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 No.50438[View All]

Most of you should be celebrating with family.

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>49462
449 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



I remember trying to browse the new Fanbox imports and there was a decent handful that were errors or imported posts incorrectly. Hopefully, it's not Fanbox improving defenses, and instead they're fixing importer bugs.


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>Patreon finally updating regularly
>It's full of nopost imports with Discord walls set up months ago
FUCK. Can you report artists to discord for sharing smut?



Some of the Art there has Futanari's fucking babies in cribs, that is literally CP.


Would an importer for itch.io be possible? A lot of artists who had gumroads moved to itch.io after the porn ban and now they’re mostly itch.io exclusives.


man, I saw two updated profiles that I was really excited about, and the fanbox one happened to be a non-update, it looks just like it did months ago, and the patreon one straight up gives me a 404 error message for some reason.


anyone got an idea why i can find a post through search but not the artist? its like only half of what was uploaded is actually available through the artists page


Either it bugged out and you need to wait or you need to clear your browsers cache. Both is also a likely option, i don't know why lately you need to clear your cache daily to browse kemono, but it is how it is.


And did these futas lick a real life human child? No. You’re just wasting everyone’s time, come back when you have actual CSA to report, not just the disgusting fantasies of random perverts.


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did they ever mention are they gonna add a filter/blacklist feature? the one on greasy fork isn't working anymore, not really a big fan of AI generated image


One of the artists I follow finally got updated on kemono after months but the psd files I’m more interested in are posted in Dropbox links in the announcements section which also got updated skipping all the missing months straight to January of this year, will the announcement section get updated after the issue is solved?.


Can anyone shut that guy who constantly talk about the CP contents on the kemono.su up?


easier said than done. copycats will take his place


Whoever's importing nastacic, fuck you
for not importing the alts.


It's normal that some autors are "updated" but when you check there are no updates?


the reason the alts are not imported is because the guy who's subbed to them isn't subbed to the higher tier that includes the alts, not because he chose not to


Makes sense, I take that back


There is a gap of missing posts for this (webnovel) author:


After this one - https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2778175/post/116812584 - there should be a few more "B4" (book 4) posts. Instead, there is a jump of about 25 posts.

Accessibility does not explain the gap, if those later chapters could be accessed and downloaded, so should have been the earlier ones.


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>Since nekohouse exists its really not necessary to be concerned about them.


Fanbox announcements are still not importing correctly


Good morning, its me again, the posts are now all imported and i would like to apologize for my behaviour, give my earnest thanks to people working at kemono and the ones donating their keys, and i would like to wish everyone else reading this a very good day.


Technically that would actually be BP



This is probably a nitpick but it appears frequently edited comments under patreon posts do not update correctly after being reimported?


Well I guess they better get that fixed I do not wanna wait 50 million more years for this artist to import, cause of more importers fighting for priority.


The import I'm on appears to be stuck and won't continue.



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I'm getting this error when trying to view the recently updated page and the search page won't load either.
I get this on both Firefox and Chrome. Everything was working just earlier today


I see similar when trying to import from fanbox, importer ID 2040bd05-0390-4c3a-8287-*


Ok so what? Get over with it. It takes several days to fully import.


Sorry for your loss, buddy. I think you got a rare condition in your case.


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Nvm looks like I will have to wait 50 million years for morinetsu to update due to importer clog


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You won bro. I am happy for you.


I've been trying to import from FANBOX, but Kemono is only showing "Wait until logs load…" for 30 minutes now. Should I just wait it out or should I try again? Btw, I'm using a VPN to access Kemono, so maybe that's why it's a bit slow.

ID: 84711759-b418-4980-b663-4ae3029e9ce1


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Does it really take this fucking long for the import to properly load and work?



For whatever reason, same goes for me and I decided to try something and it made me kinda irked. I iisabled the adblocker (uBO in this case) for the site specifically on the Recent and Search areas and it worked again. Enabling the adblocker for those pages however bricks it again. So, that's not great.


I was having the same issue. Sure enough, turning off uBlock fixed it. How ridiculous…


Sometimes there's a fetch error sitewide in Coomer and Kemono. Just wait. It happened to me weeks ago and it just solved itself after a few hours.


admin needs to fix that


It's working again.


I saw that error a couple days ago on a post I really wanted to see and it fixed itself yesterday upon reimport. It's fucked up that it breaks with adblock, but if it then fixes itself it doesn't seem intentional.


Alright wtf is this?

I get:
Failed to fetch due to client settings.

When i go in the artist search, but it works if i turn off ublock.

I am not turning off ublock, get less invasive ads you faggot.


fix your stupid nigger website


As was reported here before, I fond yet another example:


THERE IS A GAP OF MISSING STUFF. Here, The "Duskbound" chapters should go into the 70+ chapter numbers before they switch to book 2. Instead, chapter 64 is the last one,



I don't mind needing to turn off uBlock for the site to get some ad revenue, but you're a faggot for allowing pop-up ads



Looks like it imported up to Patreon's "See more posts" button, and stopped.



There used to be instructions on how to whitelist the api in the ad blocker but it seems to have been removed. I won't repost those instructions in order to not get in trouble as I'm guessing there is a reason they were taken down.


this has been happening pretty often lately, I think it just needs to be imported again or something



WTF, no??? That is useless unless the importer gets fixed!



… also, this problem has happened in the past - several times. A regression bug that keeps popping up once in a while.


Someone keeps repeatedly importing elma's free tier, meaning they're importing nothing, but it gets bumped up constantly as if it had actually been updated.
I will find you.

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