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Kemono Development and Discussion
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The light is shining Anon, just a little more.

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>45217


patreon importer fixed?


lol this shit posted literally while I was reading the hate thread


Update or is admin just more active?


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Didn't see anything worthy to reply to on the previous thread, so when will real questions appear instead of of just "when".
Kemono operates on Valve Time™

>>Must be server related

>>Muh captchas
Were never a problem
>>How can I help out
Why not challange yourself and have a working Kemono instance running on your machine and flex a picture of "works on my machine"
>>Muh proxies
Where tf do people source these high quality proxies to spam cp, and here I am running hoops trough a trillion shady sites like nulled cracked breached and that russian forum I keep forgetting the name of.

Suggestions welcome


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Patreon Importer is fixed?
Discord Importer is fixed?

Good good good.


Please….i need my paywalled porn……


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Ain’t that just the front end? Where’s the backend? And why is it outdated 3 months ago?


I assume you guys have looked into alternative networking stuff (ipfs, i2p, gnunet, etc)?


No and will never.


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I have the copium tank ready if the site doesn't work .



Honestly, I might be a minority here, but no worries, and take your time, what little coding i know tells me yall had it rough even without the doomers and backlash. Though if this ever (or "when" lmao) happens again, maybe a simple "we are working on it" message from time to time would be nice.

All in all, take care, and good luck with it.


thank you the meme made me chuckle :)



Requires a smartphone. I don't have one, and never will.

Computers have to be PCs. I'm not going to run around like all those modern zombies staring at messages on their phones, or sitting on a table together both deep in their phone instead of talking.


I can wait month, the thing is that i just want to know if it's resolvable


losing time-gated content is going to make me lose sleep for years


>inhales hopium



If it's not worth paying 5 bucks it's not worth losing any sleep over.


Is this meow guy the only admin left? Where is everybody? The previous admin was way more chill


Lol they got desktop binaries pre compiled, you smoking?


So any updates?


people got to be on some hopium ya'll are bitchin over nothing.


I use Kemono mostly for advance webnovel chapters on Patreon. Which is honestly a little silly since free chapters eventually catch up. Once the free chapters catch up to Kemono's last update I'm free. Patreon chapter addiction will only last until I can read free chapters I haven't already read on Patreon.

Please don't fix this for one more month so I can finally overcome Patreon withdrawal!


Go to therapy, cunt, and let us enjoy our patreon spank stuff in peace.



So I have PC versions of Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp already because some business or private contact uses exactly that one thing.

I'm not going to install the n-th chat software just for *this*. The advantage of this right here is that it's web based.


Why the fuck did they name it simpleX did Elon musk take over????


It's coming back this week feel the power of hopium


Good luck, admin


I know fuck all about coding, but I know you're working hard to fix the problem. The hopium is surely working. Good luck, Meowdmin.


What the hell is SimpleX?!


It's a secure and E2E encrypted messaging app that is also very much anonymous.
You don't need no phone number to make an account, no irl name, no nothing.
pretty much Signal minus phone numbers.


Ok so here's a question.
Is the shining light actually from the patreon importers having a solution on the way but implementing it is a pain in the ass that's taking its sweet time or is it a "we don't have a solution but we're not quitting on this" kind of hope?


Lest hope it will be fix so my ba… my heart can be lighter


Can’t join SimpleX group: Error agent


It's already glowing.


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its comin home lads


it's giving me an error when I try to join

chatCmdError: userId: 1 agent SMP QUOTA


> its comin home lads


So you're admitting you lack self control if owning a smartphone would immediately turn you in a screen zombie

It also likely means you likely have barely any irl friends as you immediately felt the need to flaunt your lack of a smartphone meaning you are very likely insufferable to be around.
Pretending to put value on talking to people, trying to imply you speak to anyone, only reinforces that idea.

Doing most things on a pc, being here and lacking self control means you likely spend a LOT on the pc which is not very conducive to a normal body weight.

By all means, say some more stupid shit putting yourself on a pedestal on what is effectively 4chan but just the gooners

You've kinda revealed your worth by trying to make yourself sound superior to this gaggle of gooners


Ngl, >>46015 has a point.

Too many screechers (retards, fairy-faggot transtards, and politicucks) and anarchist, content controlling diapershitters cucking and gaslighting the userbase.

Just fucking nuke this shithole if neither you or the userbase can't be bothered to use common sense.

Also, for anyone that cares, if it hasn't been mentioned already, even the admins/mods think Cobbler's a total retard and cuck with no affiliation (also a dirtnigger contrarian with bad english). Just gooning to ego and shitposting due to bad parenting. There's also rumors from the Telegram about a Discord server owned by the same schizo posting Kemono status updates (100% real, not fake) going by the username Snake. Make of it what you will. Also, >>46161 damn, RIP Telegram.


EVERYON ON PHONE.. ZOMBIEZ!! NOT ME.. LE GUHVURNMENTZ TRACKING? NOT ME! kek i bet you use windows you absolute fucking retard download the desktop version here faggot https://simplex.chat/downloads/#desktop-app


You can't use e-mail either.


>What the hell is SimpleX?!
>It's a secure and E2E encrypted messaging app that is also very much anonymous.
You don't need no phone number to make an account, no irl name, no nothing.
pretty much Signal minus phone numbers.
You cannot use an email address for this account either. Clearing the data is the only way to delete your account.


admin didn't realise simplexchat has a hard group limit. almost no one can join


If the Patreon importer's working again, there's gonna be a whole lot of fapping material.


Since Kemono is dead forever, requesting artists to be uploaded to Panda.
Probably in vain but whatever.


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ok now what


this doesn't have a scraper, it's just the website, so 'working' would mean 'write that shit myself' and idk, no?


The admins are very handsome and lovely, my fav neck bearded men


I'm not seeing anything updating.


I believe that was the joke.


I'm trying, but:
chatCmdError: userId: 1 agent SMP QUOTA


Good luck!


Lately I've been getting notifications from my security program when on Kemono. Here's one example from 5 minutes ago:

Threat secured
We prevented your connection to bankingbloatedcaptive.com because it is a dangerous webpage. Threat category: URL:Scam
Exact URL: https://bankingbloatedcaptive.com/aas/r45d/vki/2029293/2a8095e0.js [don't click just in case]


do the same thing to fanbox



Another example:

Threat secured
We prevented your connection to zavoxlquwb.com because it is a dangerous webpage. Threat category: URL:Phishing
Exact URL: https://zavoxlquwb.com/en/khezi?hgf=rzprvh&fsliih=619050&pnmnn=wqd&kj=tnbhqk&yg=are&id=2029320&so=iimrpsh&aiiat=xjpel&nbiirjqxs=cuwj [don't click just in case]

Isn't it funny how both cases include the number "2029293" in their URLs?


SimpleX is freaking out because there are too many users. It was only designed to house up to 100 users per SMP group.


month ago simplex dev said that channels are coming "soonish".

we can expect self-hosted groups to arrive at the same time.

will admin host the kemono simplex group?


only 100 users?
looks like I'm late to the party.


> Where tf do people source these high quality proxies to spam cp
He started to suspect something.

U r got baited. It's not just a website, but an entire stack. It's just relevant insertion/update queries are stored in another repo, which means any change to database will break the importers without telling it broke the importers. You are just too pea-brained to comprehend such a marvel of software architecture.


Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER Hurry up NIGGER


i used to pray for times like these


So simplex is bugging the fuck out if you try to join. That lasted how long now? Did it last a day even?


ganbatte meow-sama


Why do I keep seeing everyone insult the admin like cmon chill they're fixing the issue plus it's not like it's the end of the world


I'd probably jerk off the admins in a platonic way, like kissing your friend goodnight





Those who insult and attack the admin or generally anyone on the internet deserve to get their faces polished from life. You shouldn't wonder when a day comes in which you get what you do to others, too.

It is so disgusting how degenerate people are online… There is no fun in this level of disrespect when there is no single moment of respect…the fuck is wrong with you?

Are you like this in real life, too?
God I hope you won't or didn't already spread your genes…


I remember a time in which a community of a forum or website treated each other normally and didn't dare to provoke the admin or the staff.

Why would you piss off the one who is doing something for you assholes?

"Cry me a river"

"Complain somwhere else"

"Call the Whaambulance"

I wonder if you would talk to somebody in real life like this.
I mean this serious, I know this is a forum for degens but I think it's not bad to remind you why you are where you are.


It's simple as "wah I'm insecure irl time to go online and project my ugliness onto randoms!" I love my life so I can't fathom the idea of being a barking mutt online


FFS why do i need more crap on my limited space devices for an app ill never use except for updates on fucking kemono like somehow that makes more sense… sifting through this cesspool gives me so much of a headache i actually get nausea… they need to give a fuck about their community again some of us are actually just trying to mind our own and keep up to date on the status


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Cry me a river
Complain somwhere else
Call the Whaambulance


So is simplex just another place to not get any updates on?


probably not.. its got a very low cap on people who can join and considering the terrible person acting like he owned anything likely being in charge there too.. well probably get the same BS and get berated for joining there too



its actually not too bad. lots of js silliness, lots of python silliness. to their own benefit they at least dockerized it.

just feels a lot like a jr dba treating every problem as a postgres shaped hammer






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I still haven't found a link to this mythical unofficial discord server. I just want to know what is happening. I beg anyone who has a link, to please, share it with me.


gay ass



There isn't one, retard. It was started by some dumb fuck, then they shut it down.


again the discord importer always crashes again because I try to import something but it gets stuck on an import already done.


Already happened with Path of Ascension
I've been posting on forums since the 20th century and I remember no such time


If there is someone out there that would want to start a "contributor only" private discord, or on some other app, for webnovels, I'd love to join it. Whoever owns it would make the rules, but my suggestion would be you have to contribute to join. The goal with that rule is to keep it smallish and thus under the radar a bit, and being a member would be for personal entertainment, not to necessarily share everything with the world.

If this was made a reality, I'd probably quit Kemono for good

I anticipate a few hate comments for my "idea".


Why don't you do it?


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Do it yourself, you coward.



Idk finding people to join and get them to insure they are contributing would take some time and effort. Too lazy. It would require me to also create a few alt accounts since there is no way I'd use my existing accounts for this.

Honestly though, I want it enough to eagerly join and contribute, but not enough start it up myself.


Importers are generous people that share their content that they bought with their hard earned money so that other people also enjoy it. Literally the type of person you want in your "contributor only" discord channel. What would stop the generous people in that "contributor only" discord channel from feeling extra generous and spreading all the collected content to other sites and discord channels so that the people who are not on that "contributor only discord channel" also enjoy it? Nothing. Do you want to know how often importers will feel extra generous? EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SHARE CONTENT.

It would not even take a week for your "contributor only discord channel" to devolve from an exclusive contribution based content sharing discord channel into importers sharing content en masse. There is a reason why there are practically no exclusive pirating sites of digital content. Because it takes nothing to share and duplicate digital content.



Why would I care if they post it elsewhere? I'm not saying they can't. So long as they keep it anonymous and the discord itself remains private and doesn't draw attention from the ban hammer, they can post what they want.



Also, where exactly will they post it. That's the problem right now. Kemono is down and their is no alternative. This would create a private alternative that doesn't rely on Kemono.

If someone does it, they get to make the rules, but my personal vision would be no porn, webnovels only.
I think allowing porn would be a mistake.
Share what you want but keep the discord private.


I was just shitting on the pretentious notion of "contributor only" discord channel stuff, we are all pirates here.
btw rest of the stuff I completely agree but don't expect what you want happening on discord because discord staff care about piracy more than actual cp.



That's why I said "or some other app" in my original post.

If I did it, it would be discord which probably isnt the best option. I know they care about piracy, which is why I'd be so strict and keep it small in order to try and fly under the radar. I'd also use alts and vpns personally, and suggest everyone else do the same.

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