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File: 1739922492349.png (1.67 MB, 1300x1300, vxsnBZ30khqbcotHdiYcwes4.png)


So here's the thing, you heard about artists using Glaze and similar filters on their "free" art to cockblock AI learning, and I get the sentiment, I don't get too mad because it's free shit and to each his own yadda yadda. But how about the autistic retards who paywall this smeared with vaseline garbage?

Are these idiots really this hellbent on trying to stop an inevitable reality such as AI "piracy" in vain? What will they do when someone cooks up a good filter remover (there's already some) to remove the vaseline on their uglified for nothing (old) art? Do they even realize that?

Like open this pic and look at it, fucking disgusting snoot and saliva slobbed up all over it, NASTY! And you need to pay for it! KEK



He (Mikoyan) started doing this shit in November, when millions of NPC artists got spooked by da Elon Musk AI boogeyman taking dey jobs and shieeeet cuh

Post other artists who do this inane shit in this thread.


File: 1739922570832.jpeg (164.95 KB, 1200x630, 1BW2wFl72HGuj7civISfvs62.jpeg)

cropped preview pic who didn't get smeared with shit for comparision


why are u so mad bro, chill lol, is not that important


File: 1739994280525.png (830.41 KB, 1233x1080, ieslb.png)


>is aware that this non-issue will get circumvented by people
>still gets pissed about it anyway even though it's a non-issue
i hate having art look like i'm on drugs as much as the next guy but you're literally yelling at clouds that you know for a fact are just clouds


why don't I cirCUMvent your asshole, you stupid faggot?


holy shit, this looks really bad. imagine paying for this shit. I wouldn't want to see it even for free, it's insta-unfollow for me. these spooked artists are on a really bad path, because people would rather see other artists (or even AI) than have to deal with this bullshit.

paywalled content is supposed to be CLEAN.


btw, I don't know of any artists that do this, but I know some that put the retarded anti-AI sticker on their stuff. when they start with the sticker thing I immediately consider unfollowing. few good artists bother to do this, it's mostly the mid ones. mikoyan was never that good anyways and he decayed so much in the past 2-3 years I didn't even know he was still active.


File: 1740241142067.jpg (370.15 KB, 1200x1200, kraut dragon webglaze furr….jpg)

>retarded anti AI sticker
you mean pic related its from another furfag who wanted to getaway from xitter notice how the dragon is rubbing hands like the good jew xhe is while claiming to hate "AI art" suspicious isn't it? does this "sloppa" count as another example of webglaze smeared artwork

See >>50533
>As someone who creates LORAs and generates constantly and shares all kinda of AI generated porn… selling this shit is fuckin' nasty and lazy. Shit folks do this, and it's even worse when they do shit like this. What a fuckin' loser.
>I honestly wouldn't mind paying for it if there was a workflow or info on LORA's and models. Would make it worth it imo.
now this is interesting anyone know a good chink gaming laptop brand that can run LLMs well? i am currently learning deepseek with the very end goal of TAD (total artist death) and ensuring EEEVERY single artist in asia who goes the "furry tranime" route would end up going back to the streets begging like hookers they are


I made ai pics on a 980. If a 10+ year old card can do it your laptop can as well.


>I made ai pics on a 980
I'm sure they look super good.


Why would we even bother training 'art' from some idiot who can't even draw anatomy correctly when we have the current loras and models

It's also really funny to see artists complain about tools when they've been lazily using those exact tools to make things faster, yet AI is different than a script that literally does everything for you. Analog artists who never touched a computer getting depressed? Now we're talking, except they have little reason to be depressed if they value pen and pencil artwork - there is very little data of original paintings and the digitalization of art is unlikely to fix that.

Lazy shits with zero talent telling others they are not allowed to be lazy and talentless because they're doing it better than them and that's terrible.


CPU and GPU largely only affect the time of generation, not quality.


I still don't know how this works

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