 10-20% of my favorites still show content updates from patreon/fanbox. The rest just populate thumbnails and posts telling paypigs to check links/discord/DMs.


I realize this is a step away from asking the importer to wipe people's asses, but paywallfags will keep adapting to invalidate the site. I don't see a way to scrape emailed releases, but that's getting to be the logical but common extreme.


(sorry for my bad english)
I would rather let you realize something technical: digital watermarks.
TL;DR it is possible to embed some information into the pic without being visible to human eye.
When paywallfags choose to DM their contents, they may also use digital watermarks so that they know who leaked it.


Unfortunately, we cannot give you an ELI5 because as you might already know, creators import on the site and browse partychan too. Even Matrix.

Being infuriating enough to scammers to force them to either stop being scammers on support 'fees' or face the consequences is good enough. In case you didn't notice, there's about a dozen thousand good free/sloppily protected works for one good hilariously 4D-chess-style paywalled work.

Denoising is already being done. Primeleap cheap shit can't keep up with that so they'll need to slaughter their shart (I mean art) even harder.


adapt or cope you dont need a cs deg to program either lmao



Fun fact: CS degree is not necessarily linked to programming ability.
The courses in CS college can be learned to strengthen such ability, but doesn't essentially need you to really learn how to program. A real nerd who can only recite literal concepts can also won the degree while ending up mastering no skill.
Different from other knowledge such as mathematics and physics, software are created by human, and for human. You can expect its document to be readable and understandable most of the time.


shut the fuck up faggot

did you mean to reply to >>52029 ??


Right. I'm not quite used to such anon board… Sorry for misunderstanding.


How can i get my FANBOXSESSID if im using android? :'v


crisisbeat returned as beatcrisis
might wanna get his stuff asap


Just curious, how can a 'digital signature' be found? I mean, how could people who have already downloaded pictures from Kemono (like stuff from 2020-2023 etc.) be able to find, let alone erase such digital signature(s) for future purposes? I know it's somewhat besides the point but it could prove helpful should anyone post those downloaded pics anywhere online.


Also, whether to call this digital or not isn't clear. But do you know whether 'digital signatures', or at least 'hidden signatures', could include artists secretly adding a piece of text or a symbol or something to the picture itself? Like one that's visible if you open Adobe Photoshop or Premiere Elements and go through enough colour/light filters? That's something I've wondered for a long time, though the thought began with the idea of artists sneaking in secret messages or details.

It's an interesting concept NGL.


Artist may embed many things, but the one we care is identity of user.
If the information they embed is the same for all users, then it doesn't matter.
In this aspect, the most accurate way to check if such identity exists is to get the pic they published from 2 accounts and diff them to find what is different.

Considering what algorithm is used, it can be diverse on how to erase the watermark. For the less robust ones, even scaling or rotating can break them. For strong ones, there might be no way to erase if you have no knowledge of the details of its algorithm.
There may be some hacky ways, for example upscale the pic with models like ESRGAN can possibly break some internal pattern of the watermark and then make the watermark unreadable.


If you want fixed ways, I can think of one possible, but it can be too hilarious.
A fact is easy to find after googling: human eyes are sensitive to low-frequency part of image and insensitive to high-frequency part. So one thing about those invisible watermarks is always true: they are in high-frequency part.
A tool to remove high-frequency part may sound technical, but such a thing exists with a name we are familiar with: JPEG compression.
So you can save the pic with high JPEG compression and re-generate the high-frequency part with some upscaling/denoising models. You can try generating multiple times until the result is acceptably similar to the original.
I think this can be hilarious, as you can see.


You can install Kiwi Browser and install a cookie manager extension called MILK in chrome store.
Then log in fanbox with the browser and view cookie with MILK.


>shut the fuck up faggot
No. You shut the fuck up


Where the fuck are all these 503 error comes from??

Does dev push a last minute change before going to bed or something?



Let's be real. If it's a niche artist that does such fetishes, chances are their paid posts won't ever get imported, since rarely anyone would be subbed to said artist


its okay anon

shut up schizo nobody fucking likes you cobbler please leave forever already


If they take the effort to individually watermark every single subscriber's pics, they are scammers for real.

The steganograpy isn't magic by the way, the more robust you want it, the more noticeable it become.


It is possible to automatically watermark the pic with the id you are sending to and send the watermarked pic to corresponding id. Developer of importer can reverse-engineer paysite's api, then it's possible for anyone with enough grit on programming.
However, if a content creator is chad enough to invent such a thing, they can simply earn much more money by selling it ;)


Some posts have Error 503 API is in maintenance or not available.
Anyone else got the same issue ?


>error 503



>So many moved from Patreon and yet nobody is linking their uploaders to Discord.
I’m not fully certain that feature is even working right now. I’m not the uploader for either of them, but I’ve been trying to get one specific artist’s patreon linked to their discord for several weeks now with no results, when it used to work within hours (It’s Gram Goblin & GRAM CITY, for the record)


did something happened, some post have error 503 ?


Alright Kemono team / Meow / whoever's responsible, let's get serious for a moment.

I may have been the one who asked how to remove 'digital signatures' from pictures upon downloading them, I may have been the one who suggested Kemono posts displaying their import date alongside the original upload date in each post preview. Yet even I'm willing to admit those issues don't come close in severity as one which for one reason or another is conveniently ignored:

The situation with SubscribeStar and the absence of that confounded importer!

As I've warned time and time again, the longer SS isn't sorted, the worse it's going to get. And the artists on that site, those bastards, are now REALLY beginning to laugh at us all. Not just at Kemono users, but all who are denied access to what they host (including those who have a lack of money and/or have certain inarguable values that strongly outweigh the consequences of making those odd-looking digital transactions and/or are just in unlucky circumstances like more people than you think).

I've also warned time and time again that if artists on other sites begin viewing SS as the one 'pirate-proof' place then they'll pack up and move there, and Kemono will have no artist left to scrape. That future is looking increasingly more and more likely as we speak. Kemomo, kicking the can down the road is no longer an option.

Kemono, THE TIME HAS COME TO MAKE A DECISION. Kicking the can down the road is no longer an option.

SUBSCRIBESTAR? Or a KEMONO-SUPERNOVA? Your choice. Where do YOUR values and priorities lie?


The fate of Kemono, it's users, and many more hinge over this one decisive question:

SubscribeStar? Or no more Kemono / art piracy ever again?

Are you going to do something about that systematic tumour? Or have you already accepted your fate much too soon? Your future rests within your hands.



SubscribeStar? Or no more Kemono?


You don't sound grandiose enough, try more epic words, this will totally work.


think you're overestimating the lengths these faggots will go just to spite kemono. if someone's established on patreon, they have an existing subscriber base of hundreds or thousands of paypigs already lined up for recurring billing. starting over on a more niche paywall would be a bigger hit to their revenue than whatever kemono "costs" them, which is why they usually only jump the patreon ship when they're forced to because patreon themselves nukes the page.

even new and smaller accounts are still more likely to set up on patreon because that's what's mainstream, familiar and accessible. I only know one substar I'd add to all the patreons on my favs. be great to have even more importers, but this worry of a giant exodus to SS is not happening anytime soon.



Do whatever it takes with SS.


So what is blocking our developers? They transfer encrypted data through API and paints on HTML canvas so it is hard to rip? Or they used some enigmatic obfuscating like js-vmp?


Actually no site can be truly pirate-proof. They simply make effort needed to reverse-engineering unbearable to our dear developers.
However this will not last long, as soon as one day they have thought they are safe, it's our occasion to do it.


what makes you think you'll get an answer from the admin? they will never respond to the current status of an importer, let alone subscribestar where it is known that they ban your card info if they catch you uploading to kemono. last time someone asked about substar they just responded "meow"

also as the other anon said you're overestimating the amount of creators switching from patreon with their already established fanbase to a way lesser known alternative with restrictive payment options


>muh subscribestar it's kemonover
If anyone moves there they deserve to get scammed by the dodgy team behind the site. Let them move and laugh.

Literally this.

If you get this while importing it's working as intended. If you're downloading, download less often and less aggressively.


File: 1739291012414.jpg (298.52 KB, 1506x667, bug.jpg)

Articles posted at the same time by scheduled post are not stable in order.
The 50th post is also listed the 51st, and the actual 51st post is not listed.
50th: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/2848117/post/8590137
51st: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/2848117/post/8590127


Substar isn't priority today, Looking at stability of fanbox first and seeing how the very autistic ways of the importer are working, if no detection by fanbox then we will expand accordingly.

If you have suggestions on where I can find Residential proxies that are not paid get GB then drop em now.


wake up. meow cares more about trannies than about the site. all of his mods and staff are trannies. there will be no SS importer. enjoy your dogshit site with one week of working patreon importer every 6 months, but no community chat and no DM's


Who fucking cares? If you're here, you're here to pirate shit, not socialize. There are other platforms for that shit, so tacking on social media garbage has to be at the bottom of the dev-time priority list.

Projecting, much?


>doesn't know that chat/community chat/DM is how a lot of creators send the images, links and passwords

super nigger faggot that probably doesn't even use the site spotted. kill yourself


>Why would artists jump ship to SS when most of them are on Patreon and get most of their revenue there? It'll probably never be that big of a deal.
Until Patreon does something stupid yet again. Could be the whole 'top dog' mentality or a simple misstep, though no one can rule out the possibility of a catalyst.

Also >>51606 I completely forgot to mention the other risk, that being if sites like Patreon, Fanbox (etc.) begin looking to SubscribeStar for inspiration on how to render their own sites pirate-proof (provided nothing gets done about SS). Whether such sites are afraid of such a migration or whether they're just that fed up with piracy and feel the need to take greater action. Either way, the result would be a virtually un-scrapeable industry with no hope of beating them (at least for the next few decades). And for many people who may otherwise have no other way of accessing such art (and remember not all art gets released, let alone in a proper timely manner), this would be the last straw that would lead to unrest between them and artists and could even result in more people generating AI as a retaliation (after all you don't necessarily need to pay to get AI art, unlike that from an artist with no sympathy for their own community).

>what makes you think you'll get an answer from the admin?
I did. See >>52105


As someone who has been trying to generate AI art to try and make up for the shortcomings of all the artists who have spectacularly failed the majority of their own community (including people like me), I can confirm the risk of that scenario playing out is more likely than one would like to admit. It'd be seen as a 'way' of 'taking back power'. It'd be a shame if this becomes the norm in the future.


Just being curious, are there any internal/public git repos that I can try to debug and contribute?


Welp, so instead of arguing here why not open fanbox in your browser and press F12 to try to do something?




It's not as if people weren't able to upload stuff to exhentai and similar sites lol. Kemono is just a convenient way to do it. Scraping is inherently stupid and prone to breakage as reality shows, especially when the only one behind it is a retard


good on rejecting transphobia but you missed the point of the chat mention. its referencing patreon's community chat which artists use to send rewards which kemono /doesnt/ have yet on imports

shut up schizo


parts of kemono are open source (ex: git.kemono.su) but you arent going to be able to contribute to help really


I hate to pile on another giant "MEOW CAN WE HAVE THIS" post, but I think this issue is more pressing and potentially a much easier fix than bringing long dead importers back online. and it's an issue that's come up repeatedly including the most recent posts, but I have a different suggestion.

unless importing community chat is right around the corner, can we get shoutboxes? or something like the existing manual inputs for passworded archives, where diligent key pushers can drop links and passes being hidden in chat and DM. in fact, this could go well further in also fighting the fags who exploit the sluggishness of the importer by churning through external links and burying shit in old pinned posts that struggle to update even with flagging. could be a one size fits all solution across paywalls too, whether it's by individual posts or literally as simple as one text box in its own tab next to posts/announcements/etc.

BEFORE NIGGERPILLING THE IDEA, yes I know it could be crazy to unleash this feature on the whole site with a vulnerability to abuse. although abuse is already possible with the existing password prompts and discord importing, additional measures could be taken

—REQUIRE APPLICATION FOR THE BOX, NOT AVAILABLE BY DEFAULT. just the way there's a request form for linking accounts, except make the "Reason" field MANDATORY. require a user to point to the posts right here on kemono that show the necessity of the box, e.g. chat hiding, collection hiding, old pinned posts, link churning, etc.

—RESTRICT WRITE ACCESS FOR THE BOX TO REGISTERED USERS, at a minimum of course. it could be stricter if it could possibly be limited to accounts of a certain age or those with active keys.


and you can get more elaborate if you want, with revisions/visible history for the box like with posts, maybe formal moderation feature alongside. but it doesn't have to be. aside from the 2 measures above, it could be the most basic bitch text box. if it's actually true that "there's about a dozen thousand good free/sloppily protected works for one good hilariously 4D-chess-style paywalled work" then it should be possible for us to stay on top of spam/vandalism/sabotage by lurking paywall fag.

consider that it could be easier for uploaders who are too lazy or stupid to import linked discords.
consider it might cut down on retards coming onto partychan with hyper specific issues.
BIG ONE, consider that it would keep people coming to the site for new content when the importer inevitably breaks again.
and then there's the issue discussed in these posts.


interesting, but I've been worried about the more fundamental issue of key pushers exposing themselves through the text of their DMs. I don't know many artists that generate unique links/archives for individual users where we really have to worry about digital watermarks, but the exact wording of most DMs probably is unique. I'm sure there's been many instances of uploaders exposing themselves to lurking paywall fags in this way. my suggestion stands to solve this problem too, let's take away that extra lead from these fuckers.

TL;DR shoutboxes/manually input pass and link dumps, just for what needs them, read details before niggerpilling me. hope you'll consider it meow and at least give it a test run, none of it's ideal but it could be a real good fallback to kill 10 birds with 1 stone, with no real way for paywallers to circumvent.


Regardless of account age shoutboxes would be filled with "update drawscrappygraffiti" or spam. Anyone can log into an account created and never used or stolen.

Not much can be done when the whole thing runs on chaotic autism though it is worth a good laugh looking at content creators passwording their worthless junk through dozens of hoops when nobody even cares about it, only pretends to and just imports it to troll them.


*insert niggerbabble and X reasons why this can never be done because my parents failed me and all that's left are my tranny internet friends*


Hi im going to contribute to internet archive but im curious how does it work? I mean the importer take the recent posts of certain artist then import it? Or take literally all the available posts? Then put it in kemono?


It seems like the "added" property for posts in the /{service}/user/{creator_id} API endpoint has the value of the first revision(?), but I feel like it should have the value of the current revision, or is this done by design for some reason?

post endpoint (current version/revision 11): /patreon/user/3295915/post/121191221
shows: "added": "2025-02-11T09:20:43.053139"
creator endpoint (this is the latest post at the moment, so page 1): /patreon/user/3295915
shows: "added": "2025-01-31T19:23:52.419863"

The first value is what I expect to see, just like how it shows the latest value for "edited". It instead show the value for the first, outdated revision. If possible I'd like to see this fixed so I don't have to make an API call for every post separately if I want to have latest value for "added".


I've updated a couple artists today, and their new posts aren't showing on their index page, but if I copy ex the fanbox post id for their latest fanbox post, then change the kemono.su url to point to that latest post, I can see it on Kemono, but still not in the index. I'm not sure if it affects other services as well, but I know it affects fanbox uploads.


does fanbox have auto-imports now or is it still manual only?


It is auto


do you know how often?
like is it weekly or monthly?


Meanwhile Nekohouse is not working.


anti-transphobia, but still tells people to commit suicide, good job


I think most people aren't aware that yoy can provide passwords for locked zip files. If you're importing an artist that has password protected content, please provide the passwords, otherwise it's useless.


File: 1739557322491.png (114.02 KB, 1770x683, Screenshot 2025-02-14 at 1….png)

I'm trying to import an artist from SubscribeStar and I get this message.

Help? I used the session key under "_personalization_id". Is the SubscribeStar importer just borked indefinitely?



Has been broken for years.
Admin is fixing Fanbox at the moment. Rest assured SubStar probably won't work for at least the next few months.


Wont let me log in for some reason


Wont even let me log in


ai does nothing but harm both in what it shits out digitally from stealing and environmentally in the real world


suicide is a core aspect of the trans identity


Did the leaker responsible for posting Getdowncrazy's MEGA links get caught again? It's been a month since the last update.


nice sage retard i sure wonder why trans people harm themselves.. hmm.. ooh we gotta use more than 2 braincells for this one….. maybe because of harassment?


That's true in the way they commit suicide inside. By lying to themselves about themselves, and moving mountains to achieve/maintain that illusion.

Bad enough I already know someone who went down that road. Rocked with PTSD and other issues (long story short, she was constantly abused from a very young age), she had the chance to become a better person (and she was on the right track), but then the whole mid-2010s gay shit took hold plus influence from the wrong kind of people, and before I knew it she was gone (I still mourn over her internal suicide to this very day). In the event of physical suicide, the only thing she has left to lose now is a chance to wake up and turn things around, though whether she'll ever take that chance or use her condition to her advantage to make the world a worse place by spreading her disease while blind to her own fate / miscalculation / internal conflict with reality is another thing…

I'm willing to bet there are other people out there, even in other countries around the world, with a similar story to tell. You'll have to excuse me, this is the first time I've ever opened up about this after keeping to myself for years and years.

Pretty sad NGL.


Why dont they just goon to all this free porn, like nigga turn the screen off


Dunno what the trannies in denial are talking about up there killing yourself is stupid, on a more important note, since fanbox importer got fixed i've found myself with perhaps too much porn to keep up with lmao help but thanks meow for ur job and thanks to whoever else might be involved too


File: 1739613140679.jpg (92.63 KB, 720x960, GiD_s_BboAAQ_rx.jpg)


will the next priorities after fanbox is assured to run be "adding Newsletter tab for Fanbox and Community tab for Patreon"?


File: 1739657195886.jpg (36.23 KB, 1124x332, 0605.jpg)



Can't draw feet to save his life. Good riddance.


Slow import after error 403 , time to wait again


@meow any chance of adding unifans scrapper anytime in the future?


So I take it the importer is down again? Wild. It's like it comes back just long enough to import the past couple months of content and then it instantly goes offline for several months.

It's like a pirate ship sinking from cannon fire.


I'm seeing continuous updates. What makes you think the importer is down again?



The Fanbox importer isn't down. It's just that there isn't as much people using it than as much people using the Patreon importer, for what I see.


>nice sage retard
>i sure wonder why trans people harm themselves
bcuz the whole reason they're "trans" is because they spent too much time being groomed in the internet around people that kill themselves
>maybe because of harassment?
seems like they need more harassment because trannies are consistently the most annoying people you can find on the internet

your story is not unique. lots of ppl have fallen victims to the jewish tranny cult.


the only "lol" here is the fact that you watch this bullshit artist bro rape yourself
>imagine paying for an artist only for him not to publish what you paid for because some people are pirating it


stay mad ardidon. keep punishing your paypigs for liking your trash art. it's getting leaked no matter what.


Jewish? Explain 'Queers for Palestine'.


I want to ask if this counts as a request? Will they be banned?


probably watches for niche furry content, which is what the site should be intended for based on its name. ironically it's the polar opposite.



Any Telegram users here wanna DM Nkhoncho ( https://t.me/nekohausu ) to fix Nekohouse's SubsbcribeStar importer and import every ABDL artist from SubscribeStar to Nekohouse ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mO48TFPN-aGUIhFdYLV80iwAQf44TyDTC2udvRK85HI/edit?gid=0#gid=0 )? I tried using Virtual SMS for Telegram but I always get a Flood error or a Invalid Number error or a Banned Number error, and whenever it say "We've Sent a Code", I can't even see the Telegram code that was sent to Me (No wonder the "We've Sent a Code" page has a Monkey emoji on it, Telegram is run by Monkeys!).


The patreon has stopped again ? The artists who i like hasn't updated for so many weeks


Christ, you people are retarded.


Either the account got caught and banned, or the upload traffic jam are really bad, the updating pace now is certainly much lower then a week before.


Well, either the account got caught and banned, or the upload traffic jam are really bad, the updating pace now is certainly much lower then a week before.


you're both weird i hope you become better people in the future


Are there any plans for ko-fi, ci-en, or boosty?


You meant the latter and not the former, right?
>No, you go sit in a corner and think about what you did.
For what, knowing better?


Mate, I'd made a comment about SS a week and Meow said it currently isn't a priority.

BUT, he did hint at looking into it once he's sure the situation with Fanbox is all sorted.

Refer to >>52105

Maybe wait for SS to be sorted, THEN we can talk about who to import and what not. No need to put the carriage before the horse.


why are there so many people asking for a subscribestar importer? I haven't seen a single artist say they're on SS in years, and I follow a lot of them.


Why? I Just asked a question formally


Did it even occur to you that you could easily see for yourself whether or not the importer is broken by checking the Recent Artists page to see if other artists are getting updates? No. Of course not. Because you rely on other people to answer your questions for you, because you're incapable of answering questions for yourself… because you're retarded.


I Just want to know, why the artists I follow isn't updated ?


Because someone probably isn't importing them


Ok but why isn't someone importing them?


The fuck you mean why isn't someone importing them? How the fuck should we know?


Why shouldn't you know?


The import is constipated, after a bug fix few weeks slowed down


Damn, it's not hard to understand, guys. Imports slowing down is the natural course of things. After a long time without updates due to a broken importer, we received a great influx of imports during the subsequent days after it was fixed. Now, content needs to be generated, and some people who import stuff wait until there is some content to import or until there is a good amount and import at that moment.


This isn't a completely valid argument
The importer have auto-import function. Since last week there are more and more updating of original contents but without updating in Kemeno.
The rate of import is just lower then actual content production.
Either the auto import function is broken, or the account connected is somehow traced and banned.


what the fuck are you rambling about schizo


Gross. No


File: 1740003304572.jpg (19.32 KB, 512x512, download.jpg)

>paywallfag switches to discord
>importer links discord
>doesn't use the discord importer
>discord linked account blank


Since the importer is so slow, could someone post the Getdowncrazy MEGA folder link and password for February before it gets changed?


do comments on previously imported posts get updated? it feels like it's always outdated. can't ever access an archive on a page like moogan's for some reason.


File: 1740084961421.png (247.83 KB, 449x500, Untitled.png)

why does this retarded admin think a post will never get updated?

every post has a unique ID of 0


What does "Failed to fetch due to client settings." mean?


>keep punishing your paypigs for liking your trash art
what? I'm just telling you that you should stop watching slop artists that do this shit.
queer ideology is jewish. there are pro-israel jews and anti-israel jews. HAMAS is funded by israel. Al-qaeda too.
means something is wrong with your browser (example: adblock)
>retarded admin
you answered it yourself.


What's a residential proxy?


File: 1740193277990.png (173.77 KB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20250222-095040.png)

When will this shit finally be fixed?


>HAMAS is funded by israel.
Pfft, that is the dumbest load of dogshit I've heard. Also Hamas is actually funded by Iran.

>anti-israel jews

So you're saying there are Jews who want all Jews to go back to being a nationless ethnic group? Sounds more like something Arabs want.

Fuckin hell this place is full of Nazis.


Click on the Recent Artists page. Are there new imports? Yes? Then it ain't fucking broken.


if you're a zionist then YOU are the nazi here and you should kill yourself right NOW. After the inhumane act of genocidal terror you people carried out in Gaza for a full year, only a fucking nazi would be still supporting Zionism. Read the original texts by the early XXth century zionists, they knew what they where doing was colonialism and they were proud of it. Gross ideology that shouldn't have been allowed to survive the turn of the millennium.


File: 1740241963540.png (315.59 KB, 1280x967, 1355047123.kurohanna_kuroh….png)

>people get perma banned for requesting in 0.00001 seconds
>CP is allowed to stay for hours on end while feigning that there are no active mods
really makes one wonder huh what did jewsah/meow even mean by this? and now LO BEHOLD the superior eastern kemono fandom /trash/ seems obsessed with

magical tools for evading bans like im about to get sorry mate i just cant control the tardgasm anymore ever since (((they))) removed my board

reminder every aspect of the "fandom" is jewish do not let these little demonic rascals tell you otherwise


>also Hamas is actually funded by Iran
You're mistaking it for Hezbollah, Schmuel.
>So you're saying there are Jews who want all Jews to go back to being a nationless ethnic group
Yes, like they always were. Racial parasites that live off the gold and blood of the nations. They can't avoid it even when amassed on palestine, as the whole reason they're still there is american cash.

At least get to know your people right, what an embarassment for your rabbi.

>get banned instantly if random trannies don't like you
>importers barely work
>creators are suspiciously imported without DM's/Discord which makes their profiles basically like ads on the site
>admin doesn't do anything about the sheer amount of AI and other slop that needlessly consume resources
>admin acts with hostility towards anyone that offers to help
>he also refuses to make the site work logically and instead we need to rely on "importers" for everything
>everyone around the admin is an insufferable tranny
>cobbler is probably an alt of meow
>literally nothing (matrix, chan, site) works properly
Makes you think.


so lemme get this straight, you r*ddit typing retard

zionists are funding a resistance group to stop zionists from stealing more land?

zionists are dehumanizing anyone who supports the resistance group so they can be the only one to support it?


>So you're saying there are Jews who want all Jews

Most Jews were anti-Zionist before 1945.

Nazis killed most of them.

Famous quote from a popular Zionist in 1933, "Hitlerism enables us to convert all Jews to Zionism".

>You're a Nazi if you don't support wiping out natives to create room for a Jewish ethnostate


Also, meanwhile in reality:
- Zionist Jews waved the Nazi political flag everywhere.
- Zionist Jews were the only group besides Nazi allowed to operate in Germany.
- Zionist Jews tripled their manufacturing output in their colony in Palestine with help from Nazis.
- Zionist Jews survived bankruptcy with help from Nazis.
- Zionist Jews were allied with Nazis for seven years straight and only stopped because of American pressure.
- Zionist Jews refuse to open their archives to historians. Not even pro-Zionist historians are allowed near their archives.
- Adolf Eichmann visited the Jewish colony in Palestine to high five Zionist Jews.
- Nazis were Zionists because they wanted Jews out of Europe.
- Hitler praised Zionism in Mein Kampf.
- Two of the prime ministers of the Zionist state bombed the British and never attacked the Germans when Jews were being gassed in Poland.
- Hitler extended agreements with Zionist Jews despite being told by German nobles to stop helping Jews create an ethnostate.


>get banned instantly if random trannies don't like you
Cry more.

>creators are suspiciously imported without DM's/Discord which makes their profiles basically like ads on the site

Some creators may be importing their own accounts as advertising, but I think for the majority the more likely explanation is that a lot of the people doing the importing are kinda dumb.

>admin doesn't do anything about the sheer amount of AI and other slop that needlessly consume resources

Maybe he should. Then again, what happens when he decides the slop that YOU like is needlessly consuming resources? The fact of the matter is that people like the slop that you don't. This is plainly evident by looking at the amount of people who have favorited the artists you're complaining about. Kemono is content-neutral and that's the way it should remain.

>admin acts with hostility towards anyone that offers to help

Go fuck yourself you whiny little bitch.

>he also refuses to make the site work logically and instead we need to rely on "importers" for everything

What do you mean by "make the site work logically"?

>everyone around the admin is an insufferable tranny

Probably true.

>cobbler is probably an alt of meow

I doubt it.

>literally nothing (matrix, chan, site) works properly

The only problem whatsoever with the chan is spotty moderation. Everything is perfectly functional.
The site generally works fine. It has a few issues, but that's exactly what this thread is for: reporting issues. Just bear in mind, generalized complaining (like your post) won't result in any change, so be specific.


>you r*ddit typing retard
fuck you mean "reddit typing"? you're the one doing reddit spacing.
>jews are funding both sides
yes, that's their modus operandi. shockers, I know. it gets more shocking when you realize it was israel and the US that created and supported ISIS.
>zionists are dehumanizing anyone who supports the resistance group so they can be the only one to support it?
what? please ask your rabbi David Foreskinovich to teach you better english.


It's been about two weeks since Shirtaloon update. Can someone import it? Please. As well as this


to no one's surprise, the reddit typing retard thinks reddit invented normal typing


you're clearly a schizo

>reddit invented paragraphs, i am an oldfag, neo-4chan said so


>westerners created hamas because westerners created ISIS


hamas hasn't attacked iran once

hamas defends palestinian land against western settlers

it's a fact that westerners created ISIS

it's why ISIS has only been attacking iran

this is so westerners can steal more oil and influence arabs more while iran is being distracted

>you're a jew

says the westerner because you're spewing pointless nonsense to distract people from your crimes

i've only seen westerners accuse hamas of being ISIS ever since westerners killed their own people who were dancing outside the concentration camp known as gaza and then brainwashed everyone into thinking it was some palestinian kid with a rock who did it


>reddit invented paragraphs, i am an oldfag, neo-4chan said so
Dude you are the one saying I'm a reddit user
>westerners created hamas because westerners created ISIS
never said that
>hamas hasn't attacked iran once
and why the fuck would they do that? lol, it's like saying the IRA doesn't attack the USSR as a gotcha
>i've only seen westerners accuse hamas of being ISIS
I never said that nigger

rape yourself


cry a river gooner. my most sought favorites haven't updated in 7 months.


Uh I guess fanbox is down again.
Btw fucking hate when someone shares the Patreon but not the discord.


Zionists focused on the continuation of the Jews. Nazis focused on exterminating them.


Help me out here. Is this Kemonochan or QAnon or something similar in nature to the latter? Because this place is loaded with conspiracy theorists and wagers of psychological warfare. The sorts who'll probably do something stupid… again.


Of course, didn't you know?! We're planning to storm the Capital Goon Building March 5th to reclaim gooning rights to the public!


File: 1740320720065.png (701.32 KB, 1488x929, vw9wYH99sxA0wM9X.png)

Some of them are on their 15+ iteration and still don't show up properly.


>im not a redditor i swear xddddddd

you're a redditor

and you're a retarded newfag because you deny it and think behaving like a redditor makes someone into an "oldfag" because you're a retarded schizophrenic insecure piece of shit desperately trying to fit

>never said that

you did, schizo

>and why the fuck would they do that?

so you don't know what you're talking about

in other words, you're a redditor

> lol, it's like saying the IRA doesn't attack the USSR as a gotcha


>I never said that nigger

you did, schizo


>Zionists hate Jews, Zionists considered Jews to be feminine for not serving Europe, not leaving Europe and not massacring non-Europeans, Zionists worked with Nazis to exterminate anti-Zionist Jews, Nazis wanted Jews out of Europe, Zionists wanted Jews out of Europe, Zionists and Nazis were allies, Zionism and Nazism share the same origin which is German nationalism, the founder of Zionism hated Judaism

fixed that for you, shill


"redditor because said jews are bad"
genius logic. who would've known reddit got so based with the ages.
>and you're a retarded newfag because you deny it and think behaving like a redditor makes someone into an "oldfag" because you're a retarded schizophrenic insecure piece of shit desperately trying to fit
>you did, schizo
>so you don't know what you're talking about
>if you think US/Israel created Al-Qaeda/ISIS (known fact) you're a schizo but I'm right for thinking HAMAS is an iranian puppet
jesus. it's like i'm talking to an IDF keyboard soldier.

>you're a schizo because you made an analogy
damn. didn't know we had people like Schmuel Foreskin McRaped in this site.
>caring about who is newfag or oldfag to the kemono imageboard
consider suicide




you are a redditor because you're an insecure schizophrenic newfag desperately trying to fit in


File: 1740365231361.jpg (619.68 KB, 2156x1840, 1.jpg)

Found the Zio. Kill yourself. The day Americans decide you're of no use to them anymore, your "superpower" ethnostate will disintegrate.


Some of the recent import didn't import anything new


wrong quote man
>you're trying to fit in by…uh…saying jews are bad or something
>also you're a redditor because reasons
>also you're an insecure schizophrenic because of what I made up about you
>I'm the one calling you redditor newfag trying to fit in out of the blue yet you're the insecure schizophrenic one
jesus. we shouldn't have closed the asylums


Every time something is getting imported the following happens -

1. The admin cums on Cobbler's wife enlarged clitoris(might even be dick idk).

2. Cobbler's wife gets pregnant.

3. the fetus Hacks the Patreon server via the preinstalled neuralink in his 'Balls'.
4. One patreon Employee then delivers the drives with the requested artists data to Cobbler's wife's boyfriend .

5. Cobbler's wife's boyfriend then puts them inside the condom and starts railing his pregnant wife in front of him. Eventually the condom breaks.

6. the content is made available to the fetus in the uterus then he transfers all the data to kemono server .


Thanks for DotF update.


Does this count as a request? Will they be banned?


What exactly counts as a request? Why are these posts still alive, while others with similar content are banned?


sorry for the inconvenience, the trannies in charge are too busy trying to kill themselves so moderation is a bit lacking. when their prescribed SSRI's finally arrive at the end of the month they'll be able to perform their duties again.

i got this info through the boyfriend of cobbler's wife.


Got a login issue - my old password no longer accepted as valid, registering new account lets me login once and then it happens again. Might be something on my end but no other accounts/sites/services appear affected.


Get these fag AI artists out of the importer que and maybe the importer won't be off by 2 or 5 days, or maybe you fags will learn how to import properly


the problem is on your end, chud
signed, cobbler


Question is, at wich point will SS be priority?
Apart from Fanbox, what else is priorised? Might it be possible to get something like an road-map for what you've planned for kemono?


So, i figured it out. The login field was the issue not the password. For some reason it used to accept "Login", but now requires me to type "login". Why it accepts it once before changing it's mind is beyond me.

Thx for answering. Pity I can't axe now useless accounts.


File: 1740413991243.jpg (388.06 KB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20250224_170913….jpg)

ok, this has been happening for weeks, maybe even months now, so I have to ask. Why tf does the sidebar keep popping up literally EVERY 2 SECONDS?? It's genuinely so annoying, cause sometimes I'm trying to click on something, the sidebar pops up, and I accidentally click on something else. Sometimes even the log out button, which is the most annoying option. Is this just a me thing or is it happening to someone else as well? I have no idea what could have caused this, if anyone does, please tell me.


Got a question: what’s the worst discord server archived on Kemono, give me the worst of the worst.


Tanquito updated again.
Braindead nigger didn't get the memo that the goods are kikewalled on Discord.


>reddit types
>calls everyone braindead nigger

one day you retarded newfags will be gassed with jews


File: 1740438675768.png (362.23 KB, 872x896, zios pedos.png)











N2 server is shiting its self again


What the hell is up with the N2 servers?


works on my machine

skill issue?


Meow did say he's waiting to make sure Fanbox is sorted. He sort-of promised SS will follow at some point after, but at what point isn't clear.


I wish people would talk more about SubscribeStar and less about six-pointed stars.


That I know, anon.The question was more about the road map and what else we can expect. But nevertheless thank for the clarification. Some might have missed it.


you're quoting the wrong guy again bro


>i swear
>im not a jew
>hamas is isis
>jews control usa
>trust me bro
>i can't stop autistically replying back
>please eat my propaganda

fuck off, jew


n5 servers are now dead

great website, retard



Cobblers jew wife if funding with the servers again.


Wanna see me my dick? It's blacker than Trumps shit.


File: 1740517947796.gif (6.96 KB, 177x217, 62115 - SoyBooru.gif)

>i swear
not sure what you have against "i swear" but in any case i never said that in this thread
didn't say that either
>hamas is isis
didn't say that because this isn't true lol
>jews control usa
>i can't stop autistically replying back
you are the one replying to me even when I'm not even talking to you

take your pills, retard


Since Nkhoncho ( https://t.me/nekohausu ) still hasn't fixed Nekohouse's SubsbcribeStar importer and imported every ABDL artist from SubscribeStar to Nekohouse ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mO48TFPN-aGUIhFdYLV80iwAQf44TyDTC2udvRK85HI/edit?gid=0#gid=0 ), who wants to make a SubscribeStar batch/gallery image unblurrer site that's similar to Furarchiver?

I tried asking some people on Github to make a SubscribeStar batch/gallery image unblurrer site that's similar to Furarchiver, but they never replied ( https://github.com/GolgonMk-II ).


zionism is german nationalism for german jews extended to jews of other european nationalities.

zionism is a western/european ideology.

the other anon is correct. you are a zio because all you do is lie and play the victim. you've to lie to make yourself the victim by lying to people that you're being controlled by zios despite providing zios with infinite funding and diplomatic cover.

destroying the zio colony is a good thing because the west has sunk trillions of dollars into it and with it gone it'll provide iran with the opportunity to finally destroy the filthy sunni arabs and make sure westerners have to pay the actual price for oil and reparations for the crimes against humanity.

since i know you zios, now you're going to lie about european jews being semitic settlers, despite having adopted a literal nazi theory to justify genocide, settler colonialism and "hurr durr im not european because i've got 0.00001% semitic dna", and the results showed european jews have more northern european ancestry than levantine ancestry while palestinians share the exact same dna as people who lived in present-day palestine 8000 years ago.


Got a similar issue to previously where there's a bunch of uploads being skipped. What I'm looking at right now skips from 2/9 to 2/18 and continues from there.


what in the absolute fuck are you talking about? when did I defend jews/israel/zionism? did you read the fucking conversation you retard?
I'm pro Iran, you stupid illiterate nigger.


File: 1740534207037.png (237.08 KB, 534x300, 534px-Dark_Urge.png)

This is an antirequest: stop updating tojo's account.

He was taken by the bg3 woke mind virus and explicitly makes art of this fetal alcohol syndrome lizard. This pathetic sad attempt by a eurojank dev at a d&d dragonborn. Gay furry art is already terrible enough. Please stop. I wish I could pay you to stop.


File: 1740536479434.png (1.55 MB, 1024x1024, DU23.1.png)

>Why do some artists take forever to be up to date?
Ironically because of this site. They panicked and started moving their posts to paysite community chats, discord, or offsite. A lot of their paypigs just want to visit site and coom. All of that shit is a barrier to entry they don't want do deal with. So they unsub.

Payfags are their own worst enemies. Especially those who draw rule34 in western/japanese 80s-90s cartoon styles. The pressure to paywall is higher because their audience is smaller, and yet they are drawn to paywalling in ways that make it worse for everyone. Even themselves. Like moth to flame.



"Retard" thing aside, he's right. Some posts (but not others) between roughly 2/5 and 2/18 are missing.


To whomever updated Tanquito: THANK YOU.

>>52391 I've been downloading furry porn since you were shitting your diapers. Stick to the trending kiketard, politifag shitposting.


So is Kankurou


File: 1740618574773.jpg (19.48 KB, 306x386, Gh7BQDhWUAAn6e1.jpg)

rather get newsletter's from fanbox up than SS, "boo me" idc


ぷーぴー too


Failing import
Import ID starts with e4c37587-f434


Understandable. But I wouldn't promote "anti-requests" as they could be abused beyond imagination because there's always at least one hater for every artist featured on Kemono.

>explicitly makes art of this fetal alcohol syndrome lizard

Yeah I think that guy does need a good tap on the shoulder before we start dealing with art of fucked up offspring birthed and raised by women shot up on testosterone.


Idk what the fuck happening but everytime I try to download:
Paimin Collection Xianyun part1.zip
Paimin Collection Xianyun part2.zip
Paimin Collection Xianyun (No DLG) part1.zip

It always failed, only Paimin Collection Xianyun (No DLG) part2.zip worked like as I wiped my ass with my wet hand.

And no, definitely not my internet issue because I was able to download all zip from all posts except those files specifically.

The post in question: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/4113705/post/98688811

I tried something by changing the download server manually, like n1 to n3 or whatever, still doesn't work.

I guess the file is just corrupted?


Also to add it used to work in the past, I am re-downloading because retarted myself deleted wrong files



On the server, duh. See >>52401.


The issue is with the importer and has been present since at least the last year. There's no image on the server itself for some reason, but there exists the entry for it.


File: 1740672415184.jpg (14.58 KB, 128x128, icon1.jpg)

"the trannies in charge are too busy trying to kill themselves" >>52364
They have helped the site a lot, but some of the trash is stigmatizing minorities>p


File: 1740682784458.jpg (65.54 KB, 1173x656, a.jpg)


Fuck artists watermarking their shitty scribbles and making a cult of tribute paypigs.


The artist was bragging on discord that they are using an anti-scraping image file format for all the paid posts. So unless the admin devs intervene and make it work, it'll just be corrupted on here. The artist is not doing this image format on the public posts to avoid freeloaders from reverse engineering it.


Fucking shit-for-brains faggot.


>unless the admin devs intervene and make it work, it'll just be corrupted on here
As if those cunts do anything other than fixing the pixiv importer once a year. Are there any thoughts on the way he's encrypting them?


To whomever's updating Dewiedahrts, their stuff's Discord-walled, too, and the contents here haven't seen an update since 2023.


Anyone know why the damn side menu show up with every fricking move?
Also is it just me or does ggl drive links don't work?


Discord importer is down :(


File: 1740876441201.jpg (77.13 KB, 1251x438, photo_2025-03-02_04-47-03.jpg)

New NVMe's are in and results are clearly visible. more shit is going to follow soon.


File: 1740886850540.png (1.19 MB, 770x770, 9e4253ddc40040d4ca168ecd15….png)



>Discord importer is down :(
And here I was planning to use it in a few hours.

Somebody PLEASE keep us up to date on whether it's working or still down, that message was from 9h45m ago after all.

Let us know the moment it's back up.


Here's what you do: when you're ready to import, check the "Recent Artists" page. Do you see any Discord imports on the first page or two?

Yes? Then you should be good.
No? Then it's probably still down. Check again later.

It's going to be a lot easier and faster for you to just check yourself rather than wade through this board in the hopes that you'll find someone who bothered to post that it was fixed.


Very cool.


File: 1740916345740.jpg (210.57 KB, 1080x1806, Screenshot_2025-03-02-12-4….jpg)

the post posted today doesn't work but everything else works normally, is it something on my end or what?


It's working normally for me.


its that post specifically, everything else seem to be working>>52539


File: 1740955358844.jpg (59.26 KB, 681x508, 4141.jpg)

>Doesn't import the discord
Are these importers trolls or just retards?


Both of them.


n2 and n3 image servers are not working. was working a little over an hour ago. not sure what changed


never mind, was something on my end


Not foolproof.

Sometimes you can get 20 minutes of real-time results across those first two pages, and the last Discord page updated could've been 45 minutes prior.

Meanwhile the first two pages could have 9 hours of real-time results and there might be a Discord page on 'page 2' that might've been the last successful import before going down.

>Why not just look for the latest timestamp.

1. I'm not searching from 10 up to over 100 pages (I know this from experience) just to see whether an import happened in the last 24 hours. And,
2. Even if there was, it's still possible there might not be any results in the last few hours due to most people in Europe and/or the Americas being fast asleep (I'm from Australia if you're wondering), and that may be indistinguishable from having the importer go down a few hours prior.

So the 'Recent Artists' page alone won't come with all the answers.


File: 1740992098724.jpg (98.94 KB, 834x846, Gh9NA3ka8AAAxH1.jpg)

Even b4 the discord importing fumbling, can the fucking people importing IMPORT LINKED ACCOUNTS FFS!


Okay so it appears the Discord importer's working as of 8:37am UTC/GMT.


Seems corrupted indeed, flag it for reimport.



How long does it usually take to import a Fanbox? Is it successful immediately after importing?


It depends of how many posts you'd like to import and the size of them.


If multiple users import updates at the same time, will there be a waiting queue problem?


I believe so. I don't know how fast kemono can process data, but it'll certainly take some time with many users importing simultaneously


kemono update so fast now so nice


kemono update speed is so fast now, love it


we're back to only free posts now huh?


What do you mean?


File: 1741068048294.jpg (1.86 MB, 3008x3861, Thomas_C._Lea_III_-_That_T….jpg)

fantia and subscriberstar status please


Maybe the artists he likes only update free posts, like my favorite artist Kankurou



File: 1741117401882.jpg (161.2 KB, 729x729, 9e7d63c84bd163037cf4cd069a….jpg)

Status for both: deceased.


artists loading too long, server dead or smth


Any ideas in how to get the passwords for the dropbox links for this discord server? https://kemono.su/discord/server/1210613200874242158/1210614869154332722 It seems the importer is not pulling the passwords.


The 'artist search' and 'updated artists' pages are failing to load. What's going on?


They're loading fine for me.


Okay I managed to get the 'updated artists' page working, but the other one still isn't.


Nga wtf happened to the site


creators.txt doesn't seem to load in certain countries.


Yes! The gap has been closed! Thank you!


Site seem to load fine with us connection. Cant find a second country that also works


Any updates on Google drive links changing or not working?


Alright, I managed to get the 'artist search' page working again. Yeah it takes a bit of time, but at least it doesn't end with a notice reading 'failed to load'.


Does anyone have the passwords for 3dimmanimations?


I can't access files on n2 and n4, I see people saying it's client based, any common solutions?


I feel like Kemono has had fewer users since it was damaged in September 2023. Many artists are stuck in that period, like Kankurou. I really miss the time when different artists updated almost every day


Really, there are almost no Fanbox updates today



Mainly because many artists found out about this site, and either moved to like a site that the importer doesn't work, or added many hoops so that importers don't scrap their shit


I believe the peak was mid 2024. Nowadays, from 10 artists imported, 8 have content locked with discord, community chat, external sites, etc.


That was already the second update, because my favorite artist Kankurou hasn’t been updated since the first time, so I can obviously feel the difference, and then this time more artists haven’t been updated, which is a bit disappointing


I looked at Kankuron's Fanbox. There was no DC problem. It should be that no one updated it, which means that represents a decrease in kamono users


That's my point. Kemono is gradually losing its users, because is harder to import than before. People who like few artists are the first to leave.


Now I see the same group of people are updating. I feel so disappointed that I closed the website. I don’t know when it will change back to the way it was before.



Same. Especially with these paywall sites becoming tighter in their anti-scrap measures (I'm looking at you, Subscribestar).


i copy my session id from my 500yen fantia subscription and paste it into kemono.su importer page then press submit key but still after 20mins i still see status fetching and wait until logs load message so idk whats going on it feels like an infinite loop to me


Is the FANBOX importer still unstable?
As far as I can tell, the artist's Dropbox password should be in this post:

However, newest post was imported, but the post with the password was not updated:

The subscription amount for both posts is in the 600 yen tier
If the importers are perfectly fine, I would think they should be updated together?

This also happened to another artist, where a newer post was successfully imported, but this older one was not


The subscription amount for both posts is in the 500 yen tier

BTW, If anyone would like to share the password directly here I would appreciate it


fuck off retard

either buy the post and import it and confirm it doesn't work or stop embarrassing yourself because you don't understand how kemono works


File: 1741387330284.jpg (4.31 KB, 473x49, 4141.jpg)

>Hollonut updates


Completely failing to explain other people's doubts and insulting them directly

Ha great, that's why I love internet
You'll always find the worst kind of people in the human race here :D


You can try nekohouse.su for FANBOX imports. Maybe it's more stable than kemono nowadays.



Anyone? Admin help me pls


I swear legit artists do KP imports of their own pages now just to advertise. These posts always link to the discord/offsite/social chat pages for the actual content. And the actual content itself is never uploaded or linked.


File: 1741475941851.jpg (59.58 KB, 610x813, i-had-nothing-planned-for-….jpg)

Too conspiratorial to be real, too well-founded to be discarded.


It's further supported by some posts containing sketches or other low quality content they post directly to pages, but the good stuff is locked to offsite links. They are using the importer's shortcomings to advertise.


A few artists don't have the above problem, such as Kankurou, he just has no one to update


No one updates good artists, but everyone keeps updating problematic artists. I am getting more and more disappointed.


Interesting theory. Wouldn't be all of them, and I don't think all who put their stuff on Discord would do this sort of thing. But could someone out there be doing that? That would certainly be a form of trolling, second only to relocating to SubscribeStar where artists know they'll never be scraped (unless Kemono gets their shit together).


I waited months for someone to update the paid content for my favorite artist but I finally gave up and decided to do it myself, so I hope the people who also liked the artist I like are happy now


Isn't a theory, it's a fact. There're more and more artist's contents being locked in discord/chat/etc. And why do these pages keep getting updated every time? Some of them receive even daily updates and there're NO NEW POSTS.
An example: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/93809349/post/103192696
Look how many times this page was updated. The content is clearly being advertised.


why does N2 always break? even after the servers get swapped, it's always that one


Should start blocking imports by keys doing this. Either to deny artists advertising paywalls, or make legitimate importers stop importing ads/nothing.


That 'artist search' page is down again. It keeps leaving a message that reads "failed to load artists", with the detail section reading "failed to fetch".


Okay it's working now… again. Funny, why does this keep happening?


and by the time you unlock the MEGA, it'll be dead. Same for google links


fix the importer you dumb fucks


There are several importers. Which one are you referring to?


Good old legends like Sky Lounge Garden refuse to join social media and I support them. This means less people will hear about them though, but that's much better than Discord/Bluesky/Twitter cancer.

I'd gladly import all of those artists if Kemono didn't shit itself all the time whenever you push a session key.

(Using Discord as a safe space for hardcore content is also a great idea. Let the creators find out and laugh when it happens.)


I would like to ask if he only has Fanbox and Fantia on KEMONO now, and I have never seen his Patreon appear.
I often see people mentioning him, so is it because there is a problem with the import and can't update it?


Basically, I went to Kemono just to see if Kankuro had any updates. Due to current regional issues I am unable to sponsor Fanbox. I can only wait for regional restrictions to be lifted or come here to watch


Trying to import fanbox stuff (ID f88c68d1-a968-4d2c-80e6-*), site says nothing to import when one of the artists has a post from the 9th that hasn't been imported yet.


anyone found a way around itch.io's obnoxiously "mandatory" paypal requirement?


I don't know if this artist is a special case or if the restoration has not been completed yet. I don't remember seeing any announcement about the Fanbox restoration.



Can we please get rid of this shit, even if it's "ai-generated" it's way too realistic to a real child, probably based off a real child too


>probably based off a real child too
You could be right. Though it's debatable which part of that sentence is scarier. The fact you could be right, or the fact that sentence includes the word "could" as in we'd never know for sure if it's real or not, god you gotta love AI for it's presence alone.


seems n2 and n4 have issues with vpns, would explain why some people see em just fine while others dont on the same browsers


Next time you spot shit like that, you can report it. Click in the box aside of the post you wanna report, go to the bottom of the page, and then click the "Report" button.


So it hasn’t been fixed yet?


Don't tell me the site stopped working again.


It should be said that Fanbox is still in the testing stage and no one said it has been fixed?


File: 1741929630110.png (338 KB, 2193x1192, スクリーンショット 2025-03-14 14155….png)

Regarding this artist, the 1000 yen plan has been reflected, but the 3000 yen plan is not being reflected. Please do something about it.


File: 1741941046838.png (33.31 KB, 983x632, 123.PNG)

I was just browsing and found that there is an artist that cannot be clicked. Does this mean that the upload failed? It is obvious that Fanbox still has many areas that have not been repaired. I look forward to the day when it is really repaired.


Don't you hate it when something like this happens:

Looking at the post search page for most recent results of Coco (from Crash Bandicoot), found a really good post with a Mega link to 37 pics, COOL!
>But ANON, this shit's AI generated
Yeah I know, but this is some of the better stuff (and sometimes it's really good).

>Clicks on post, preview looks super promising, follows Mega link, opens first picture and having briefly seen the second pic before going back to the first one due to being distracted by something on my end (dinner, toilet break, honestly can't remember).


Alright now I can get to go back to my PC and check out the rest of the folder, can't go wrong with some cute Coco stuff.
>Begins process by clicking the right arrow to return to the second picture, THIS COMES UP:
>"The folder link you are trying to access is no longer available."


Not the GOOD STUFF! Not the GOOD medicinal stuff! WHY??


The 3000 yen plan has been reflected, but the ‹ previous next › part has not been reflected


Tell qidnujocmf.com to fuck off. You should probably know what I'm talking about by now.


When will the Fanbox importer be fixed properly?


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When you import Fanbox, you will find this sentence, so it is right


Everything has been in a test phase since 2021-2022. This is mostly a disclaimer so people don't bitch if they receive a warn or ban from pixiv administration, which can happen with literally any other importer anyway.

Most dafags and fafags are scum and will have their simps monitor their stuff when they're not doing it themselves, so expect links to die within hours at most. Kemono is actually doing it right with something specific but I will obviously not say what since said scammers (hello guys! wish you a nice social media termination, look forward to it!) are checking this shithole from search engines. Report them if they violate the terms of service in any way as retaliation and laugh (and don't forget to mail the cool companies offering them a shelter to let them know where they are damaging their image so they can take action).

If you know you know. They can't do anything about it and they will cope and seethe when it happens because the people who know will also not let them find out they already have everything including from certain places that "Kemono does not support", hehe.

All those scammers deserve to be put in a concentration camp with forced labor at nice weather conditions and while being malnourished or left starving/dehydrated. Helps people learn not to do shit again, just like cutting off a thief's hands or burning an arsonist alive and making sure they survive the third degree burns and asphyxiation.


Will there be any possibility of uploading subscribestar content?


do posts lose the flagged status if the importer tries to fix it but cant find a key? im trying to see if i should buy a plan for this artist or if the importer is being slow and not importing them from someone else


the cgshrines
yahoo adult groups
google adult groups
too many pre-pixiv japanese h-artists' sites to count
We take for granted on the stuff we collect. And when it's gone, it's gone. Kemono is no different. One day it'll be gone too


Were you even replying to the right people? Because that second response appears irrelevant.


Nekohouse idk if they fixed it though, we don't do subscribestar anymore here

Too many imports clogging up the importer, read the import logs. Also if you're done with a creator try to unfollow if you don't want to push public posts lol

A fellow person of culture I see, also yes

Nah was experimenting with ketamine and speed sorry

(not Meow, not SA, just another schizo)


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why is the same fag scat urine artists getting updated multiple times per day while good artists like hotate, nigiri usagi and others never see any updates despite people importing them?

is the owner into gay fag scat urine?


The people who pay for nigiri usagi just aren't importing it.
The gays you speak of are full of compassion and have a giving spirit.


>reddit typer
>baseless claims

every time


Too bad, there are artists on subscribestar that I would have liked to see, I guess that content will never come to light.


gonna be sad if the only way to get substar stuff is through some Russian hellsite.


whats the russian site


Does this look like a request?


slit your throat, illiterate piece of shit


I'm pretty sure it's just a request, but he's afraid of being banned. I've seen countless similar content get banned. There's no reason why this can exist.


ぷーぴー, this artist is also


How to tell if it is a request? If you think it’s not, then it’s not?


How to tell it's a request? If you think it's, then it's?


learn english, retard


I didn't say he was, I just asked, but you definitely said no, so I want to ask what is your basis?

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