[ b / kemono / coomer ]

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Kemono Development and Discussion
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>bring back arrow key controls so we can easily switch the page
>let us filter certain keywords and users so we don't have to sift through hundreds of AI garbage and diaper porn posts
>let us choose how many posts to display per page

there, i fixed your shitty site


- why do you need to "easily" switch between pages?
- "keywords" is not a thing on the site and "users" is too broad of a term.
- not gonna happen


challenge don't act faggy under each thread
difficulty - Cobbler


you need to kill yourself


You forgot unfuck all the posts so we can actually find what we import lmao

Please cease your autism, you are not kemono's official tech support.


I am not a tech support but I am in charge of the site's interface basically.
"Arrow keys" are gone because they were a part of pagination component which was putting fucking global keyboard event listeners on every page it was in. The post page survived this because it had this logic specifically for the page, not some component used across an entire site.
If the custom hotkeys ever come back they will be opt-in in a separate settings page. Naturally it won't happen until there is a settings page.
Custom pagination isn't going to be a thing simply because it's extra cache keys on server per collection per pagination limit with no meaningful gain.
So points 1 and 3 are out, that leaves only the second one, which is a vaguely-worded feature request.


you arent in charge of anything you flaming fucking autist the only thing youre in charge of is being the boards resident retard fuck off


>>52003 U r in charge of being the board clown dumbfuck .



what part of "let us filter certain keywords and users" is vague lmao


You can write an app that uses the API to get all the pages and then filter out stuff you don't want and output it in a format you like.
It might be a bit hard on the API though.


cobbler is actually meow


The posts don't use keywords.
If there's an AI post, there is not necessarily an "AI" tag to it. Thus filtering out "AI" would not affect it, thus being useless.

I don't have an explanation for the users part.

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