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File: 1738496610549.png (118.45 KB, 945x650, a.png)



It doesn't work on my side. Do I need to do something special?


You have to be on fanbox, not kemono.


Is there a way to trick these links into thinking you come from fanbox?


wget or spoof referrer, it's not hard
You can even insert links directly on fanbox if you want and click them there


did you manage to get through?


>even insert links directly on fanbox
Explain Further


>even insert links directly on fanbox
Explain Further


I've been trying to figure out how to access these posts too. Hinosaki is probably the only one who does this


Tsukimaru does this too, really hope someone figures out a solution for both of them


>even insert links directly on fanbox
For those still asking, just edit the html using your browser dev tools.
Steps for the needy:
1. Copy one of the sakura.ne.jp links in a post
2. Go to hinosaki.fanbox.cc (or whoever)
3. Right-click on a link, like the pixiv badge under the name or whatever, and select "Inspect"
4. Replace the value in the href of <a href="…"> with the copied link. It'll be a pixiv url in this example, should be obvious.
5. Click the link from step 3 on the actual fanbox page. ez.


step 2 clarification: it needs to be the creator's fanbox page, not just any one


File: 1742586776947.jpg (37.67 KB, 1024x572, based_beyond_belief.jpg)

it just works, thank you anon


godsend. where do you even figure out this stuff


File: 1742945460706.png (277.73 KB, 1623x744, Captura de pantalla 2025-0….png)

I tried it with tsukimaru but it didn't work for me. I mean, I looked for a post on kemeno and entered the link that takes you to sakura.ne with the padlock and then I inspected the main page of the tsukimaru fanbox and pasted the previous link in the pixiv icon when editing the html and it keeps sending me to the same thing. Why would that be?


Based, thank you.
If only it was like this for those Patreon links.

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