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File: 1734965323731.webm (417.67 KB, 360x640, 43b2ec89d24cf244bbfd6b3a0….webm)

 No.50438[View All]

Most of you should be celebrating with family.

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>49462
291 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm sure that shit is against Discord's ToS, regardless if it's AI or not. Try making a report or something.


>another fanbox has been updated
twice is coincidence


Is it me or is the importer seeming ungodly levels of slow?


a third fanbox user was also updated just then, so far only 3 of them got updated as of today


Pages are being updated, they're just not showing up on recent.


Liking this progress, Meow, now could we get something which isn't godawful fetish shit.


The admin isn't the one paying for the subscriptions. You get what people pay for, beggars can't be choosers.


>Versus censoring image previews w a fanbox/ss link now
Fuck am I glad his shit leaks to Panda. Artists like that are the sole reason I want the Fanbox importer working again.


What i am always worrying about each day the importer is dead, is that at any time, an artist can go full retard and delete all their shit. I have seen it happen far too many times.


CP is both illegal and unethical


>Is this stuff bannable?
Actually yeah, it is.


File: 1736993399661.jpg (31.33 KB, 633x758, 0QA5zF8zXXf0Ydl7LsHp6O_abJ….jpg)

slow importer day


it's been sad for fanbox posters that delete their posts at the end of every 3 months/1 month too
oh well! plenty of other free porn


To whomever's importing Tanquito, they're kikewalling their stuff on Patreon and it's all on Discord. Get that instead.



>a banner appears on the top of the website
>it's a fucking ad for ai slop


People call us schizos when we tell them the truth about AI imports, there you have it and it's official too


Ah yes, "create and fuck your own AI GF"


>Ai CP
It's cartoons again, am i right? Take your meds


Remove that fucking AI slop banner, you fucking retards. Ublock Origin doesn't even work on it


Yeah, but how do i know if someone pays for account or not, or its not the issue. oh well…


how much did they pay you for the slop banner ad


Add this
>* realxxx.com * block (put kemono.su instead of the first * if you don't want to block it everywhere)
You're welcome, won't work if the domain rotates, you can just block the aside element instead but you won't get banners at all


Dear admin/mod/maintainer, can you please take a quick look at these posts:


Who do images in them repeat 2 times is it a scraping bug?


File: 1737055747418.jpg (72.75 KB, 1734x372, (this is adguard btw).jpg)

how retarded are you, it doesn't even have unique adblock breaking id
it's a little ad to pay the bills why does it offend you


If something gets imported/updated and is paid content
1) Someone with an active paid subscription imported their session key
2) The creator themselves imported their session key to backup everything/gain views/shit up the site


>turn the simpscord against the scammer
>report it to both discord and patreon
>watch all of their social media crash and burn
>let them blame kemono for their downfall
>eat popcorn at emo suicide threats
>dare them to do it live if they have balls
>they vanish from the Internet (or actually kill themselves live)
>boycott and laugh at their last ditch effort at making people pay up big bucks to see them off themselves for extra lulz at parasitic eradication
>you can now enjoy free porn made by actual artists with no revenue and some basic human decency
>either way nothing of value was lost
>rinse and repeat for every scammer
Fucking people over is a game that can be played by both sides


File: 1737060902141.png (115.06 KB, 522x192, lies.png)

Reason: 404 - Not Found. {"error":"Creator not found."}

shows in https://kemono.su/artists/updated profiles with 33 favs ?


Either a database problem or admin is blacklisting creators


good. AI trash should be banished from the site


I don't care ads banner but maybe fix imporer first


>meow is blacklisting AI slop



So… what's going on with fanbox? It seems there are new imports slowly trickling out


Those are just free posts, no new content is being posted.


Okay, how much longer do I have to wait for BEGrove to be updated!?


It's been 2 weeks since the last update. Others haven't been updated in months/years. Either update it yourself or quit your bitching.

Consider this brief break from BEGrove as an opportunity to try some normal porn instead.


No, this one are all payed contents:


a sad truth.


That sometimes happens with newly imported accounts. The cache invalidation doesn't work properly so (parts of?) the frontend servers don't realize those pages now exist.

It will fix itself after a few hours.


>Either update it yourself or quit your bitching.



What is this shit artist?


What kind of retard pays for AI porn anyways?


extremely doubtful since the new banner ad is for some crappy AI site


>"CREATE and FUCK your own AI GIRLFRIEND" banner appears on Kemono.
>CP appears on Kemonochan.
Hope that's just a coincidence.


You know what crazy people do? They see two clearly unrelated things and believe that they're connected. CP gets posted here quite regularly. It's obviously just a coincidence.



Me. I love AI slop and neko femboys.





The public repo has the database schema included plus you can see how they are wrangled on backend, backend-frontend and client.


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