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 No.46156[View All]

The light is shining Anon, just a little more.

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>45217
300 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



It's old news, but to summarize, the importer is having problems. They've already fixed the Discord (more or less) and Onlyfans (this one is on another site from the same group).

The Patreon one hasn't been fixed yet, but since they fixed Discord and Onlyfans, it's likely that they'll eventually fix the Patreon importer, although it may take a few more months since it's a free site that works based on volunteer work.


I need use Yuio works to nut cuz no other furry artist can make me horny anymore, but i dont even have 5 dollar to pay cuz im unemployed so I really hope patreon importer could be fixed next month


Guys, you will get your web novels. Its not a bug.



We are only DAYS away from all importers running again!


(I just don't know how many days)


Any update of note from the admins regarding the Patreon importer? (I know Meow said they are working on it, i'm just asking, not demanding)


You guys are either trolling or really stupid as to jump to conclusions. No one's trying to download anything stupid. The security alerts happen by simply coming onto Kemono. LEARN TO FUCKING READ!



They said they need to find a way to sneak into Area 51 to steal alien technology to power the importers.

When in doubt, NASA could help us get this shit running.


>Twitter this, Twitter that
Just take it out on Elon.


Kill me, Pete



Yall need to find hobbies, refreshing the site 24/7 ain't good for you.

So here, refresh yourselves with a recipe for some sweet tea i found.

>6 bags of black tea

>8 cups of water
>1/3 cup of sugar (actualy light for this kind of tea lol)

1. Simmer 4 cups of water, and add 6 bags of black tea, turn off the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.

2. remove bags, add sugar, until it dissolves.

3. Add remaining 4 cups of cool water, and leave it for 10 minutes to rise to room temp.

4. Refrigerate for 2 hours

(optional) 5. Once poured, add a slice of lemon and some ice for that tropical look.

That's all amons, see ya in a month.


sorry buddy but i like literal hundreds of different artists and writers and if i gave each of you 5 to 15 bucks monthly i would literally run out of money on that alone




Days is so trustworthy


I get it, it's why I'm here too, I can't deny it, that's why I'm saying that simply likes and shares help a lot if you can't support economically, reaching a bigger audice, especially for niche artists, is really important.


I think you mean late October to mid November cause the 20th is like the prologue to late October.


I'm completely in favor of supporting artists, and I totally would if I wasn't in desperate need of money myself.

I mean hell I have to live in a cramped room in my family's house, I can barely afford food for myself and I'm forced to use capped mobile internet which doesn't even let me do most things.

I don't exaggerate when I say I can't afford even the minimal amount needed for your pages. I totally understand and respect it, but it's not something I can do, let alone for the 2-3 dozen artists I follow.




You really need to get a life in that case.

"Hundreds of authors" - that's a serious fulltime job to even just browser their content!


making tea and putting sugar in it?
you've outdone yourself this time, anon


Instead of getting bored by waiting, why don't we play a game?

Let's play fill the game, I'll start

I like _______ ________


Big butts and i cannot lie



Excellent, the tea time commences.


To hear that tomorrow patreon import will work again


same bro, not because i don't want to pay and just want everything for free but because i cant support all my favorite artists. It would cost too much when i don't even make enough to feed myself


Same, I don't mind supporting a couple artists that I like financially as todays environment is really hostile to that.
But I'm only going to pay for 1 or 2 and share that content online. I'm not paying more than that on something so frivolous and if it's not archived publicly online it will inevitably be deleted


Well, let's just keep our fingers crossed.




Look at the post that he's replying to.


Instead of Googling Kemono's alternatives, why don't you Google en passant


This has got to be the longest Patreon hiatus ever.
It's been weeks and I'm still getting flooded with Discord imports.




you still wouldn't get any patreon imports if they randomly decided to shut down discord ones right now


it said he likes to hear it, not that he would like to hear it


It looks to be dead… Haven't seen a patreon update in over months.


Don't worry. It'll come up. Just relax.


Oh. My bad.


to see that the Patreon importer is working again.


TWO MORE WEEKS TRUST THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How can I trust you ?


I made a joke the other day on when the importer would be restored and a lot took it seriously.

Lads there isn't going to be any anon that has a definitive date. Everything would be posted to the main thread.

Besides that, if the thing is offline it makes no sense that they'd have a date on it being restored. It will go online when it does.

And even beyond that, if it does switch back on tomorrow, next week or next month or even next year, there's no guarantee this won't happen again and we'll all still be seeking our daily fix.




>>Checks Naze's Page.
>>No change from last week.

Okay. I'll check again next week.


What if instead of jerking off mindlessly we cuddled?


What was the point of OP's post?
The site isn't updating. What hope do you have to give us?


FIFTEEN empty Whisperfoot files I need to fill right now and the Patreon importer is STILL not working! Plus, I'm missing a lot of Ike Marshall posts and StevenCarson posts, so they better have the Patreon importer fixed.


onlyfans importer was down for what seemed forever and now is back. Patreon is next, although it'll take a while.







File: 1729559448006.jpg (16.3 KB, 450x800, 7b02fdf3b6d356aa6e5a54db91….jpg)

Would you fuck her ass? I would and I'm bi.


File: 1729559846254.jpg (20.43 KB, 547x800, 20a19611b59c99daae84759ee5….jpg)

She cute asf.

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