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 No.38023[View All]

Gumroad did.
For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>36443
447 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Nah, I'd shill.

It's going to come back, trust.


Okay… at this rate, this thread is gonna fill up to its limit before the site gets fixed. Hope the Admin will fix the importers eventually.


>>Doesn't use meds

Admins were right. You soyjak retard statistics are too 4chanpilled to read.

For anyone unaware, importers are shut down (duh.) until they get more storage. Also, the kikes at Petricuck are working on a way to block imports. So, that's probably fun.


>Doesn't use meds
You should get some.


Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone home?♪


It all returns to nothing~
It all comes tumbling down
Tumbling down, tumbling down


why should I believe anything some rando says?


*needs a crutch



I got an idea. Delete all AI trash from the site, that should free up a lot of space :)


Y'all motherfuckers are real giddy to keep saying it's from the Telegram without fuckin' showing us a screenshot of an actual Telegram message
Admins needs to stop sitting on their asses and actually announce the shit on the board if they actually want people to understand what's going on


>>39010 kill yourself already you retarded degenerate


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This is the explanation everyone is given and fails to read, which should be worth an instaban considering trivial reasons already get you warned, never reset even after years and 3 warns are a ban.

People have been warned and banned in the past for trying to help people read or understand, now you can tell why you should not risk your Telegram account on this.

Don't ask or just go there, try it and enjoy your ban. It's your account, man.


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So today marks day 9 of kemono being off and over 300 messages have past with these days. So it proves that people are still complaining about something that is being worked on but could take a month but it is interesting how this chat has been for these 9 days, can't wait to see what happens in a month.


>complaining about something that is being worked on

there's ZERO response from admin and some deluded people still think they are working on something


if they wanted to end things they’d stop hosting the websites

you can say it’s to bait donations but i really don’t think a pirate site that never uploads anything can be profitable so if it’s still up i think they want to fix it


They said what is wrong on Telegram go take a look, also this post in this list>>38904


Also, people might have not noticed, but there were some small updates made to the sides. Nothing major, but why would they do so, if they plan to close the side.


I cannot acces the telegram,what is the reason?


I-Is it over…?


File: 1713722537637.jpg (12.28 KB, 381x371, Cockmongler.jpg)

Yes, it is over
You either paypig or wait for scraps now, it was good while it lasted.


bro add a fucking screenshot then


Well, since Kemono Party's importers have been broken since last week and Kemono Party's SubscribeStar importer hasn't been fixed for 2 years now, who here wants to use a Paywall scraper to rip every unblurred pic from every ABDL artist on Pixiv Fanbox and SubscribeStar?:











You're right. Maybe I should understand a bit more


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Nobody from the mods said shit, this isn't a mod, and the only "source" I see in the Telegram that has your wild claim.


"Oh man! Can't wait for this Kemono site to be fixed while I keep living a normal life and paying attention to more important issues and just time to time check in if the thing's been fixed up for good. My brain surely can't process the idea of moving on and patiently wait till the day this site's repaired, a day which will definetely arrive"


Gotta be careful with that.


Why is the pinned message so important?


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I will not jack off till this starts working again


you will never jack off again then


They literally will it's not gone forever until an admin says so


File: 1713752514590.png (14.98 KB, 554x772, image_2024-04-21_222136438.png)

>"instead of posting a message giving an actual reason as to why the importers are down, i'm going to show you that the admins are being as pissy as usual"
>"this, of course, is proof that the admins are working on something"
>"ignore the fact that this has no information, because, well, it simply doesn't matter. so why should you care? it just doesn't matter you see, as it doesn't affect you personally!"


Some older posts do not have their files in the API JSON. Instead, there are URLs to the images in the content part of the JSON instead of being attachments. For example, post
works fine, but post
does not. Here are the JSON URLs:
I have tried to flag some of these broken posts, but they seem to be reset later.


Did the server exploded?


So they're going to hide the news from Kemonochan while putting it on a dodgy Russian website only a few people would dare to use since no one in their right mind would risk using such a dodgy medium.

And instead of bringing the news to Kemonochan they're just going to backstab us by making ridiculing us for our confused reaction over not being informed and threatening to ban us for it. Where's the respect?



Is this true? I'd like to see an admin show up and verify that.

I'll say that again.



Well, eventually they will make a new issue trend when this one gets filled. That will show if they are actually listening to us right now.


maybe the admins all wimped out and decided to stop posting here because they couldn't handle being criticized all the time


Are the people bitching about this new? Like is this your first experience with this site hitting a roadblock? This happens like 4 times a year and the site still exists.


tumbling down
tumbling down
tumbling down


I won't be surprised at that given how many of us are doom posting and complaining. Especially since they stop the request thread for similar reasons.


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You know everyone here believes it's the end of the world because kemono which gets updated like every game, website, and phones, but apparently people can't go a few weeks without saying kemono dies and I have a atomic bomb in my backyard and it will go off if kemono doesn't get fixed.


damn you’re right, my life is going to be ruined by the 2 minutes every week i spend checking, it’s so fucking over


Just calm down, I am thankful to the admins for having this site working for so long and I hope it will work soon again.

It's for free and thats how it has to be treated. Patiently and supporting, not pissing off the admins with dumb assumptions and questions.

I would also stop communicating to those dicks here if I would read that shit and if I would feel like it is not worth it anymore because people are not thankful a single bit and cannot show this with rational and respectful messages, I would fix shit and do something else that feels more rewarding.

This demanding tone people have online is disrespectful and toxic. You won't get shit if you keep talking to someone like that.

These are people who do this for fun and maybe some little bit of money from donations. I guess.

If you treat them like they are your slaves and that they don't deserve normal and friendly communication, everybody would just stop.

Most communities like these do this to themselves.
Yes there are asshole Admins, but I assume some of them just get transformed into this silent operator that might disappear if you are unlucky…


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I'm all for supporting people who do stuff for free, and I agree yelling at them right here is a bit stupid, however, you're a fucking crybaby faggot if people being angry that something that used to work doesnt work anymore "upsets you" because "you're not getting praised enough"

you should do good things because you want to, not for praise or "thanks", you autist freak, when im dumping a manga on 4chan, and i fuck up, do I expect people to go "awww little baby boy its ok dont worry!!" no, i dont, when I'm hosting a video game server for people to play on, and it goes down, do I expect people to be nice? no, i dont, because im not retarded, do I expect thanks when both things go well with no issues? also no, because i'm not retarded, if you do good things purely for praise and recognition, you're actually subhuman


>until an admin says so
What admins? They all abandoned the site since it's dead. No one is going to say anything shill.


When will posts be updated? The last post is from 05-04-24




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This guy's got a point. Partychan is just a hate/shitsink for all retards, screechers, and coomers.

Here. If it's not enough, hop on the Telegram, go through a seconds long process of getting in, and use the search function for words like "importer" and "space". These were easy to find.


How about uploading epub to z-library


I really hope this site gets updated soon.. it was honestly my favorite site of all time

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