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 No.45217[Last 50 Posts]

Due to lack of a better subject, lets talk about taco's

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>44152


>we have a right to know why the service is not functioning correctly
You have the right to go fuck yourself.
>they owe us an explanation
I owe you nothing.

>Maybe you could try an exh@home type thing where users can volunteer to be a proxy and get you a wider pool of IPs.
Voluntary botnet? Kek look at "free" vpns.

I ate a can of peas today and that's about it.


Another month gone, and still no updates.


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>Importers died for like 2 and a half months last year, around the same time too
>Retards still think this year is gonna be any different and it's gonna come back soon


someone has suggested that you may suffer from lack of storage problem >>45220

how does running your whole infrastructure work? is there any way to support you?


the existing scrape would be easily blocked because it always comes from a single IP, if you change IP, it can be easily blocked because it keeps coming from datacenter IPs.
The ex@home solution wouldn't help because then they see the user is accessing the site from 6 different locations with 5 different devices/browsers.

Anyway, is it possible to look into the existing importers code somewhere?


>check in again
>still not up
see you guys next week, hope you have a good day


> For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

not like theres any LOL


We only have one (1) admin, and he's kind of a bitch so yeah…



You mean a fucking dickhead.


Well yes, the service is being moved to a place with a shitload more storage if I'm reading the telegram announcements and issues threads here correctly


>For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

for what purpose when importers are already fucked ?



You owe me dick daddy.

Please make it so we have more ai slop my nigga.



But it's not a bug.


He's our only admin and I'm not one.



But it's not a bug.


He's our only admin and I'm not one.


fix it, lazy tards


I hope there's SOME progress going on. Because otherwise this place will end up as miserable as Twitter (yeah I know it's called 'X' now, but you get the point).


>Requesting is NOT allowed.
Not that we could anyways chump.



AI slop is the best slop.


do you have anything better to do with your time? i check the boards for an update about once every week and you're still here


Catman who pissed in your drinking bowl ?


admins being whiny useless assholes as usual


reads like
>kemono owes us nothing except the stuff I chose for reasons I pulled out my ass
Cumbrains get so fucking entitled when they can't get their fix

There were some news around, it's being worked on. That's good enough for me.


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>importers down, offline, no one is getting any info and almost no one knows what the fuck is going on because of it
>admins would rather tell random leech nobodies who probably don't give a shit about them to go fuck themselves instead of fixing importers, giving updates, etc., wasting their valuable time
we're truly living in the endtimes, aren't we?


Because obviously being an admin immediately implies having the knowledge to fix importers.

I bet you'd walk up to a sysadmin and unironically ask 'em to fix your toaster.


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At this point it may actually, unironically be over.
Thank you for your service Kemono. You were better than Yiff ever was. But in the end, it seems the jews always win.


Well then why don't they just egt people to fix it then? There are probably plenty of people who use this site who'd be willing to pitch in?


Sooo…. Patreon does the Cloudflare "Are you a real person" check now.

Not sure what that does, the days of captchas are over (and there was a headline two days ago that AI solves all captchas 100% now). Now the (probably also always adapting) Cloudflare check has to be passed too, before even getting to Patreon.


I dunno, why don't you just go to the local grocery store and pick up someone willing to write up a patreon scraper for you?

Drop the dick from your hands for half a second and use the brain that's allegedly inside your skull


Mmm, tacos
Sex with little girls
Sex with Yuuki Kataoka

It's like people who go mods = admin

>turnstile "challenge"
>lmao even


Meow loses his cool, it's so over


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Seems like the admin is getting tired of your bullshit AI. He deleted all the files you posted my boi.


>admin/mods(?) finally giving a shit and cleaning the boards up
Uhh, based?


i'm trying to import something with discord. but i'm getting too much log. do you know what's going on?


Well there hasn't been any discord update either since the 27th and there was some talk of server movement being in the works so… shot in the dark, they pro'lly pulled the plug on that so they can do whatever they need to.


>and he's kind of a bitch so yeah…
That sounds a bit disrespectful


You're right. No updates at all.


I guess, I'll wait 'till Halloween before giving up on the site. Michael can have the hope for kemono's survival then.


i wish there was a way to know you're in the good times before you actually leave them


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I still believe in this Kemono. I still have hope.


stuck import

ID: c1691290-f6fe-49df-80eb-911b83357be3

submitting key says "already in progress" and redirects to log page, which just sits there doing nothing

earlier in the month attempted imports all resolved quickly, but gave an inaccurate message saying that I either had no active pledges or there was no new posts

attempted to check status page and got a 502 error


Wow it seems everything is fucked, I don't mind it though I can always rely on good ol' AI generators to make my porn the way I want it without having to pay lazy assholes that may or may not do a weekly update for whatever the shit they might be drawing at the moment always making excuses with the classic "IRL stuff". Honestly lads why tf aren't you moving on, stop being miserable and let this dump of a site die for good. Ah, one more thing, most if not all paywalled content is eventually released after a few months by the same fuck-ups that create it, so just be fucking patient you coomers.


> You heckin need the right people for the right job
No shit, Sherlock. And you want to call me an idiot when your running defense for people who don't know what their doing




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Had to reset my Samsung internet.


i don't want to leave kemono. i just want to hope that it will be solved. because i am very sad because i was hit by a motorcycle. and i am injured for a week. i understand that the discord impotations had been stopped because they are preparing to move hard disk in the server.


Geez dude get better soon


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C'mon bro, your better than this. You don't need to mimic a cement eating retard like Cobbler to get the point he's a nuisance


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>"Gee, why don't you [completely retarded and braindead impossible scenario that is obviously made just to make the anon's point bad]"
>proceeds to project because you can't do it either


>fails to register that the impossible and exagerated scenario is made to be stupid on purpose as a highlight of how stupid the idea of "just get people that can fix the thing" is
>is too cumbrained to notice the second part was a more stinging way of just calling people cumbrains for coming up with that idea I am mocking


There are so many coders out there right now that don’t have a job because that field is so fucking filled with people these days that they honestly could just fucking get someone to fix it if they took more than a drunk afternoon to look.



Man I was just checking artists over and over for updates, had no clue that imports had gotten fucked lmao


I think part of it is anyone with the skill isn't here as even those peeps still have the money to get the porn content they want (or just settle for the stuff they can get freely of f95 and the hentai aggregators sites that arent totally fucked).


I'm new to the party, can someone please tell me why importers are down. I can't find an official post anywhere telling me why.


can someone bring back memoryhole as back up? The last time the importer stopped worked it took months to get that fixed in 2021 to 2022.


>2 and a half months
you mean 7?
cause it was 7


Why are people so toxic to you guy? It doesn't make sense. This community is filled with rats.


Anyone else get the feeling Kemono's just been getting murdered?


No new/updated artists on Kemono in over 48 hours.


Doing good work here. Sucks the importers are fucked but the internet always finds a way eventually. Stay patient my friends.


Motherfuckers, when will you fix the fucking importer? It's been like a month since the breakdown.


New site when?


No one here including me is an admin. Deal with it.


>Why are people so toxic to you guy?
I don't take disrespect from anybody in this forum. Be strong.



And I'm black, making me a nigger.


Hard tacos are actually Dorados, and soft shells are better because hard ones crack.


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Are you ok janny?


Very funny.


Not to be a dick, but I think the admin is working on the stuff. It’s just that he’s likely fed up with everyone pestering him about when the importer will be back up, and frankly, it’s understandable why. I’m sure we just need to wait until things are fixed, so y’all need to chill. Jesus Christ.


Hey Meow, the Fansly importer is broken on Coomer.

If you could fix it or just get somebody to fix it, we'd love you 🥺


You think timegating is bad? There's much worse out there. But you're definitely right, it's absolutely not worth it either way.


if many people say that the discord importer is working? why there were no more updates for days?


Hopefully the Patreon DMs importer will be fixed as well


Yeah because posting a simple "we are working on the importers" in the main page is MUH TOO HARD PLEASE DON'T BULLY ME
I swear people nowadays are even worse than faggots


>Yeah because posting a simple "we are working on the importers" in the main page is MUH TOO HARD PLEASE DON'T BULLY ME
Maybe because they aren't?


kill yourself nigger trash


Amen to that.


I was trying to get kemono to adapt. and suddenly the ddos guard charge came up. it looks like kemono is doing something. and i was worried that he had down




is a taco a sandwich.


>stuck import
Stuck import but it's not a bug


the same thing is happening with the discord importer. because for 3 days now nothing has been imported from discord. and i would like to know if it was broken. or not. or maybe stuck.


dunno where to ask this, but Im totally new here, and wanted to know what exactly the importer does, and if uncle sam is gonna screw me :^(


like, I wanted to correct some issues with some creators that are either not on kemono, or simply super outdated. I hear there's some issue with the scrapers..?


The site is in archive-only mode sicen 27th this month


My imports have been stalled for 4 days. :\
Import 1: d4d5a00a
Import 2: 44f0fc63


If my solution is so dumb, then what do you suggest they do? The way I see it it's the only practical way out of this situation no matter how 'impossible' it may be


I prefer burritos to tacos tbh. That said, homemade gordita or crunchwrap type meals are good. I don't eat beef, but I like a good chicken taco. Crunchy tacos are good, but a bit messier to eat, so I'll eat soft tacos at home.


Great point, buddy.


thanks because now i don't know if the discord importer is ok or broken. because it hasn't been imported for 3 days and a half.


Keep it broken. It doesn't deserve to be brought back with all the issues it's caused.


meowman or bui, who's darker


>Week passed
>Still not fixed

Ight then, see yall next week, take care and be nice to each other for once till then




Even if Kemono goes the way of yiff.party, I hope it stays up as an archive so others can still view it in the future, since a lot of content is patreon exclusives.


Already October and not a single update yet. Hope we get an ETA soon.


I don't want to say, but the show here is more excellent than upload.
When the importer gets fixed, it doesn't matter.
Exhibit the variability of human nature is more fun, don't stop.


i guarantee this is what's happening, but people are too fucking retarded to grasp that Meow can either waste time giving everyone an update on what's happening, or he can fix the issue

tell me, random person that's going to come into this thread and bitch that the issue isn't fixed, do you want Meow to fix it? or waste time NOT fixing it to tell us that's its a work in progress

that's what i thought

as Meow said, "i owe you nothing, go fuck yourself"



It costs less than 30 seconds to make a post. For people that are perpetually online, you fucks sure are a lazy bunch.


No new/updated artists on Kemono in over 72 hours. Hope things get fixed soon enough.


now multiply that by however many morons bitch about an update, rather then looking first, there goes several hours wasting replying to each and every one

calling people that visit this site "lazy", have you looked in a mirror lately?


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Why not a sticky announcement?


It would take 3 seconds to add "Patreon importer is being worked on." to the OP here



It would take ZERO seconds to just wait what's going to happen.


Can meow even code? Because if he can't, he's not fixing it


>Keep it broken. It doesn't deserve to be brought back with all the issues it's caused.
That's not a good idea, buddy.


How do we know what’s going to happen if there’s no information?


Doesn't matter if he can or can't code anything



No information???

You see if the website works or not, if it's up or not, and that's the ONLY thing that's of any actual actionable use to you!

You have ALL the information you actually need! The rest is just entertainment and wasting everybody's time of bored people.


Go back to reddit you boot-licking reddit nigger


Does anyone know if it's possible to import on mobile? And if so, then how?

I'm subbing to an artist on Patreon and I wanna know incase the importer gets fixed this month


>Even if Kemono goes the way of yiff.party, I hope it stays up as an archive so others can still view it in the future, since a lot of content is patreon exclusives.

This, not to mention that Kemono is also archiving a lot of stuff from patreons which have been deleted for a long time now. Not to mention gumroad which did a full porn purge.


Kemono only archives images that are directly uploaded to Patreon or other sites, and some artists put their shit on Google Drive or MEGA instead, and those get regularly purged so it isn't like the scraper can do everything.

If people weren't lazy niggers they would back that shit up and then post the archive elsewhere.


Should turn on the Gumroad importer again, a bunch of artists are getting around the porn restrictions because they're providing "educational" content such as the teaching of how to draw this stuff.


Will the Discord importer be sorted anytime soon?

I want to import (well, update to be more precise) two Discord artists. Yet, it's been over 4 days since the last Discord artist was added/updated. I know the Patreon importer's been down, but what's the go with Discord?


>Still not a single sticky with the words "we are working on a fix"
Holy shit that meow guy is either a lazy bastard or a retard that can't fix shit.
Hopefully this sites gets more people that want to actually work on it.




Hopefully leechers vanish from it and go leech elsewhere

Online according to Telegram, probably clogged by all the retards

Would be funny if gumroad was on with everything else off lmao

Amen. Especially when they have their work cut out for them and all they need is reshare the archive. Imagine going wrong with that one step.

I sense cunny deprivation


I literally have 6 artists on fanbox right now that havent been updated since 2023, with Kemono I only needed to push one button to share all of that.
My only option right now is wasting 2-3 days downloading everything and uploading it to sadpanda
… just the thought of that stops me from sharing it…
I wish this site would get fixed


Bcs there's something called Patreon exclusive content, and some people just don't like filthy AI slop?
I'm not even here for the porn that much, I'm here for the webnovels lol. That type of content can never be replicated by AI with limited memory limit and lack of true imagination

Btw, new here, why's everyone being a bitch? Are y'all suffering from pre-nut frustration after not getting your fix of porn or smth?


>Instead of fixing the service the faggots who run this shit are busy bitching at people calling them incompetent
Wonder why the site is dead!


There's some Discord imports. I guess it's working again.


Please remove all the AI slop and 3DPD shit from kemono and move it to coomer where it belongs.


Someone's going to fall off their chair when they get shown their webnovel was rewritten from NovelAI/ChatGPT output lol

Not everyone is here for the porn indeed but people still are here to either share stuff they paid for or download stuff others did.


No. Fuck that


For short stories, maybe. But that definitely won't work for series that have ongoing plots lol.

But my point is the same. People can't pay for some reason and even after waiting they won't be able to get it, so the site has its uses.

And if someone even bothers to find good AIs and write out detailed prompts just so that they can jerk off to the produced images, who are they to decide what others do with their time?


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The AI slop will go away when people stop paying for it.


most of the imports of that shit are probably done by the author begging for money from their slop, to use as a "sample"/advertising dump


Paying for your own Patreon and then importing it into Kemono seems like not a very good way of growing your Patreon following.


Amen to that, brother


There's more Discord imports. Here's to hoping we get Patreon updates soon.


Kinda agree. You should be able to subscribe without payment, and the importer scrapes Patreon content (You just need to subscribe to the creator)


Yeah, whatever. No admin is going to help you. Get over with it.

Also it's not a bug either


Maybe you're right.


Many artists actually do this. There were some that were disappointed when the Subscribestar importer died so they couldn't import their own stuff. Think Bizymouse was one of them.




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Get out


Soft shell tacos are better than hard shell tacos.


i prefer taquitos imo


Yeah, well, I prefer big girl cocks with cheese. Now fuck off like the gay mod told you to do.



Y'know, that's fair, but when I tried em I didn't enjoy the taste nor texture. Hope the next taquitos you have are good :D



Admin does not like THE TRUTH.

Picture showed shepherd dog fuck sheep.

The site has no problems hosting far, FAR worse.


What happened to this website, man.

I can't not say anything anymore. This is just being lazy for the sake of being lazy, simple. How does this benefit anyone?

They're being lazy to fix the issue with the Patreon and Fanbox imports. Due to this, few and few people can't import and less people check the website so they lose more money.

Do better.



People will always check back unless there's a better alternative, the only way they lose any real money (not ad slop money) is by losing confidence in their donators, or an alternative website outpaces kemono.

That being said, there really needs to be more effort in being transparent with the public on what's taking so long. Donators lose faith otherwise.


shiggy diggy. imagine giving money to a furry faggot in a cat suit.


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>>we have a right to know why the service is not functioning correctly
>You have the right to go fuck yourself.
Okay nigger, any way we can help? Some people are programmers and can donate.
>no response
Okay, let me try joining the telegra-
I hope kemono dies, then.


I mean, if the importer doesn't work, don't support the site, that's basic


If you are programmers, why not build a new one.
As above, admin of this site is rude and has no willing to fix the importer.
Why give the key to a rude man,and mind your language, hope someone who fed up with this admin build a new one.


>Some people are programmers and can donate.
I was wondering the same thing. I'd be willing to familiarize myself with how the importer is supposed to work and what's blocking it.


So, how can the owner of Kemono pay for server hosting but not for developers?


funny you say that, the site just went down as of right now


calm your tits, it's having a flaky connection but it's working


So the one admin on the site is a Furry? That would explain why they can't communicate and act like a normal fucking human being. God I hate furry retards


It has auto-pay


oh you sweet summer child
have I got bad news for you

A massive portion of high level IT people are furries.
I don't know how it surprises you that this site also has furries.
Ever wondered what kemono means?

There's a bit of overlap between people obsessing over furry stuff and also obsessing over other esoteric high competency tasks.
For inctance: One furry found a cure for a particularly nasty kind of cancer


"UwU *cures your cancer* OwO"
This is the world we live in

have fun


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I'd rather live in a world where it takes a few extra years to cure cancer, but we don't have to live with that level of degeneracy


You seem to have missed the bit where you are in fact on a furry website.



It is your racism and speciesism that is "degenerate".


Taco Tuesdays are an abomination. Taco Thursdays are the true calling.


Just dropping by to thank everyone involved with this site for all the service they've provided over the years, without you lot my broke ass wouldn't have been able to jerk off to the high quality shit. Regardless of whether or not you guys are able to figure out the cloudflare issue with patreon, you still have my sincerest gratitude for everything you've done so far. I believe in you guys being able to fix the importers eventually and getting the site fully operational again. Wishing you all the best :)


I also agree on this statement


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Furries aren't a race, nor are they a species. They're just pathetic people with a sad fetish who never grew up.


How is the Discord importer working but not the Patreon one


probably because patreon isn't discord


Because it includes the import message "No active subscriptions or invalid key" and this is not caused by not spending any money


>probably because patreon isn't discord

Because Patreon and Discord are seperate entities


>72 hours
lol. lmao even.



One reply, pinned to the top of the board that is edited as updates happen.

Your IQ is also way too low to survive in society as well, what a failure you are.


shut up retard you're on a furry made site how autistic are you


This is probably the longest I've gone without Patreon imports if I recall correctly.


It looks like the rate discords are updated at keeps changing. 3-4 a day at most for several days, then nothing for a few days, then a whole page worth, then nothing for a day.
Looks like someone is mucking about with it, maybe testing it for something, or the servers ability to index and/or store new content?
Even if it's only discord and no patreons, it shows something IS happening. Presumably someone must be working on it in the back somewhere.

How easy it is to live without that cure would seem to depend on whether you have that kind of caner, no?
Metaphorically and literally speaking.


I just wish they’d say something. Just “hey, we know there are issues, we’re working on them.”


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Yeah, something like that. I hope they fix the Patreon importer soon.


It will come back this month I have hope


What type of cancer was it? [Wasn't pancreatic cancer, was it?]



Yes, they are hopelessly retarded.


Sure, it's not pleasant not getting information or updates, but at this point I personally just have patience and faith. Initially I was also borderline doomposting, but time and time again when the importers have been broken the devs have pulled through sooner or later and fixed it. There is absolutely no reason to think this situation is any different.

The fix will come just as silently and out of nowhere as the breakage. And when the fan sites do another fucky trick to break kemono again, it will also be the same until it's fixed.


Fix from where, from who.
There's literally no one working on them.


its so kemonover


If you're not mentally challenged you would have emailed instead :p


And how exactly do you know no one is working on it???


Yeah, we should have written to "YouAreJustInsultingUsAndNotGivingAnyInformation@YouAreAShittyPerson.com". Why didn't we thought about it first?


ngl, the single most offensive thing to me in all that it uses the flaming starcraft font


I know, right? How hard would that be? But no, instead we get cursed out and talked to like we are entitled.


What does that say about you, visiting a furry adult site solely to belittle others? You are not in a superior position.


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I just came here to remind you guys that we should give the admins time and wait for the issue to resolve itself… and now I need to bleach my eyes


You get what you deserve


Elon Musk could run his own site better than Trump can run in office. And Elon is a fucking Trump supporter.


No, cause what the hell is that supposed to do?


Now I need to bleach my eyes.


Checked Telegram. Mods and admins say this say is a cuck and retard, and supposedly runs a bootleg Kemono Discord with updates™. If it wasn't so piss easy to ban evade, this desperate dirtnigger would've been roasting at a stake long ago.

Also, >>Meow, people are wondering when you're hopping in, as you're more of an admin than the wannabe pissant will ever be.




>>45479 Controlled content

>>45481 Competitors get DDoSed on sight. They think they're druglords.

>>45484 Greed. Will probably turn tail at the very last second to milk ad revenue for all it's worth.

>>45499 It goes both ways whether you realize it or not. The silent treatment is gonna kill more people than Covid, lol.

>>45505 Clearly, it isn't a space issue if that's the case.


How can you call Kemono a "furry adult site" when furry shit only constitutes about 10% of the content?

Kemono is a content-neutral paywall archive.

And I'm not here solely to belittle others. I'm here patiently awaiting the return of the Patreon importer so I can access new non-furry content. I'm just belittling others to pass the time. And furfags need to be reminded from time to time that that shit is weird and sad.



> when furry shit only constitutes about 10% of the content?

Yes, it is quite unfortunate that there's so little.

PS: Where can I find the best dog BDSM, please?


If you think Elon is running twitter better than trump is running the election you need your brain checked. Twitter has lost more than 80% of it's value since he brought it. Trump on the other hand has JD Vance and the election is still super close.


fix ur dumb site


Me checking this thread for updates



I thought Biden ended the war, did he? And what about our economy? A can of beans is 3 dollars.


Kill yourself NIGGER



Perhaps it would be wise to be more transparent since you guys are funded by donos.

You dont owe us anything, but we dont owe you anything either. How hard can it be to make a short status update?

Autistic admins




Fack you maddafuckar I don't a owe u a shit. We give you no update.


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Now this muthaphucka is pretending to be chinese😂useless racist piece of shit,chinese developers would have roasted those shit in a week🤣


If I were a mod I'd pro'lly let everyone here continue to squirm. This shit's fucking hilarious.


I just want my porn man, i'm not asking much of life




Anyone want to lay waste to this account?


Report it, send hate, shitposts, whatever y'all do best. Burn Elon and his cucknerd bullshit at the stake. Account got sussed because I told an AD account, of all accounts, to kill itself, but never mind the other 4, lol.



We need more content, admin, if everything is borked, bless us with your presence in the forums more often, I do enjoy the show.


Admin can I see your toes 👀


deader than dead, lol


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Or you could just not do that, fucking retard.


>funded by gibs
Point me to exactly where we ask for donations.

Stuff is happening in the background so stop screaming k thnx.


hope it's worth the wait


wait and hope


>Stuff is happening in the background so stop screaming k thnx.
Thank god now we're calm


Yeah, sorry buddy didn't mean it


Elon's cock isn't gonna suck itself, onahole.


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>Stuff is happening in the background so stop screaming k thnx.
See that wasn't too hard, was it?
Good boy, next time just say this earlier.



"furfags need to be reminded from time to time that that shit is weird and sad."

There you go again, belittling people. And don't act like normies aren't into weird ass shit. We all know better.


>hey why isnt your website functioning?

and you wonder why this site is only used by tards


Missing my novels.


Is that why you're here?


>There you go again, belittling people.

YES! I am belittling you! Some people deserve to be belittled. Furries are among such people.

>I like wolves. I think they're cool. So I'm gonna dress up like a wolf and act like a wolf while I take it in the ass.

That shit's retarded. You're a grown ass adult playing make-believe. Worse than that, you're introducing child-like play into your sex life. You should be deeply ashamed of your behavior. Grow up.

And normies aren't into weird shit, definitionally. If they were into weird shit, they wouldn't be normies.


I hope you die.


Hurry up and kill yourself.
Your mother regrets giving birth to you.


File: 1728063725023.jpeg (453.21 KB, 3072x2304, 7GWqnJW.jpeg)

Cat & Cat


dude you're on a furry made fucking website to jack off to your le epic porn are you an actual autist also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kemono


I don't give a shit that the site was made by furries. If furries hadn't made it first, someone else would have.

And I'm not on here for porn, you pathetic, coom-brained loser.


Thanks for the update :)


Today is national taco day in the US. Imma go get a shit load of them, local place is doing a crazy deal.
Have a good weekend anons


Does anybody know what the actual issue is?


Yes, the importers don't work.


Not all of us are degenerates. I just want to read webnovels. And I don't want to pay 5-25$ per month per story :(



"normies aren't into weird shit, definitionally. If they were into weird shit, they wouldn't be normies."

Nah, that's just not true. I've come across adults outside the furry scene who get off on wearing diapers and even walking around in them, and they’ve been known to fuck in gas station restrooms while messing themselves. Plus, there are all sorts of other kinks like Acrotomophilia, Pedophilia, Zoophilia, Electrostimulation, Formicophilia, Necrophilia, and Cannibalism, just to name a few. It's all pretty bizarre stuff that non-furries are into too. You might want to check out the dark web; you'd be shocked at the twisted things "normal" people are into.


File: 1728075921565.jpeg (33.71 KB, 750x739, It's a feels farm, you're….jpeg)

Ok, thanks for the work. Let it be known that the rough comments are from cooming withdrawal.


blud we get it you a furry , stop surfing the dark web and saying normal people this or that. the 99.99 % population is normal and is not on dark web . get your faggy half assed argument outta here


"Normie" doesn't mean "non-furry". A normie is just a normal person, someone who isn't into, or even know about, the esoteric reaches of the internet. People into the shit you're describing are not normies.


File: 1728077166247.jpg (1.15 MB, 1920x1080, 534916f4e6d75c1e18de2f494d….jpg)

Hey, I know that show.


They're also not furries, which is the entire point. People from outside the fandom think they have the right to judge us and accuse us of being into sick shit, when so-called "normal" people are into sicker shit than we are into. It's called being a fucking hypocrite.



There are dozens of us… DOZENS!



dude anyone who is into those shits are NOT NORMAL. they are as sick fuck as you.


File: 1728080812499.jpg (14.65 KB, 300x200, wood-chipper.jpg)

Once again, those people are not "so called 'normal' people." At no point have I ever suggested there aren't other disturbed people besides furries. I think you underestimate the size of my woodchipper. There's plenty of room for the lot of you.

And let's be honest; it's not like furries aren't also into that other shit as well. I have not encountered a single fetish on the internet that hasn't also been represented in furry porn. There's plenty of diaper furry porn, "cub" porn, "feral" porn, etc. Furries are into all the same shit as those other freaks, they just add the weird cartoon animal shit on top.


i love to rape nigger kids and eating their fleshs


>i love to rape nigger kids and eating their fleshs
Yeah I agree. They disgust me


File: 1728088153144.png (505.77 KB, 680x670, partychanhazmatsuit.png)


no shit, I'm asking WHY they aren't working.
But I guess if someone knew they would have fixed it already



File: 1728105714582.png (274.71 KB, 1280x720, Quieres.png)

In case anyone needs one rn.


File: 1728108684221.jpg (53.7 KB, 388x395, 0opzYmQ.jpg)

I've only ever seen random screencaps of comments from Meow saying that they've had issues with developers for the importers:

-A dev dropped off the map.
-Sifting through a pile of applications, 90% of which were doxxing themselves and/or were AI-written. They said it was discouraging but they were pressing on.
-Some number of devs were on summer holiday (ends in early August).

Whether it's because it does no good to reveal to the paywalls when the importers will be up, or they're tired of dozens of requests a day from gooners crying about importers, they do not communicate about anything but bugs or when something else besides importers break.

Just check in once a day. When it's up, it's up.


I hear you like 'em young.


Surprised you haven't called them niglets.


File: 1728121162851.png (119.76 KB, 439x333, IMG_20240831_194955_237.png)

Sometimes you gotta pop out and goon niggas
Certified goonerman I'm the one that up the score with 'em
Say, Meow, I've heard you like your archives old
You better not ever go to goon cave one
To any bitch that talk to him and think he'll fix it
Just make sure to hide your expectations from him
They tell me that only one mod was the one that the handed the server
and BULLSHIT at the 'party playing with his dick now?
And that telegram mod got anger issues why is he around
Certified maintainer boy, certified FAGGOT


From Telegram regarding Fanbox:

"So, Fanbox is perma-dead right now until further notice?"

"Yeah, because of Cloudflare Captcha."

"Fuck, that means we'll have to wait for a long time. Because they have to find a way to "complete" these steps with little to no human interaction. I can only think of AI, but how?? Lmao"






Hope you die


bro are you retarded or something? Why are you saying all that as if normies are just non-furries? Normies are exactly what it sounds, NORMAL PEOPLE. Also known as vanillafags. None of the shit you mentioned is normal, therefore the people into it aren't normies. Seemed like an easy concept to grasp.


It's crazy to me how people have gaslit themselves into believing weird is a minority. It's 2024 weird has been the silent majority for decades.


They wanna be not weird so bad!!! But a normal person wouldn't be in this thread for this type of site in the first place.


Why wouldn't a normal person be interested in a free Patreon archive?



There is no normative "normal" from the universe, and you are a lousy little mortal with an ego and an opinion, not a norm-making universe-creating god.


File: 1728143307551.jpeg (507.7 KB, 1030x600, 114551a_med.jpeg)


Because normal people follow the official rules and PAY for their subscriptions!


It's okay if it can't be fixed right away, so please tell me when it will be fixed, damn it.


Its fixed when its fixed. If you dont like it, do it yourself.


Post a screenshot


Are you retarded?


Eh, I suppose. But piracy is barely outside the norm. To try and equate the abnormality of piracy with the abnormality of furries is utterly laughable.


what do you mean, fucking a corpse in a wolf suit isnt the same thing as pirating stuff? all my homies are normie and they fuck corpses all the time.


File: 1728157896012.png (10.06 KB, 494x160, 1.png)

I just fixed the English.
Apparently, Patreon's cucked because of this, too.
Both Herm and NK Honcho (NekoHouse) are having trouble because of this. With that said, there is no ETA. Not even the admins seem to be sure.


I wonder if there's some way that users on kemono can help complete the captchas while they figure out how to set up AI?


There are services that'll charge a few cents to solve captchas. It depends on if whatever legal limbo Kemono exists in allows for such workarounds.


Confidentially, this is a thing… Maybe it could be used by Kemono?


Bro the page literally says Warning: at this time no chaptcha solver works lol


File: 1728185881041.jpg (42.43 KB, 1016x1078, 20240906_0930022.jpg)

>all this time, the importers were broken because of cloudflare captchas
we should all collectively kill ourselves jonestown-style for thinking it was anything actually close to interesting


Someone check if discord also uses cloudflare captcha to make sure retards aren't spreading more misinfo.


I refuse to believe every importer got broken by a captcha.


OK it's been more than a month now, we can officially start panic


File: 1728203459976.jpg (43.99 KB, 404x584, captcha.jpg)

To write in the chat, please solve the captcha.


does fantia use cloudflare? if so then how did they manage to keep importing?


Any new news on patreon import ?


There is if you scroll up a bit and sift through the BS


Have kemono face the same problem before for patreon, I know pixiv have the same problem but is this a first for patreon ?



File: 1728216324928.png (611.08 KB, 912x614, 1727705677008477.png)


Old news. The latest captchas have started using AI generated images instead of photos. Gen AI tends to have trouble when it tries to identify AI-generated photos


Cause AI character software is fucking hot


No, I don't think so.


The "piracy" thing should be hard to report and detect.


If you can't live without Patreon updates, and you're not going to get anymore Patreon updates, the answer seems self-evident. All you need is a nice, tall structure, or a sturdy rope, or a bottle full of pills, or maybe a razor blade and a warm bath, etc. There are thousand different ways of doing it, but they'll all end your suffering.


File: 1728225966313.png (22.75 KB, 533x369, 20241005222225.png)

All, something you should know.
There is a clown in the forum, he/she/it take happiness for us.
In fact, everyone can be him/her/it, just input as the picture.
Maybe we have many clowns.


File: 1728228673144.jpg (25.05 KB, 603x441, Screenshot_20241006-112645….jpg)

hey, we may have had no imports since august. but at least we have "AI JERK OFF", god is good.


Attempted suicide failure rate is depressing. Not only do people suck at killing themselves, they also make it worse on everyone else by continuing to exist and cost a ton to maintain alive.

Just send people into a permanent coma and hook them up to a productive device. Human batteries are the future.


Normal people don't subscribe to memewalls to support or get whatever secret stuff, they name a fair amount themselves and pay the maker directly if and when they want to.

You'll never run out of stuff to check out while people are screeching because they can't access that one gated thing and are literally willing to offer their soul for worthless junk.


The failure rates are massively inflated by all the women who half-ass their attempt because they don't actually want to die, they just want attention.

And human batteries aren't a thing. It would cost more resources to keep someone alive in a coma than they could ever produce.

Nah, he's better off dead. If he's too retarded to get it done right on the first try, he can always move to Canada. They'll euthanize anybody.


Considering that when the importer worked it was clogged by AI and nothing but AI it is very fitting


gracias amigo


File: 1728258952235.png (51.88 KB, 623x215, Screenshot105535.png)

Is the search bar broken as well?


File: 1728259806402.jpg (28.44 KB, 481x122, sun kevin.jpg)

please don't go importing stuff from Sunkevin5885's Patreon from discord. because this will cause the discord importer to break. and it will take a long time to recover the import. because nothing has been imported for hours and it's all Sunkevin5885's Patreon's fault for causing import problems. because since the 27th of last month, nothing has been imported for 4 days.


see where it says "loading creators, please wait"? do what that says


I wanna rip the head off your shoulders. You clearly don't need or use it.


It's been longer than a month but go off I guess….


What's the over/under until the entire site just closes up?


File: 1728268973347.gif (2.9 MB, 498x498, 1722992014395652.gif)

It ain't coming back.


I've had the tab open for 15 mins jackass


This happens to me every now and then. Here's how you fix it:
Step 1: Refresh the damn page you fucking retard!
Step 2: Buy a nice, strong rope.
Step 3: Tie that rope into a noose.
Step 4: Tie the other end of the rope on something sturdy and high.
Step 5: Place a chair beneath the noose.
Step 6: Stand on the chair.
Step 7: Put the noose around your neck and tighten it.
Step 8: Kick the chair out from under you.


> because nothing has been imported for hours and it's all Sunkevin5885's Patreon's fault for causing import problems
Is THAT why the Patreon importer hasn't been working since August?!



DO NOT click that link. I clicked it on accident when scrolling up the page and as soon as the site loaded in it installed a trojan.


Your reading comprehension skills suck. Also that other guy is an idiot. In short, no, importing that specific Discord server did not break the Patreon importer (or anything else).


I was referring to the discord importer. not patreon.


Oh. My bad. Sorry.


>as soon as the site loaded in it installed a trojan.


I haven't fapped in decades.


You should


So what will the next site be called? furry.party? Maybe something completely different? Either way, RIP Kemono. Can't say I didn't see it coming. I don't get too attached to piracy sites because they tend to go belly up after a couple of years, tops.


I wonder if Kemono owners ever just view these boards and they see all the complaints, and they're like

"Oh the kids are complaining again… let them suffer a few more days…"

And they keep doing that. Damn, they must be parents IRL.


even without anything being uploaded kemono devs/mods has to pay tons of money to keep the site open. you can bet your ass they are doing their best to fix the importer problem so that they can at the very least dont have to pay out of pocket to keep the site open.


I would happily donate crypto for the cause. Also, I hate lack of communication or interaction from admin side. Just short notice pinned to the main board "we're working on it" or "we gave up" would be better than current blueballing.



>So what will the next site be called? furry.party?

10/10 I would join




I am said dumb nigger and I approve this message


>And human batteries aren't a thing. It would cost more resources to keep someone alive in a coma than they could ever produce.
You don't battery them for electricity, you battery them for computing power. (Well okay it's actually much better to use fetal tissue to develop your biocomputer, but it's the principle of the thing).
Maybe such a device could figure out how to scrape Patreon again


The first was "yiff.party" so.. probably.


Meow any news on OF importer?

Some guy at the coomer partychan is saying he is working with the adimins com fix the OF importer and sharing screenshots (nothing too revealing).

Can you Clarify?


A request.
You will get a 3 month ban.


dude "3 month ban request" is about requesting a certain artist to be imported not requesting an answer. ffs the only people on this board are retarded people.


Is there any deadline when the importers would work? For a month and half straight there were no imports wtf.


Are you fags backing up the site at least?


Oh? error retrieving artists

So this either crashed because shit's fucked or they are deploying stuff.

We'll find out soon enough, I guess


And now it's gone.


I was half right, they just purged the AI jerk off



The Porn Dude is gone too!

That is a step too far in the wrong direction! What is happening?


I think it's just a bug. sometimes it appears and sometimes it doesn't appear when you refresh the page.



But it's not a bug.


the chan was wiped clean 💀


and then why doesn't the porn dude appear on kemono.su?


It's showing up for me. And why are listening to anything Cobbler says?


Hey does anyone know if this could be a substitute for the fanbox importer?https://github.com/iigmir/fanbox-fetch


Yeah you're not supposed to be asking that anywhere


>dude "3 month ban request" is about requesting a certain artist to be imported not requesting an answer
It's the same problem all over again


No shit. Get over with it, buddy


File: 1728353075140.jpeg (339.21 KB, 994x561, Screenshot_7-10-2024_2159….jpeg)

Enough is ENOUGH!!! I have had it with these motherfucking Discord imports on this motherfucking website!


I just want to nut on my pixels. We nid fix


I like slurping sperm and eating different varieties of bugs.


site so amazing they made the ads fill your entire screen instead of fixing the goddamn imports


site so amazing they made the ads fill your entire screen instead of fixing the imports



anon so pissed he had to reply twice with two different variations


It would be funny if the patreon importers would be fixed in no nut November


Opening in Locktober is still bad enough


anyone play limbus company


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>Damn, they must be parents IRL.
That part might not be all that far fetched, at least when you really think about it.


It's not the Discord imports that are the problem, it's the lack of everything else.


Guess the fix for the Patreon importer coming soon?


probably not


Wouldnt it be possible to download the content from a patreon/fanbox, upload it to a self made discord server, then add said discord server to kemono?


maybe it will


yeah, i guess, though you could also post it on some other site rather than discord since discord might have a problem with it


they actually fixed coomer, it feels surreal seeing onlyfans imports again. That gives me hope, maybe someday we'll see fanbox imports again too



Philosophy major detected


Yeth if you believe hard enough after the divine retribution upon florida, we need a third hurricane.


It isn't gonna stop just cause you're fed up with it.


Hey Meow, I understand, that you can't tell how things are going, but two things would be nice to know.

First, did you overcome the shortage on work force?

Second, you now are the sole admin. What are your future plans for the side? What I read, you want it to keep going. But what else. Do you have some future plans for kemono?


>First, did you overcome the shortage on work force?
They found jesus.

>Second, you now are the sole admin. What are your future plans for the side? What I read, you want it to keep going. But what else. Do you have some future plans for kemono?

Major servers were ordered today, the plan is to have vids natively work on any platform, and maybe even vr.


Diversity hire.

I did a cloud estimation for both sites, its well into the 6 digits a month kek.


>Patreon getting fixed soon
Nice, what about Fantia, Fanbox and Subscribestar? Any news on those?


Everything has their priorities.


So they COULD get fixed in the future?
Well It's better to wait with SOMETHING to look foward than to just wait without any news on anything


File: 1728397504152.gif (1.07 MB, 500x500, 1725140669310635.gif)

bless for fixing the onlyfans importer, good shit


Thanks for the update. Let's hope the doomsday faction now is a bit relived.


What about the Patreon DMs importer? Any update?


One can only hope the issues are similar



>> >>First, did you overcome the shortage on work force?

>> They found jesus.

OMG that's the end of this site then, because Jesus said "Thou shalt not steal" so that guy is definitely an agent of the copyright holders and property owners.


Doubt jesus ever had a concept of intellectual property.
I would say that if fixing substar is at all on the menu it should be priority. Sure it sucks that some of my favorite patreons (that still get imported sometimes) haven't been updated since august; but there are artists who have opened subscribestar pages and then closed them up in the time that importer has not worked. On top of all the artists who have moved there from patreon.


Patreon still controls the lion's share of the market. The majority of the content is on Patreon, not Subscribestar. There are far more people here for Patreon content than are here for Subscribestar, and not just because the Subscribestar importer has been broken a while.

In short, Patreon should be the priority because there is greater demand for Patreon. You might not think it's fair, but that's the way the world works.



>I would say that if fixing substar is at all on the menu it should be priority.


Nobody gives a flying fart about "substar".

The ONLY thing anybody needs are webnovels!!! And those are on Patreon. No need to import all the filth from there either, just the story author accounts.

Everybody who disagrees can go on vacation in South Lebanon or East Ukraine, and that's final.


and if anything, the only thing that can match patreon is fanbox, but we'll see if OF will be a breakthrough for the admin and programmers

speaking of which what the hell with the AI sex that got removed on the announcement of OF importer worked again?


Smart person detected.

Nah, people are just waiting for it to collapse to start backing up lmao.


coomer seems to have updated for some


That’s nice. I’m interested in ultraniche gay furry porn, tho
At least good to see they no longer get filtered by basic bitch cloudflare prompts


Hurry up NIGGER.




ganbatte, lookin forward to it


why am I not surprised dumbfuck admins don't know how to fucking pluralize


Don't care about Onlyfans personally but I'll give big ups for fixing an importer!


Still flooded with Discord imports I see.



It's not a bug.



Because I'm not the admin.



If you found Jesus, why didn't he suck your uncut black dick? You must be so small in size.


Kill yourself.




Why are you using kemono to pirate web novels there are other sites to do that if you use google.


Substar and fantia ain't coming back give it up



Are you stupid? Rhetorical question.

Which other sites have PATREON-ONLY web novel content???

You know, from authors who have their advance-chapters on Patreon?

Yep, you are satupid.



Fix the importer or i'll kms



File: 1728486227756.png (58.4 KB, 373x198, Screenshot 2024-10-09 2032….png)

Fix the gaaddamnn patreon importer nigga
instead of coomer shiii..



And while you are at it, stop wasting time and storage and bandwidth on all that sex content.

It is enough to only import from web novel authors!

All the sex-crazed guys can just get a free castration in any animal clinic to rid them of their forever unfulfilled desires, because they'll never find a woman.


Why are you using kemono for porn there are literally millions of other sites to do that if you use google.



Fix yourself, retard


Not a single good leak site appears easily on a google search.

F95zone is a good example.


>Why are you using kemono to pirate web novels there are other sites to do that if you use google

Bro the importer needs to commit piracy what do you mean?


honestly you retards complain more than you do, you could have spent this downtime going out, getting a job, get a paycheck, sub to creators, host a fucking discord server and fill it with your content or some shit along those lines, make up your own solutions for the time being if you wanna jerk off so bad. complaining and yelling "le impoter nawt working!1 muh patreonz!" do it yourself make your own site band together or some shit holy fuck. its community ran to be filled with content so community run a fucking discord or some shit and have people in there supplying content like they do here?


But people at work expect you to take a shower at least once in 3 days and showers are scary. :(((((((((((((


patreon has most of the market, but how much of it is really in demand? And how much of that is even likely to get imported in once the importer gets fixed?
You're not going to tell me that something is "in demand" without some hard numbers on hand. And just pointing out the number of users from each platform in this archive is obviously not a good argument.
I'm not even going to dignify the other remark
Yeah, ok, focus on the fanbox importer then; that's been broken for a long ass time too.
And what's your excuse?


>It is enough to only import from web novel authors!
go make your own goddamn Kemono.su that's just for web novels

you're not getting your wish no matter how fucking entitled you feel to it or how much you fucking whine about all the porn on the site

also, please get off the school computers, I'm sure the principal doesn't want to have this site on the school's history


the posters here have to be the most insufferable fags on the internet (not a surprising behavior from porn addicts), can't blame the admins for barely interacting even if they act like bitches themselves often


Agreed Kemono should only focus on webnovels. Think of how much you can save on storage. All of delve is probably less space than one video of a hemaphrodite dragon skull fucking a merdolphin.


>The site with porn ads shouldn't import porn but instead books
The fact y'all are serious about this is funny as fuck


I think there's probably enough room for both webnovels and 3DCG hermaphrodite dragons fucking vehicular devices.


FUCK youre right anon i forgot they dont know how to do that

>And what's your excuse?
my excuses:
i dont jerk off every day and scream and rage when muh patreonz isnt able to import
i dont feel i personally have to make something to spread content if someone is that insufferable where they just cant take importers being down for a bit they can feel free
whats yours retard


people would still bitch and moan about furry content on furry.party


File: 1728520965531.jpg (119.53 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot_20241010_034031….jpg)

Fix the gaaddamnn pixiv fanbox importer nigga
instead of coomer shiii..


Looks like the telegram chat is closed. Shame, was nice.


oh they dont care about kemono anymore it's so over



im tryna get free unreal engine 5 tutorials


The admin literally said they're working on getting importers back up, if you take the time to scroll up you dyslexic retard.


These people don't wanna hear that it's getting worked on. They just wanna be faggy drama queens and whine and bitch about how it's all over. Just ignore them.


I'm fairly certain that no one is actually serious about getting rid of porn.

More likely, I suspect they're talking about banning porn to make room for web novels to point out the absurdity of calling for the banning of one category of content just because you personally don't like. Like all the people calling to ban AI content or reaction content. Such people are dumb, just as dumb as you would have to be to genuinely call for the banning of porn.


When everything goes back to normal, there's gonna be a lot of fapping material.


I swear there's morw users who complain about other users complaining, everyone stfu



We should be thankful they fixed something.


Sooooon just gotta be patient, guys! Think of all the porn you'll get to catch up on.


they're just bantering with each other, saying that only things you care about should be imported even if the other stuff isn't inconveniencing you in any way is board culture at this point


You know what?

If you guys miss your porn so much, why don't you create and post your own?

Just use your phone to take a picture of your genitals and post it here in a new "kemono user genitals thread".

PS: You can also do that with your pet dog's genitals, for the furries.


File: 1728543426106.png (271.03 KB, 985x544, 1.png)

>>45939 One guy, lel.

Also, ayo? (It's from a month ago, though.)


File: 1728549869468.jpg (10.8 KB, 425x239, RDT_20240201_2001517464590….jpg)

Any chance Ci-En (dlsite) has a opportunity to be added, been seeing some artist who are fed up with fanbox and fantia who moved there so it may be useful to have a importer of that if there's a mass migration


What's up with the 'S' in the top left corner of the 'artists' page?


And other pages too?



It's short for "Shut the fuck up about the importers"


Someone please make an alternative to kemono, id donate to it to see it mog these slow ass devs.

Probably work on these 'problems' 5 minutes a day at best.


kemono works better when its userbase is small, because then piracy goes more unnoticed
it's good to leave it broken for a while


OH wow so we got a whole $5 waiting for whoever can make an alternative to Kemono from scratch
Any takers?


>>45963 Not to mention it'd get DDoSed to Hell because muh ad revenue.


Dude I'll pay you to kill yourself for having the brainpower to comment that



Tell that to the guys behind kemono. Do you remember their Twitter announcement(s)? Which boasted a direct challenge to the big sites they "import" from.

They went public to get as large of an audience as possible.

When I saw that I thought… nothing good about that particular idea.


File: 1728576714640.png (618 KB, 1352x382, Screenshot 2024-10-10 2140….png)

dude I am getting sick of this gal's face and terrified .


So when will the importer be fixed? How many days will it take?


goofy question
latest captcha from cloudflare is a pain on the ass for bots to crack among other ip related issues so it'll be fixed any time between tomorrow and the 30th of febuary


It's impossible to know. It probably won't be fixed in days. Expect weeks or months.


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You first, because I'll forget.
Put it into doing research instead, retard.


>>45970 This -> >>45972
Admins were right.

They might be anarchist tryhards, but Partychan users are too braindead, lazy, and attention farming to either read or have common sense.


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This is a zero effort shitpost, and you got to read it for free


They said they bought a new server on Tuesday and could fix the Patreon Importer soon. So I believe it will be fixed soon. I just want to know the specific deadline for when it will be fixed.


A specific deadline for this sort of thing is impossible. It's going to take as long as it takes. Stop asking.


Is it true? Do you have proof?



Soon being next week trust me for I am a hopium psychic.


Just see this as a no nut month guys, imagine how much porn been stacked, everyone is hoping it fixed so just be patient


more like no nut years


thread is already getting locked again and yet no fixes, really makes you think


Why is everybody suddenly getting retrograde amnesia? It's like nobody remembers the last time this happened, on top of all the other retardation.

Everyone's either saying it will never get fixed, or the fix is dropping tomorrow/next week. Neither opinion has any basis, it's a software/web infrastructure development and troubleshooting process, it's not inherently predictable.

The less said about the people screeching about the stuff that IS working, the better.

I honestly don't know why Meow bothers communicating with you people, it's like feeding caviar to a retard after they've already gone brain dead. Who benefits? Not the (former)retard, not Meow.


If we can't meaningfully talk about the site being down, and requests are banned, what is even the point of Partychan?


Can you take your negativity elsewhere Nancy like damn some of us are trying to have fun.


Why are you here if this thread has no reason to exist?



>Just see this as a no nut month guys, imagine how much porn been stacked, everyone is hoping it fixed so just be patient

Who needs porn? I can always secretly go over to the nearby animal farm late at night, I don't need porn.


>They said they bought a new server on Tuesday and could fix the Patreon Importer soon.
Is it true?


These are great excuses: in that they are just deflection and cope from someone who doesn't do what they themselves preach for no logical reason.
If you had any modicum of a healthy life or you believed anything of what you wrote about the rest of us you wouldn't be here at all.
I am neither bitching about the site not working, nor am I bitching about the bitching like the wannabe teacher's pet that you are. I am in fact trying to engage in constructive discussion about the direction the site should take knowing that, eventually, the patreon importer will be fixed, like always. But I understand that you might not be familiar with modes of communication that don't involve shit either coming into or out of your mouth.
I, meanwhile, have the time in a day to fap 1-3 times; or none, if I don't want to; using anything from e621 to my imagination; then, I go to uni, on some days I work, and on the other days I workout. I just don't make enough to spend on patreon yet.


it was honestly really strange to tell people about only fans working even though there is no way to import. kinda just advertising that they have a hole that needs to be fixed.


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Slow and steady


Died 2005 - Born 2024 . Welcome back Mr Hands


I can't eat ground beef without my body automatically regergitating the bits of hard fat and cartilage over the next few hours.
Also naans are just a better vessel for carrying food to my face.


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You're eating some fuckass beef. Never had this problem


Too long, didn't read.


At this point I just wanna see what they're gonna come up with for the captcha issue.

One's dick can take him places he wouldn't go with a gun.


The point of Partychan is that it is only used for discussion regarding Kemono and other non-related stuff.


Personally I'm fine with the lack of advance chapters. Whether you read the publicly current stuff or the patreon advance stuff, you're going to wait just as long for the next chapter. Sucks when kemono goes down and you have to wait for the public stuff to catch up but that's it.

It's the patreon-only side-stories that really matter, honestly. Doubly so when the author inserts them as cameos (or even "new" characters) into the main story in the worst way possible and leaving non-patrons confused, wondering what just happened, and thinking they've missing something.
Fuck Spacepaladin


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welcome our new website mascot


I was going to ask about this too actually. There is one(1) artist I support on a monthly schedule and it's via ci-en. Others I do on a per-work schedule, who post updates on ci-en.

Also while I'm here, what's the reason for not allowing user-side uploads again? Is it a virus thing or what.


it would make things really easy honestly but theres a lot to take into account, such as, like you said, viruses, or just them spamming shit whether it be a ton of useless stuff, or illegal stuff (you know what im talking about). way too much to handle content moderation wise. itd be great if there was like a trusted users team of sorts that had the ability to manually import stuff when importers are fucked, or to be able to take submissions from people who sub to creators that can provide the content for them to import for them, but i dont think we'll really ever see that.


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You know what? I'm getting sick and tire of seeing this chick every time I go on the recent page.


Then stop going to the recent page.


seems to be for coomer.party


Nor has anyone I eat food with. The problem isn't the food, it's my digestive system– which honestly isn't really an issue, because I shouldn't be digesting these things anyways.


And the slogan should be, "Fix those importers or I'll haunt you in your sleep".


Why can't there be a status site so these anons can stop complaining?


Thank you Meow. Much obliged.


La nostra regina ASMR.


Are you retarded?


I hope fantia and substar never come back because of this particular comment


Get over with it.


lmao, you could put up a thousand status sites and the same anons would still complain and gobbler would still seethe at random clouds or whatever the fuck he's doing


Any updates?


What does it look like?


yes, actually! we were waiting for you specifically to ask


Yes, my cough is gone and I'm feeling much better. Thank you for asking.

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