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Kemono Development and Discussion
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 No.50438[Last 50 Posts]

Most of you should be celebrating with family.

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>49462


fanbox fix when?

or alternatively can't you just kindly ask nekohouse for their fixes?




Merge a bullet with your brain retard.


you slit your throat for trying to scam developers instead of paying them to fix your shitty website, and lying blatantly about having a copy of yiff.party


>Kemono will have a working Fantia, Fanbox and SubscribeStar importer very soon.
You've saying that about the Fantia and SubscribeStar importers for years now you dumb nigger.




They're all dead but thanks anyway. Merry end of year to you too Meow.

>yiffs and soyjak raid

Feels nice in here as always.


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Anyone else getting this specific issue with the API when trying to log in? Or any login issues in general?

It says I’m incorrectly entering my login details, I’ve done both manual and autofill attempts and still get met with this message.


who would've thought a piece of shit who scams developers and lies about having a copy of yiff.party will also deny it

also reminder to everyone the admin floods his own website with child porn to get scare off data miners e.g. archive.is so nobody can record his lies, hence why he confidently denies it with a smug that you only see from american liberal grifters

>>yiffs raid

>Feels nice in here as always.

who would've thought a piece of shit who only lies is samefagging as a retarded newfag?

>>soyjak raid

yeah bro asking you to stop being a piece of shit who only lies means you're getting raided by some niche imageboard

jump off a bridge, you've done nothing but harm the community. the cocksucker who gave you yiff.party should also jump off a bridge for being retarded enough to fall for your lies.


from 50383 on the last thread
>I mean, Nekohouse doesn't seem that different from Kemono Party. They literally have the same fucking UI for god's sake, I wouldn't be surprised if they also share bits and pieces of the code

kemono frontend is floating around open source so nh devs most likely just grabbed and modified


>post CP on your own chan so the archivers don't scrape it

that's some 4d chess if true


OK schizo

Of course it's the same code. It doesn't take a trained eye.


>OK schizo

not an argument. admit you lied that you'd merge yiff.party or fuck off and let someone else take over.


nekohouse is faking imports and disguising it with error 500


If yall have good suggestions for residential proxies that are not traffic limited now is the time to drop em.



lmao only trannies write "yall", always knew you were a tranny

why did you lie about importing yiff.party files?


>Of course it's the same code. It doesn't take a trained eye.
i mean yeah duh its either they used the open source frontend or just scraped the frontend and modified from that lmao.

you're an odd one


I'm pretty sure Nekohouse and Kemono are owned and/or operated by the same person/people/group. The fact both websites share the same theme as well as how often NH is referenced here seems to be a good hint of that. In fact, I think NH is meant to be a "backup" of Kemono.


Nekohouse code is a fork of year or two old kemono. But at this point they are not compatible due to backend differences.


Please, take your meds


tranny piece of shit of an admin is projecting "her"self onto others again.


Are Patreon DM imports working?


I thought nekohouse finally fixed and stop being an error 500 simulator
but then all I got is "Nobody here but us chickens!" imports

they are actually faking imports, holy shit


what the fuck are you talking about retard im not an admin



Is importer down again?


So sad that one site can't fix fanbox importer and the other one get error 500.


yes man! so sad that one site actually hosts TWO sites that have multiple content providers for us to browse! for free even! you cunts need to be more grateful


holy fuck I'm drunk as fuck but meow I ufcimg love ykou man, you're fuckicng awesome holy shit
I'd ,love fantia nad fanbioxik anytymimte sooon but keep on keeping on nad do what yo uud must
also sleavuingt typos here while listenimgn tp the armored cored 3 soundtreack formc comedic effect tbg'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrUzXtNvW6U


I don't think REDDIT has a request feature for Patreon content.


Merry Christmas, everyone!


merry christmas you filthy degenerates! I believe in meow and I'm sure he'll bring back fanbox in 2025. May this new year bring happiness and prosperity to all!


In Meow we trust


Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!


Imagine being so assblasted that nekohouse.su has working Fanbox and Fantia importers that you try larp as anons and try to slander them here. This is low, even for you Meow.


Too bad their servers suck


>>being mad about nekohouse
Explain why I legit give them servers for free :p anyone?
Go take your shizo meds.

Why would windows server 2022 cause sysinterrupts when dragging windows or pressing tabs inside task manager? Strangest shit to date and I feel like whoever wrote the drivers for asrock rack is just retarded.


Merry Christmas, lads. Any Merry Christmas to you too Meow. I don't envy your position. Cheers.


Sirs I do not care about Patreon or Discord at all, all that matters is Fanbox upgradation. Kindly do the needful.

Also Merry Christmas.


File: 1735128596534.jpg (280.73 KB, 1024x1536, GDyORU2aMAAbglC.jpg)

how can i get the newest link of lovenight and SweetyheartAI


America for whites.
Africa for blacks.
Send those apes back to the tree, ship those niggers back!


Go back to Britain then, whigger


Yes, it is sad because currently both sites can't be used for fanbox. I'm just pointing out that fact, I didn't insult nor blame anyone. You sicko with anger issue need to go to see a therapist.


Then tell me how I imported all 30 of my fanbox and fantia subscriptions just fine. Every single post shows up fine.
>in b4 lying


I believe you



Pics or it didn't happen.



Fuck you and your ai slop.


If there's no functioning SubscribeStar importer by the end of this financial year then this would be a disaster for thousands and thousands of people (worse still if other websites begin to follow the 'SubscribeStae model' seeing it's effectiveness, then every site would be un-importable which would mark the end of Kemono, and that could be disaster for millions).


Ignore the misspelt 'Stae'.


Realistically those of us who want to import can't expect a SS fix within 5 days after years of being dead. If you're worried about SubscribeStar, check up on Afdian, Ci-en, Fanbox, Fantia, Patreon etc and count how many artists will be wiping their posts by the end of the year.

At least it's once every year for those, it is much worse for a significant amount of others.


Admin could you add a way to export favorites/followed artists one day?


It'd be neat if post api data had revision ids included (ordered newest to oldest) and/or a "last update" time.


nevermind, i am mentally retarded. feel free to point and laugh.


just use the /revisions endpoint with each post id?
https://kemono.su/api/v1/SERVICE/user/ID/post/POSTID/revisions would give
"revision_id": SOME_REVISION_ID,
"id": "123",
"user": "123",
"service": "SERVICE",
"title": "…",
"content": "…",
"embed": {

"shared_file": false,
"added": "DATE",
"published": "DATE",
"edited": "DATE",
"file": {

"attachments": [

"poll": null,
"tags": "…",
"captions": null


and for last update times/etc if youre referring to posts not revisions they do have them in a post's requested data just like /revisions


>count how many artists will be wiping their posts by the end of the year.
Is that a thing?

I'm pretty sure art isn't meant to be posted online… temporarily.

I mean, if people feel the need to delete their art from the internet then why post it? And if they're not going to post it then why make it? And if they're not going to make art then why even be an artist? Do these people really not want to be remembered (at least no more than 60's pop)?


In all seriousness though, the whole SS situation may very well be Kemono's Achilles heel. That's the point made in >>50548


You fags whining about SS you know f95 exists right? You just have to share your things there.
Unless you're lazy, then it's another thing


Fantia mentalities that spread to other sites. Basically you're assumed to be permanently subscribed and it's unfair to other patrons if you only support every two months or so, so some creators just decide to wipe everything to force people to stay subscribed and "fairness" on every other platform including ones where this system was removed specifically because it was being used abusively by content creators.



The importer is working, right?
Because some of my favorite artists haven't been updated since the 20th.


Some artists are mentally retarded. The funny thing is, the ones that are the most strict about those things, are usually mid artists. They feel threatened and paranoid about it because they know they aren't very good.


Madoc's patreon got fragged and DarkPrincess's is locked due to RIP



Check the first few posts ITT. The admin doesn't give a shit about the website from an archival perspective.

"She" promised an easy way to see old iterations of a post. After several years passed, we got these shitty revisions. Right afterwards, people asked if all iterations of a post could have a unique ID with 1 being the newest. "She" insists that this shitty way of updating posts is flawless.


at least meow is doing more than the last admins api actually got updates and shit


Has it ever crossed the minds of artists that maybe people might stop subscribing to them due to times where they might not exactly be able to afford it? It's amazing how many people there are who only think about themselves. That's one way to take the 'Fan' out of Fantia.


When CP gets posted on Kemonochan that many times that people start making parody threads.


Or that they accidentally lose their archive, delete stuff by accident, etc. So many things. It's absolutely mind-boggling how fucking demented some artist are, especially the japanese ones.

And that's not to mention how many of the japanese fucks delete their shit out of nowhere every now and then. Sometimes even wiping their entire profiles. They don't make backups and sometimes the only place they post stuff is on Twitter, so good luck getting any high-res shit out of them.


western artists can be this as well. Madoc's very defensive about his stuff being posted outside of fanbox. Maybe if it was his own original drawings but half of his stuff is fanart and what we've seen from his patreon, it's lost forever, same with previous artists (crisisbeat, ENF_Lover, etc) also no artists can live forever (relatedguy and Darkprincess 04) so we have to find a way to update, save, and preserve their works better so they won't be lost to the void. I've seen good stuff become untraceable and unrecoverable for nearly 25 years.


>western artists can be this as well
I'm aware. D-rex for instance seems to never post high-res versions of his comissions (he only sends them to the comissioner). So all that we have is low-res jpegs of his pictures. Many others do this as well, but, in general, western artists are absolutely much better in that regard (and their stuff is also uncensored).

As a rule, the more "japanese" an artist is, the more strict and retarded they are; and the more midway on the quality they are, the more paranoid they are.
You don't see much paranoia on small artists, because they can't afford it, they need to grow. Big ones also don't really care much because realistically they always have someone that wants to comission them. A really funny thing seems to happen when some twitter artists get desperate: they start pumping a bunch of sketches (for the sake of quantity) with those "no repost and no AI training" watermarks, thinking it will somehow make it better.

Artists aren't always knowledgeable on technology so most of them don't even realize their pictures look a million times better in PNG rather than JPG. JPG always makes the pictures look unfocused (excessive softening/lack of sharpness). They also don't realize that they can lose their social media, their archives, and they can be forgotten on a whim. If a random nerd doesn't archive it on exhentai, their works are as good as gone.


>I've seen good stuff become untraceable and unrecoverable for nearly 25 years
It happens. Worst thing ever is not finding a picture anywhere so you're stuck with a shitty social media file. Good thing is there are many artists, but, sometimes, you want something really specific only a few dudes do well.
The internet is becoming less and less free. Hentai, which was once so open and easy to find, is becoming more and more restricted, a process that's being done by companies, ISP's, payment processors, banks, and, as if it wasn't bad enough, by the artists themselves. Don't they realize hentai is only as big as it is because every single teenager could find it for free on places like google search for almost two decades now?

This was all made worse by AI. It made artists more desperate, because they think AI-generated works can compete with them and eventually substitute them. For the midwits that are satisfied with AI slop, the situation is as good as it can be. For the rest of us, not so much.


even the legendary Jab started dabbling in A.I.


>Maybe if it was his own original drawings but half of his stuff is fanart
Finally, someone who gets it!


Can't disagree with you on that.


dunno how neko is getting fantia and fanbox

anyone know if neko had any detection issues in the past?

ofc kemono fanbox/fantia importer fix would be best, but as it's down for now


Patreon and Discord are safe grounds for furry content. Just go to pedohouse for your grooming or cub fix.


No really, where can you request updates?


Honest question since I barely joined a couple years ago. What's on Yiff.party that is missing from kemono.party?


Ah cool. But careful, that might count as a 'request comment'.

*ahem* Anyways, was this a manual import or an automatic import? I haven't checked NH yet, but I'm sure many people here would like to know whether that was manual or automatic. If it's the latter then do tell us.


There were some artists/art that had been imported onto Yiff.party but had never been imported to Kemono (and I don't mean 'Yiff to Kemono' but rather 'Original posts [etc.] to Kemono) while most had. This would be due to the fact that;

1. Some artists might've slipped through the cracks and were forgotten about,
2. Some of those original art posts and, in some cases, whole artist accounts, were deleted between the Yiff era and Kemono era. Or
3. Some artists might've slipped through the cracks and were forgotten about, but by the time anyone remembered it might've been too late.

Think of it like this. You go to buy a specific chair for your house from the shops, your house burns down and your chair gets destroyed in the fire, you later move into a different house, you go back to that store to buy the same kind of chair you once had but then find they don't sell them anymore because the company that used to make them had ceased to manufacture them, if not outright collapsed. Just a random example I came up with, but I definitely saw artwork on Yiff.party that had since been removed by the Patreon artist who posted them, and by the time Yiff.party came down and the Kemono era started, those posts could no longer be imported because they were gone from Patreon. And I'm talking about pictures/sketches (etc.) that can't be found anywhere else on the internet.



Now imagine this. What if something happened to Kemono, then a new website was started, and everyone tried to reimport every artist and every piece of artwork that was imported onto Kemono, but some of those Patreon/wherever accounts had been deleted in the meantime and some artwork had been deleted too. Imagine if an artist's picture was posted and imported in 2021, had never been released, their Patreon page disappeared in 2023 but then joined SubscribeStar without ever reposting that image which would then render Kemono the only place left said artwork exists, and then Kemono burns down in 2025 (hypothetically, I hope).

It sucks when you lose something but can still be recovered with time and effort, but it sucks way more when you lose something you know you may never be able to recover. Ever had a computer die on you?


BTW I stumbled upon Yiff.party by accident back in mid 2020 which is how I knew that site, and it was through that site that I'd first learnt about Kemono.party. But it wasn't until after the fall of Yiff.party that Kemono really began to take it's place. Also, the fall of Yiff.party just kinda came out of nowhere. No one seems to know what happened or why, though there were rumours that the person (yes, ONE person) who ran the site had "run off with the money". Even I don't know what really happened.


>>50676 (follow up)

Hey WAIT! That artist doesn't even appear in the 'Recent Artists' page, at least not in the past 27 hours. So (help me admins >>50438 ), is it that all the pictures in every post were scraped but only the first one was on display as a result of a bug? I also noticed that artist hadn't been updated since July, so are you sure you aren't just bringing up a past example before the whole "first picture only" bug started?

And while I'm at it.

I have a question/suggestion for the admins. You know how there's an import timestamp featured on every post on Kemono, right? Well is there any reason why that can't also be replicated on Nekohouse as well? I say this because as someone who uses Kemono (and tends to check a lot of artist pages), that import timestamp has been an absolute LIFESAVER for me. Once I tend to check posts dating as far back as 1-2 months prior to the present, yet completely miss when something on a higher tier (or something that'd accidentally been skipped) from earlier on gets added or if a post gets updated.

PLEASE consider this Kemono/Nekohouse team, thank you!


It went like this.
- Site randomly went down
- Reason given was funds needed for servers
- Reasonable lead to donations and goal
- Site isn't fixed and near instantly does offline with no word from owner
- Leads to mass confusion/panic nd the rapid crafting of alternatives (ex. MemoryHole project on Discord that went defunt after Kemono picked up slack).


There is only one admin, Meow has nothing to do with the retards behind pedohouse
Pedohouse is just a broken site that stole Kemono's code and doesn't work, it's a complete ripoff that just steals your credentials. Proof is everywhere on Matrix.

Also Pedohouse is a shithole because they don't want anything to do with us, they're afraid to admit furries are better than them at code, the shizos behind the site don't even come here at all they're probably all chinks niggers and jeets


the more we waste time shit-flinging, the more time art becomes increasingly hard to find, fore'er lost to the void.



Wow that's gross as fuck, glad SubscriberStar is down now.


Nekohouse just seems like a fucking joke at this point, y'all better avoid it. I think it'll be faster to wait for an update to kemono party, hopefully they axe shit like afdian, boosty and subscribestar to save space for more important things


Another pedohouse shill

This. Meow also said it on Matrix. Everything will be back up just be patient, priorities.

They even stole servers from us in addition to code, nothing is their own except their stupiditiy, stop mentioning that site. Adming can we just ban people who talk about this cp site or at least delete their posts? They make Kemono look bad when their criminals and assholes.


were you dropped at birth?


>They even stole servers from us in addition to code, nothing is their own except their stupiditiy, stop mentioning that site. Adming can we just ban people who talk about this cp site or at least delete their posts? They make Kemono look bad when their criminals and assholes.

I am sponsoring their reverse proxy, and Kemono frontend is public code :p


Preservation is always important. Hope it happens one day.


Where do you think they get their files from? Half the time it’s us.


once again I wanna thanks Meow for fixing the patreon import before new years


Meow how do I donate to the project


Nekohouse and Kemono are run by the same person/people. Stop talking out of your ignorant arse.


>Assuming that's the only reason anyone cares about SubscribeStar.
Nice ragebait.


>save space for more important things
Like what, AI spam? And there's hardly anything SS related there at the moment despite being on par with Patreon and Pixiv Fanbox in terms of importance. Slightly fewer users sure (though growing), but may hold the key to the future of paywalling and therefore Kemono.


Kemono and Nekohouse are two branches under the same umbrella. The only website I see around here that could even remotely qualify as a CP site is Kemonochan (yes, HERE) due to the amount of times that dickhead keeps posting CP.


The two sites are definitely linked, evident even in the pic URLs (as I'd noticed very recently).


That would explain a lot.


Was there a bug with Nekohouse's SubscribeStar pages that had since been fixed? Just wondering about how all the pictures are now coming up (within recent days) despite those artists not receiving any real update lately.

And what would be the odds of including an import timestamp on every post on NH like Kemono does?

Context: >>50680


"Meow" did nothing, stop kissing his ass


File: 1735658485776.gif (3.75 MB, 256x307, 1729274400660422.gif)


Is there a problem again? My favorite novels are not updating

The Hedge Wizard
A Soldier's Life


The people importing your novels said fuck it and vanished. Take their place or say fuck it too.


just like your father


Happy New Year, everyone!


Pixiv is back wtf?


oh my god you right….

its a new years miracle


just to be safe wait till meow officially confirm it we dont want to jinx it do we?


just saw a pixiv post


Wait, is it just me or I'm i going insane?? I saw a fanbox archive getting updated on my favourite page, lol




It'd be nice to actually be able to download some of these larger files without needing to attempt it 20 times to complete.


Tried importer for fanbox, didn't work.
probably getting ready


Like, the archive from Belko actually got updated, although it looks like there are a huge gap in-between in term of post


Happy New Year Meow


File: 1735748109606.gif (2.73 MB, 520x640, gmod-gmod-dance.gif)

Holy fuck, Fanbox is fucking back!!!!
Let's hope some of my followed do actually get updated before the importer dies again!!


File: 1735749270502.jpg (63 KB, 500x489, 1486081984973.jpg)

>fanbox is back
holy fucking shit, 2025 is on fire, and it's only the first day of the year


Don't celebrate too early just yet, let's wait a bit


i agree on waiting a bit but the fact even one account managed to go through is a great sign to begin with


We are so fucking back dudes


File: 1735779156785.png (138.61 KB, 681x386, imagen_2025-01-01_21520305….png)



Is true……!?


Spread the news out!
Fanbox importer fixed!






My deepest thanks to Nekohouse for fixing Kemono's Fanbox importer!


Thanks very much, you absolute saint


Been some time without any artist updates. everyone start archiving fanbox stuff already.


Downside: I just bought some Fanbox subscriptions

Upside: I can help out restarting niche fetish imports


And please don't forget to link Discord accounts like 90% of low IQ paypigs. 90% of my favorites still never update, or update only "check the patreon for uploads" posts


lmsketch has restricted his new stuff to discord because patreon mouth-breathing on his neck


Tried Importing fanbox again,
didn't work, the recent posts seems to be for testing, would try again tomorrow.


Thank you for working to bring Fanboxback Meow, you made my day


i didn't see surge on fanbox but at least there are 3 accounts that have been update as the writing of this post


waking up to like half my favorites on fanbox suddenly being updated
what a pleasant surprise


>waking up to like half my favorites on fanbox suddenly being updated

Only like 5 fanbox accounts have been updated since the fix, the hell are you even on?


probably testing to see if accounts get banned although I think last time pixiv waited before the ban waves
the subscribestar importer half worked and got everyone who imported their account banned
nekohouse is just a testing ground so those that get banned dont come here to complain


then the experiment is success
>inb4 muh empty import
it's from nekohouse itself


Could this be the start of a new fanbox era? I am very hyped


Is there any way to get the key to a mega upload if the creator has only put it on their patreon community chat?


is it just me or is the n1 domain for files not working?


Fanbox is back 2025 is my year


I can't seem to view any files on the site? I just get a site can't be reached error when I try to go to the raw image?


Would love to share session keys for import but concern about ban persuade me otherwise. ITMT will upload somewhere.


This guy must be faker


Why do you lie?
Only three fanbox got updated and it stopped again


i wouldn't try uploading until it's confirmed working and safe. fanbox is run by autistic nipsergs that will get your financial accounts blacklisted if they can. cartoon animal dick theft is serious business over there.


You can manually uploade your fanbox/fantia stuff to an archive on e-hentai if you're concerned about getting in trouble.

Don't have to wait for your stuff in the queue to get pulled as well if the artist you sub to has a habit of sperging/being psychotically paranoid and nuking things/restricting access at end of month.


Think it's just weird priorities.
Does hurt seeing AI slop getting constantly updated while I have to beg to get the actual artists updated.


Did pixiv ever hire a security company like fantia did to deal with importers?


i noticed the recent upload page doesn't show em for some reason but they did get updated

just counted, got 17


I have a couple favorited fanboxes that say they got updated but don't actually show any new posts


>kaedeko's fanbox finally started uploading
>it's just one of the more recent pics, and a sfw one


File: 1735859642121.png (28.43 KB, 765x495, Screenshot 2025-01-02 1812….png)

Any reason as to what's causing this error? Is it just a bad import?


zankuro won and there's nothing we can do about it


>nekohouse is just a testing ground
a testing ground where half the post doesn't import because apparently they haven't figured out how to import comments yet, but kemono devs figured out how to ages ago


NH is trash. The few kemono artists they have haven't been updated since last April. The rest is midling anime girl artists. How much of that shit does anyone actually need to jack off? Christ almighty it's boring.


so gif's (and gif thumbnails on posts specifically) autoplay on kemono now?


why does it take forever to download original files
>why does it take forever to download original files
why does it take forever to download original files
>why does it take forever to download original files
why does it take forever to download original files
>why does it take forever to download original files
why does it take forever to download original files
>why does it take forever to download original files
why does it take forever to download original files
>why does it take forever to download original files
why does it take forever to download original files
>why does it take forever to download original files
why does it take forever to download original files
>why does it take forever to download original files


anon learns how servers work and how they differ from each other (2025)


put your trip on and answer the question you mentally ill furry faggot of admin


none of that made any sense and where does it say admin anywhere near me you freak you need to be absolutely obliterated from this board already


the fuck is this? is the furry admin using a bot trained on retards on 4chan or typing shit by hand?


shut up, insufferable retard, nobody cares about your minor inconveniences


I have this issue as well. To make things worse, the connection is constantly interrupted when downloading larger files. Anyone knows what could be the issue?



No fucking way……


Fnbox import is back, what a great way to start new year


File: 1735920983791.gif (762.74 KB, 220x122, crowd-bar.gif)



File: 1735921213429.png (964.38 KB, 1583x912, fnbx.png)


Why do you keep spouting this lie?
Three (3) obscure fanboxes got updated two days ago, and nothing happened since then.
It's over.


File: 1735923061951.png (138.48 KB, 1579x319, 23849180894019.png)

An example of "silent update".


yes, a bullet to the back of the admin's head

literally any alternative will be superior


who cares?

can't download any original files.

took me 3 hours to download a zip file.

put your shit on a torrent and write a program or something that sorts the completed files if you can't afford better servers.


Do it yourself then


for some reason the updates only show up on your favourites page. The artist page isn't showing the recent fanbox imports.


File: 1735930397741.jpg (27.43 KB, 720x720, new-reaction-image-v0-x0c1….jpg)

>Fanbox back
>All favorites uploaders gave up on site months ago


Will the servers hurry the fuck up already? I'm downloading AI anal prolapse porn over here.


So far only found one smart person on all of partychan. Only a matter of time until they get yelled at for spouting nonsense.

>servers shitting themselves due to this

>I'm literally dying of laughter


To whomever's importing Tostito-cunt, they've kikewalled their stuff behind Dickord, so if you can import that as well.



then give me ssh keys



These silent fanbox imports are strange, they came as fast as they left. Maybe they were only testing a new importer or maybe fabox implemented a fix as fast as they were able to.


The one Pixiv artist I really wanted to see got updated in this test round, but only the most recent post is new, nothing of what was posted between May & mid-December is there, sadly. Not sure if it is an import issue or if the artist simply deletes the content after a while. most others seem to have imported okay, but there are a few others that seem to have several missing posts also.


The "silent updates" only updated free posts.


What is the point of complaining if you don't say what artist it is


Is there a workaround or fix for the Vimeo links giving the "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page" error


Could you PLEASE get an importer timestamp on NH posts? You know the ones on Kemono posts, that but on NH too.


Would make sense, maybe Kemono devs did it themselves to test the importer. For example, trying with already archived fanboxes, or some automatic import / update feature. Maybe…


oooh that explains why I didn't see anything worthwile


how do i check if one got updated? must i turn every account to see if there's an update or not?


I think manually checking everything is the only valid way, at least for now. But since only free posts were updated there is possibly no need to do that.


it makes sense that you like this bullshit. kill urself


Fanbox is gone…false hope…


>Fanbox is gone
Are you surprised? Meow is a faggot.


Don’t give up just yet, maybe they’re trying to make it work fully… I hope.


>Cobbler is Meow's alt persona
Of course.


UUUUUUUUUUUGH!!! That's disgusting!


Hey admins, have you ever thought about permabanning anyone who posts… what Cobbler just posted at >>50928 ?

We all know he's gonna do it again unless there are consequences.


there is no way that shit is real, toilet is too clean where is all the blood cause there is no way you shitting that monster without bleeding.


Not a single one of my fanbox favorites made it. Shit, I'd settle for just one of the patreons that hasn't updated since last April


Either way the Fanbox importer was only importing public stuff and only-text posts, so I'm sure it's just a test by the admin.


I saw that at least ONE creator had their paid posts imported, though. Just called "サインこす" in Kemono. That proves that it did actually work for the couple days it was live.



>Fanbox importer worked for less than a week.
>None of the fanbox I'd been waiting for made it on time.
>Gumroad importer still works but no followed accounts have been updated in months.

Im beginning to think all the legit importers left the site and now it's mostly trolls importing garbage and AI generated content on purpose to mock the people left here.


but why is the site still listing 3 updates on fanbox?


MだSたろう a.k.a the most popular pixiv account on this site has update too but it didn't shown on the site


Maybe, so that it at the moment doesn't become to apparent they fix it. It's no secret, that sometimes people from the pay sides lurk around here.


look at the imported posts. they are all available for free on their fanbox. no paid posts got imported since the importer broke


You realise it's most likely not one single person, right?


you can try search your fav artist in nekohouse, the import is not broken so the post is all paid post


hi guys, i am a user from Taiwan, recently my kemono page become 504 Gateway Timeout, at first, i think it just the kemono website is just down again, so i wait just as before we wait for import, but today, i try the vpn and i just comeback to the website, the website is never down in this days, only Taiwan user or internet got banned?


I am aware of nekohouse. just wanted to point out that this one artist the guy I replied to mentioned has no paid posts imported
also the fanbox artist I follow is not on nekohouse anyway


jannies stop bringing up the banhammer whenever people mention asian countries fuck you JEWT you greedy bbcgobbler shit


Jew here
AMA anything


Best I can figure, It looks like the "silent updates" that did work properly depended on previously provided keys still being actively supported in order to grab any private posts, otherwise it only grabs the publicly available content, if any.

Kaedeko and Pepper0 both only updated public posts, while some others, like those mentioned previously grabbed a bunch of new content.

That said, we likely won't start seeing more updates until the pixiv porter is fully operational and people start supporting the artists and providing info to the importer again.


Hey guys, so this artist HAS been getting updated, and that's pretty good. The only downside is that for some reason, like all the images won't load. Anyone know what's going on? Other patreon accounts seem to be completely fine…




someone import my webserials PLEASE


How do we know which ones you want?


Are you retarded? He linked to the post where he listed the ones he wants.




yeah it's broken for some reason


Oh shit. We're getting soyjak raided again.


Get off the drugs unless you want to spend the rest of your life in a mental asylum.


>wait a literal year for fanbox updates
>they finally update
>8 new post
>6 of which are artist blogposts apologizing for delays
>2 posts with actual content
>each one has 2-3 variations of the same image

Why are artists so goddamn lazy?


>latest fanbox account added
>it's last content is in 2021
so is this another test run or what?


I hope he gets banned for requesting


File: 1736291919020.jpg (32.59 KB, 536x469, error.JPG)

Eeehhm, doc. What happened?
Nothing loads. Everything gives an API error to fetch every post or artist.


Correct. Say it louder for people who are too lazy to browse fanbox to check there and live in a fantasy world of free requests and magical updates.


we are doomed


Even the Matrix is fucked… Kemono really is in the shitter.


You know, I still have hope for it to eventually update fanbox posts that aren’t public, but I think I might end up being wrong about it, I still have hope, but I’m worried now about fanbox.


Meow, what's going on with fanbox? Any plans to fix the other importers besides this one?



The problem is that artists have realized that they can make a living by releasing content little by little. Most of them stretch their work timelines to the limit to do as little as possible, as they know that some people will continue to support them no matter what, I have even seen artists being supported years after not releasing a single piece of work.


I know this might sound like a rather trivial question. But is the time display on Nekohouse still set to UTC? I'm just not sure if it is or if it has just changed to whatever timezone the user is in. I was just jotting something down for my own reference purposes and I'm not sure whether I'd misstated it or if the site has been set to show the user's own timezone with no way of being able to tell.



Does this look like Nekohouse. Go ask them, retard.



I've noticed that a number of imported P accounts have had their DMs wiped that were previously there. Is there a known reason for this?


True but that's how support was supposed to work in the first place
When companies encouraged them to treat patrons as customers, customers got entitled (or more entitled) and creators got greedy (or greedier)

If they make people pay dozens of USD a month as a donation box then yes the problem is the creator being an irredeemable jew who should have been freed from work before all of the others

I still support people who let you pay small amounts unless I see them go down that route and pretend they need more



That's true. Obviously not every artist is a greedy cunt but, yeah. That's why sites like this must exist, at some point this is the only way to push those lazy artists to work on new stuff, by not letting them capitalize on their old works. Or at least is something.


>I have even seen artists being supported years after not releasing a single piece of work
why do people do this? where do all these dumbfucks find so much money laying around they can waste on mid artists that draw one pic per semester?
honestly the biggest problem so far are the legions of retarded imbeciles with zero artistic taste that keep pumping thousands of dollars into terrible and greedy artists. if the meta is being mid and greedy, then that's what's going to prosper. I mean just look at what the people asking for requests see. It's dogshit after dogshit, every single day.

good artists are an extremely small minority, like 0.01%. and non-greedy fucks are 10% of that at best. 0.001%.
then you add the fact that japanese artists are retarded that on top of censorship have some genuinely insane and paranoid ways of dealing with their art, and the situation ends up hellish.



All the imported images are broken despite being reiimported for fourth time.


>japanese artists are retarded
this is why more than anything fanbox needs a fix. so many of them need reality checks.


Kemono can forward the question to NH. After all they're both linked with one another.

And I'm not touching Telegram, I have limits.


The timestamps are all over the place, so the answer "it depends". Sometimes it's a datetime with timezone formatted on server, sometimes it's just a datetime without a timezone formatted on client, sometimes it's a date, sometimes it's a unix timestamp.


Nips throw money in the void like zoomers at vtubers on twitch as some kind of tradition, usually it's not even their own, but yeah it's a terrible mindset that allows what you mentioned to be a thing.


So we have fanbox and patreon importers all working, but now we're just waiting for someone to actually use them, right? I have 5 pages of favourite artists and only half the first page has been updated in the last month


Patreon is working, Fanbox isn't unless you want public posts. Even if you have a subscription only public posts get imported.


Patreon is "working" but why are imports so slow? I get 1 update per day out of 200 artists, and some of them are too popular not to be updating. I know they are updating, because I can see the posts in their patreon feed, but not on KP.


Only the people who are importing your favorites could answer this… if they take the time to check their import logs that is.


>but why are imports so slow?
Because it takes several hours/days to fully import content from other artists.


Thanks for Chrysalis update.


How do you know that?


feels like imports are slower than usual lately


At the beginning of 2023 things were going well, it was at the end of that year or beginning of 2024 when the speed dropped a lot. Before, the page was updated twice a month and imports were imported very quickly. Now it is an update per month in which it does not even update all the artists, only a majority.


okay? you just pointed out there were year gaps in between all of that, so server infrastructure changes most likely(and did) happen between that time, and the amount of new content being stored also changes. it's not like theres infinite storage, stuff will probably eventually slow down anyway too due to new users coming along and adding tasks, etc. nothing is perfect forever.


Found two empty profiles with no entry in creators. One of them has an announcement so there's clearly something wrong. Blacklisted or just bugged? Thanks.


I say this because I think it's better to improve speed before adding new importers. If they focus on fixing more importers and the speed is very slow, well… I don't think that's a good idea.


More importers won't even matter at the current speeds. My uploads per week are at 1/154 favorites.


*Sees Kemono updates new Patreon accounts*

*Sees that none of them include the Patreon account you wanted*



You mean " see that 95% of what got updated is garbage AI porn while all the worthwhile Patreon accounts have not updated in weeks/months".


so much for the rumor that the people importing stuff are spending their money wisely


are you talking about when YOU import content, or are you complaining about the fact that your favourite creators arent being updated when you want them? when i import content it's relatively quick literally under 5 minutes at most for multiple creators. but if you /are/ talking about other people importing for you, then yeah it takes a bit possibly due to queue/etc. imho i think the speeds are pretty decent for how everything is going right now, it can be improved im sure but its not godawful. staff are doing good with everything lately, people really need to just enjoy and stop bitching so much before it all goes down again and the complaining cycle continues. be happy we have any content at all and people update creators.


Is there a way to check your favorite artist's queue?
Mine hasn't been updated yet…
Are the importers auto-updating or it needs to be updated manually?


no, you just have to cross fingers while watching a hyperinflation human porn artist update after occupying half the server's bandwidth.


It's not about my artists updating, but the speed has been getting worse. At first they said it was the memory, then they said it must be the servers and the page itself. I don't know what the problem is exactly but Meow has been fixing it and it has been significantly noticeable. Several of the most followed artists on the pages, which were the most filtered, have not updated for almost a month. They take so long to update that their paid content has already been released to the public. It's not about my artists, it's about all of us. Good speed is needed, not decent or sufficient. And when they fix another importer the same thing will happen.
It's not about complaining for the sake of complaining, it's a problem that is already starting to bother quite a bit. In my opinion this should be a priority, I'm just saying that.


People who pay for subscriptions can't control at which speed their subscriptions will enter the queue, or if any of the content will make it through at all. Putting your import log IDs here is like screaming in the void because it'll be in the middle of tons of shitposts and it'd be impossible to provide assistance except for entirely new errors.

People who come to download and complain that their favorites aren't updated first need to go through the experience of wasting entire months of subscriptions trying to share them to understand it a bit better. Of course they are too poor. It's a known fact everyone here is poor, including people who upload content and the administrator.


I know… I just see that the page is going badly. Although there are significant improvements, the truth is. Thanks to Meow or whoever is improving this.


why is it that when a discord server gets updated after a channel is deleted on the original it is also deleted from the page in here too?


It hasn't been updated since the last week of August 2024


Lucky you, none of the ones I added have been updated since 2022 and some entries even disappeared. Well, I hope people are enjoying the stuff I've been importing at least, if so it's all good.


i dont know man literally whenever i import whatever i sub to its there in just a couple minutes if not just a couple hours seems good to me


how do updating works? Like, i see most of my follow list got updated after that long non working times, some of them even like 4-5 times already, but a few guys still missing since the very "dark times of kemono", is it actually no one updates the post from them or their update got lost in queue due to lotta other more popular updates?


*Sees Kemono updates new accounts (again)*
*Sees several of them are some of your favorites*
So far so good.
*Except they didn't include the one you wanted the most*


Wish they would fix kemono. I've been waiting for new art I can have fun with 😔


> there's only one account on fanbox I care about
> It updated
> Only the public posts
I am going to kill myself.


I thought so too but I've seen few posts that are paid get imported in that last batch. Almost all were public but a handful wasn't. Dunno what's up with that.


If no one actually pays for the accounts, there's nobody to import from.


Hey Meow, no pressure
but could fanbox importer be fixed before feb, i don't want my subscriptions to go waste, no hope for fantia ones. but i hope fanbox ones make it through


There are zero guarantees bro.
Collect all the shit you have in Fanbox, and then upload it to F95zone, Hitomi, or to a trustworthy Discord server or a Telegram channel. Better safe than sorry, just saying.


Is there no option to manual upload your subscriptions (if applicable)? I can't remember.


Whenever I open the site on mobile, it opens the sidebar menu by default. Can this be fixed so it doesn't?


A mix of
slow slower
bottlenecked queues with human/ai porn
people's keys expiring/broken importer/importers flat out giving up on the site almost a year ago


Also a fuckload of people lost their jobs last year. Not as many paypiggies giving away free money to lazy artists. And those lazy artists lost their jobs which gave them less free time to make art while they work 2 shifts at mcdonalds.


Alright, is it just me or is the Artist Search engine not working properly?


Nevermind, seems to be alright.


I ran an import because there was an edit to a post from Patreon, but the edit hasn't shown up in the post after a few hours.

The log reported that it detected the edit and imported the new post, and when I ran another import later it just states "Skipping post X from X because body is same, not edited and already exists".

Is there a possibility anything is wrong here or is it just taking a long time to update the post on the frontend?


>new fanbox update
>it includes the paid content
is this it? are we, dare i said, kemonoback?


>Go on random Discord archived
>Fucking AI Child Porn.

I hate my life.

Is this stuff bannable? the Discord's name is Emmy's Secret Cave.


I'm sure that shit is against Discord's ToS, regardless if it's AI or not. Try making a report or something.


>another fanbox has been updated
twice is coincidence


Is it me or is the importer seeming ungodly levels of slow?


a third fanbox user was also updated just then, so far only 3 of them got updated as of today


Pages are being updated, they're just not showing up on recent.


Liking this progress, Meow, now could we get something which isn't godawful fetish shit.


The admin isn't the one paying for the subscriptions. You get what people pay for, beggars can't be choosers.


>Versus censoring image previews w a fanbox/ss link now
Fuck am I glad his shit leaks to Panda. Artists like that are the sole reason I want the Fanbox importer working again.


What i am always worrying about each day the importer is dead, is that at any time, an artist can go full retard and delete all their shit. I have seen it happen far too many times.


CP is both illegal and unethical


>Is this stuff bannable?
Actually yeah, it is.


File: 1736993399661.jpg (31.33 KB, 633x758, 0QA5zF8zXXf0Ydl7LsHp6O_abJ….jpg)

slow importer day


it's been sad for fanbox posters that delete their posts at the end of every 3 months/1 month too
oh well! plenty of other free porn


To whomever's importing Tanquito, they're kikewalling their stuff on Patreon and it's all on Discord. Get that instead.



>a banner appears on the top of the website
>it's a fucking ad for ai slop


People call us schizos when we tell them the truth about AI imports, there you have it and it's official too


Ah yes, "create and fuck your own AI GF"


>Ai CP
It's cartoons again, am i right? Take your meds


Remove that fucking AI slop banner, you fucking retards. Ublock Origin doesn't even work on it


Yeah, but how do i know if someone pays for account or not, or its not the issue. oh well…


how much did they pay you for the slop banner ad


Add this
>* realxxx.com * block (put kemono.su instead of the first * if you don't want to block it everywhere)
You're welcome, won't work if the domain rotates, you can just block the aside element instead but you won't get banners at all


Dear admin/mod/maintainer, can you please take a quick look at these posts:


Who do images in them repeat 2 times is it a scraping bug?


File: 1737055747418.jpg (72.75 KB, 1734x372, (this is adguard btw).jpg)

how retarded are you, it doesn't even have unique adblock breaking id
it's a little ad to pay the bills why does it offend you


If something gets imported/updated and is paid content
1) Someone with an active paid subscription imported their session key
2) The creator themselves imported their session key to backup everything/gain views/shit up the site


>turn the simpscord against the scammer
>report it to both discord and patreon
>watch all of their social media crash and burn
>let them blame kemono for their downfall
>eat popcorn at emo suicide threats
>dare them to do it live if they have balls
>they vanish from the Internet (or actually kill themselves live)
>boycott and laugh at their last ditch effort at making people pay up big bucks to see them off themselves for extra lulz at parasitic eradication
>you can now enjoy free porn made by actual artists with no revenue and some basic human decency
>either way nothing of value was lost
>rinse and repeat for every scammer
Fucking people over is a game that can be played by both sides


File: 1737060902141.png (115.06 KB, 522x192, lies.png)

Reason: 404 - Not Found. {"error":"Creator not found."}

shows in https://kemono.su/artists/updated profiles with 33 favs ?


Either a database problem or admin is blacklisting creators


good. AI trash should be banished from the site


I don't care ads banner but maybe fix imporer first


>meow is blacklisting AI slop



So… what's going on with fanbox? It seems there are new imports slowly trickling out


Those are just free posts, no new content is being posted.


Okay, how much longer do I have to wait for BEGrove to be updated!?


It's been 2 weeks since the last update. Others haven't been updated in months/years. Either update it yourself or quit your bitching.

Consider this brief break from BEGrove as an opportunity to try some normal porn instead.


No, this one are all payed contents:


a sad truth.


That sometimes happens with newly imported accounts. The cache invalidation doesn't work properly so (parts of?) the frontend servers don't realize those pages now exist.

It will fix itself after a few hours.


>Either update it yourself or quit your bitching.



What is this shit artist?


What kind of retard pays for AI porn anyways?


extremely doubtful since the new banner ad is for some crappy AI site


>"CREATE and FUCK your own AI GIRLFRIEND" banner appears on Kemono.
>CP appears on Kemonochan.
Hope that's just a coincidence.


You know what crazy people do? They see two clearly unrelated things and believe that they're connected. CP gets posted here quite regularly. It's obviously just a coincidence.



Me. I love AI slop and neko femboys.





The public repo has the database schema included plus you can see how they are wrangled on backend, backend-frontend and client.



There was a time where Meow cut ties with a shady advertiser. Noticed a lack of CP afterwards. I think someone might've even said CP was appearing as a result but I'm not really sure. So anyway, I was saying that I HOPE the two aren't connected. No need to call me crazy (besides, you never know if/when a 'crazy' person might be right). If I'm wrong, then GOOD I'm glad. If I'm right then that might be worth the admin's attention.

After all, how would you know whether or not that might be the case? Think twice before you jump to conclusions.


Taking selfies of yourself again, eh?

>Refer to above
Just ban this eyesore of an arsehole user already, before he throws a tantrum and start posting pictures of dead people again. Better yet, refer him to the feds for possessing such material.


>6 paid fanbox updated


Importer is still slow as fuck, either server is about to be clogged or prepping for fanbox coming back


5 were the same session key, dunno about the other one

Just a bunch of curious people trying to see if it works


I remember that. In that particular case, the advertiser was advertising CP, so a connection was slightly less implausible. But the fact is CP was being posted by the same guy before that advertiser was used, and after as well. I've been browsing this board on a near daily basis since last summer. In that time the longest we've gone without CP being posted has been about a week. It's just a staple of this board because it's not well moderated.

But let's suppose for a moment that you're right. Let's consider things from the perspective of the unscrupulous advertiser:
"OK, we just bought some ad space to advertise our AI girlfriend. Wait a second, this site has an imageboard! Let's go post some CP on their board! Damn, they stopped selling us ad space. I guess we can't post CP on their board anymore either. I mean we could. There's absolutely nothing stopping us. In fact, the only thing stopping us before was the risk of being found out and losing our ad space. And that's no longer an issue because we already lost it. But we're going to stop anyway because… um… give me a minute here… hmm…"

I have thought about it twice; you clearly haven't. You've seen two apparent coincidences in timing and drew your conclusion. I've considered those incidents as well as the dozens of other times CP has been posted that don't fit your theory. I've considered what Meow has said concerning the former advertiser and what he has said about the CP. I've considered the technical aspect of how getting rid of an advertiser would prevent them from posting CP. I've considered the motivations of the advertiser. I've considered all of this and drawn a conclusion: you're a moron who can't think beyond the first layer of a problem.


File: 1737210985177.jpg (89.98 KB, 1170x1150, RDT_20231126_1945283146994….jpg)


>vtuber junk with Discord passwords
>shilling his own fanbox to lure simps
>join le discord with my discord bot!!1
Totally not obvious move sheezer


File: 1737221013391.png (135.73 KB, 601x314, fa.png)

pixiv is back


New Fanbox imports again seem for testing,
Still getting errors, would try tomorrow


Same, getting errors with the first posts when importing my fanbox subscriptions, the rest works.


Meow, can you handle all the keys?
More are on the way!


If Musa of Mali is real, I ain't buying the game.
Simple as.


is this it?? has the dawn finally came for fanbox?


File: 1737281448101.jpg (57.17 KB, 640x717, e0f.jpg)

>still trying to fix the fanbox importer in the year of our lord 2025


Hey what's going on with Nekohouse? There have been no artist updates in a week.


Ban, kill and rape you.


looks like some artist post that got imported didn't include to artist main page,you can only found it in recent post page.


Half of the posts aren't getting through at all here. Now none are so it's probably offline again.

Both importers offline I think with no ETA. Upload your paid stuff to panda or other sites as always.


> it updated again
> it even has paid posts this time
> but only has like 3 paid posts out of like 20
Something is fucky. if they imported paid posts today that means they kemono has the keys, but why would it only import some of the posts?


some of it had errors as well. maybe it's on the second stage of testing by being able to importing paid content


Filling the database with public content doesn't look like much of a test. It's been done countless times before too and doesn't do much as a diversion.

I have my idea on what caused it but no evidence to support my claim so won't say what's going on here. Only mere observations from interesting patterns and how the admin has to make money to keep the site up and running. AI and react imports running smoothly and being processed right after switching from scraping to guest mode are a very interesting coincidence.

Can you elaborate? It's not just one post failing for most sessions. Maybe you were importing specific stuff?


To the owner of the session following 18557 fanboxes, joining 49129 patreon free tiers and 2651 discord servers: thank you for your dedication.


Yeah surely the problems must be caused specifically by the categories of content you dislike.


Someone gets the point. Thank you.

That has nothing to do with likes or dislikes. Flooding the server with content anyone can access is just pollution and needless strain. If the pattern changes to something else that is *already* available to everyone, then I'll gladly blame that instead no matter what it is.


The ad banner on top is not a zone I really like, but had a pending contract so want to get that all out of my plate before I surprise you with new goodies.

Why did the chinese stop dumping Micron 7450 Pro 15.36TB nvmes? I wanted to buy more :P


Fuck off with your autism, schizo. The importers work in PARALLEL. It doesn't matter how much data they have to scrape. You clearly have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are talking about so just SHUT THE FUCK UP and kill yourself, you'll do everyone here a favor you crybaby leech.

Another autist pulling numbers out of they're asses or samefagging. Kill yourself seriously, you contribute nothing to the site by spreading misinformation and being a reatard.


Can anyone confirm if Matrix is working? Says can't connect when I'm using Cinny


Why hasn't Getdowncrazy's VIP MEGA links not been updated recently? Anyone got 'em?


Is react and ai content disproportionately on free tiers in patreon? most of ai stuff i see on patreon is paid? Genuinely don't know that.

Also, kemono is not a fucking pipe. You can't just "clog" it with too much stuff.


File: 1737330779557.jpg (28.55 KB, 1817x181, 5127.jpg)

Constant PSA: Link your fucking Discord accounts




Now that Fanbox is good and running….

Fuck off with all the AI slops you moron


File: 1737335606636.jpg (203.06 KB, 1657x859, 0.jpg)

update t2


are announcements on Fanbox being imported? download links are often hidden there.


The patreon importer skips free subscriptions anyway.


Meow, bug report - Fanbox updates not showing up in https://kemono.su/api/v1/creators.txt
The update date does not change.


I like futa AI girls shitting on my chest and calling me filthy names.


the fuck you mean? just tested it with a random artist (Ink+) and it shows the correct unix timestamp


I apologise if this sounds like a dumb question. But is the ad legit and not some malware trap? Just asking because I'm used to dismissing that sort of stuff as malware ridden crap. Or is it that you need to follow the contract regardless of what it is and hope people don't click it?

Just felt it might be worth asking about.


Don't risk it. If you want to support the site import some session keys with paid plans on them.


It's paid, by hundreds if not thousands of subs even. Lol commissioning something anyone can generate in seconds.


> literally the "photography is so easy you just click a button" argument


If you are willing to pay the rightful price for exquisite remastering touches and the mastery of words that generate new copies of existing pictures, you would have made a lot of people happy in the 90s and early 2000s, my friend.

God bless your wisdom and generosity. The legends who turned tasteless graffiti into pieces of true art would be moved by your words; rest assured all of them marked their works of their undying names.


Ad is legit, I don't advertise malware or scams.


Meow molested me. Don't believe a word out of his lying mouth.


One question Meow, will we ever see the Subscribestar importer working? And is it a priority to do so or is it just planned to bring that importer? I'm just asking out of curiosity, nothing more. For now, luckily, I don't have any artists posting there.


you won't get an answer. hell even the mods don't know shit about what's going on. better give up asking

my personal unworthy opinion is no. didn't work for years at this point and from what I know they are notorious for their anti-scraping methods


> Fanbox is back


Lmfao that's crazy as hell dude


learning how to prompt for AI pics is way easier than learning how to take good photos



haku3490 updated 2025-01-20, but api date is 1719263598, 2024-06-25
shiratsukishio updated 2025-01-20, but api date is 1715942419, 2024-05-17
clesta updated 2025-01-19, but api date is 1718106791, 2024-06-11
keihh updated 2025-01-19, but api date is 1711577317, 2024-03-28
horosuke updated 2025-01-18, but api date is 1718124570, 2024-06-11

It seems that all recent Fanbox updates are not added to the API.


The fanbox importer is back but it still seems to have some issues and is incomplete in some imported updates, does anyone know when it will be fixed?


can someone please delete that snuff cp


It's a test. All the posts are old.


>anyone can generate in seconds


Is it still being tested? I thought it was back. Thanks for your reply.


im seeing a bug where only some fanbox posts are being reimported, case in point
is getting imports but there are posts between the last import and this one that should be included but aren't

is this just the fanbox importer going through a slow start? i would at least expect posts to be added starting from the oldest/newest, not ones in the middle


Bros I just saw a fanbox account get actually updated. Not just the free posts, everything. Are we back???


so far seems so good, but i won't sounds the bell until at least admin posted it either on one big ass banner or it being announced like gumroad


my bad. using a sample size of one wasn't a smart idea


Also, meow you probably know but artists pages are having a lot of trouble updating.
That is, the posts are on kemono, but don't show on artist's page. This usually resolves itself after few hours, but some artists pages don't have all posts even after a day, despite the posts being on kemono already.


Not sure if this is an old bug or what, but I noticed older posts were missing on this Patreon upload, including chapters 1&2 of exclusive content (but 3&4 are there, for some reason). The upload only goes as far back as June, and has a grand total of three posts prior to June 12 2024.


There's kiddy porn on the 2nd page. Pls delete. Thx.




Finally fanbox fags can stfu. Now we just have to deal with SS fags.


Btw I've seen so many people make request threads, did the requests = ban rule change or are people degenerate retards.


yo theres an artist im suscribed to that makes pretty good stuff but its not here and i wanna import it, will it just pop up with my session id or i gotta do something else, its my first time doing this so i have no clue, i already submitted the session id tho


We teally need a way to see the community chats from the creators, a lot of them are posting links there


still not seeing Fanbox announcements being imported


no need just get that shiet on


i thought that was exactly one diaperfag spamming posts about it?


Really? Because I was getting updates on some of my Fanbox artists…but when I actually look, it's not completely updated. Like it's missing posts.

And when I try to import myself, I'm stuck with "Wait until logs load."

My fanbox session ID changed so maybe that's it?

Import ID: 945bfd21-3838-4fdf-b23f-c0f06306cbd0


Getting absolutely blueballed. I know imports work and that kemono has a key for the highest tier of my fav cosplayer but the importer dripfeeds posts by small handfuls instead of just dumping them all.
I understand there's probably a reason it works that way now but knowing the pics are so close is maddening


anyone else getting a 504 error when trying to access from mobile?
vpn circumvents that and mobile provider confirmed that they haven't restricted access to the site in any way and works on their end


RKN blocking the moscow pop, I sent them a love letter but I think its due to "gay propaganda"


Anything wrong with the importer or is the person who I leech off of just taking the week of?


Same situation here. My LitRPG slop is not being updated at all. Feels bad man.


File: 1737564390142.png (3.2 MB, 1905x2859, 2025-01-22 11.46.14 kemono….png)

Aren't you forgetting something?


>>51451 No I left them out purposely. Since nekohouse exists its really not necessary to be concerned about them.


It's prolly slow due to pixiv coming back up so it's clogged with a lot of backlog.


ASL has not been updated for over a month…


At least I am a little behind on that one, but lack of updates is sad anyway. Hope it will get better soon.


Why is it that when the author's page is imported in fanbox, not all of it is imported and some of it is missing?
Even though the plans are the same.


Thank you, Meow. I really mean it. Can't say that you're doing the God's work, but nonetheless. You're the best!


Thank you, Meow. I really mean it. Can't say that you're doing the God's work, but nonetheless. You're the best!


he doesn't do anything, there's no reason to thank him


You have literally advertised malware and scams before… What's stopping you from doing it again?


You're dumb.

Unless this is just an attempt to request an update without getting banned, in which case you're slightly less dumb.


No, I'm genuinely asking if it's broken; not requesting. It doesn't usually take this long for that artist to be updated.


Someone update Slightlysimian, please. It's been over a year…



Monkeys are against the law, anon.


Patreon importer does seem slightly borked at the moment. Not completely down, but many people report either lack of updates or extremely slow/irregular ones.


Is it just me? Dagasi's stuff is getting updated but no new post everytime I check it


>Now we just have to deal with SS fags.
Those Patreon fags never shut up, do they?

Imagine dismissing hundreds of people as one ultra-specific person for the sake of convenience and an excuse for a biased argument.

Maybe you could tell those 5 noisy everyday Patreon schizos to shut up and stop hyperspamming the place into obli- …What's that? There are thousands who care about Patreon? Exactly my point. (and don't get started on the tiny minority who use *gasp* FIREFOX or INTERNET EXPLORER or MICROSOFT EDGE or GOOGLE CHROME, ewww end the internet)

>You have literally advertised malware and scams before… What's stopping you from doing it again?

Well THAT'S reassuring.


Can we get a way to blacklist certain tags or terms? So I don't have to run into scat or fart porn while I'm searching


That's part of THE EXPERIENCE.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Dagasi's fanbox is there exclusively for you to get high res versions of his work. I've never seen a drawing there that wasn't also on his regular pixiv account.


don't use kemono as a search engine/booru


Well, shoot.

I can't stop getting "Restarting job…retrying import in 30 minutes" messages.

I even revoked my session key to make a new one, no change!

I'm fucked, aren't I?

Import ID: 945bfd21-3838-4fdf-b23f-c0f06306cbd0


it honestly feels like tests rather than the importers being back since there was no actual announcements, we've gone from just free posts to free and recent posts, let's hope the third time's the charm


> Test is over, or broken again before the only artist i care about fully updated.


Unlike some I do have a life and can't monitor ads 24/7, but there is no malware or scams being advertised at this current time, nor am I purposefully doing so.


File: 1737689464220.png (572.64 KB, 1104x632, test.png)

Which one of you Pedophiles updated the Pedophliac Discord Server?


I tried to upload to pf, but the website kept showing that it was re-uploading for 30 minutes, could it be that the interface was broken?
Or maybe it's the author's work I've uploaded that contains some censorship


Are you kidding me? The fanbox is broken again?


shitty life


Does it matter? We're dealing with actual CP on Kemonochan right now. And you want to worry about AI edits? SO out of touch!




> look inside
> it's drawings again
Take your meds



I remember trying to browse the new Fanbox imports and there was a decent handful that were errors or imported posts incorrectly. Hopefully, it's not Fanbox improving defenses, and instead they're fixing importer bugs.


File: 1737751303957.jpg (34.32 KB, 490x457, 1000003340.jpg)

>Patreon finally updating regularly
>It's full of nopost imports with Discord walls set up months ago
FUCK. Can you report artists to discord for sharing smut?



Some of the Art there has Futanari's fucking babies in cribs, that is literally CP.


Would an importer for itch.io be possible? A lot of artists who had gumroads moved to itch.io after the porn ban and now they’re mostly itch.io exclusives.


man, I saw two updated profiles that I was really excited about, and the fanbox one happened to be a non-update, it looks just like it did months ago, and the patreon one straight up gives me a 404 error message for some reason.


anyone got an idea why i can find a post through search but not the artist? its like only half of what was uploaded is actually available through the artists page


Either it bugged out and you need to wait or you need to clear your browsers cache. Both is also a likely option, i don't know why lately you need to clear your cache daily to browse kemono, but it is how it is.


And did these futas lick a real life human child? No. You’re just wasting everyone’s time, come back when you have actual CSA to report, not just the disgusting fantasies of random perverts.


File: 1737768169830.jpg (10.02 KB, 263x192, justadrawing.jpg)


did they ever mention are they gonna add a filter/blacklist feature? the one on greasy fork isn't working anymore, not really a big fan of AI generated image


One of the artists I follow finally got updated on kemono after months but the psd files I’m more interested in are posted in Dropbox links in the announcements section which also got updated skipping all the missing months straight to January of this year, will the announcement section get updated after the issue is solved?.


Can anyone shut that guy who constantly talk about the CP contents on the kemono.su up?


easier said than done. copycats will take his place


Whoever's importing nastacic, fuck you
for not importing the alts.


It's normal that some autors are "updated" but when you check there are no updates?


the reason the alts are not imported is because the guy who's subbed to them isn't subbed to the higher tier that includes the alts, not because he chose not to


Makes sense, I take that back


There is a gap of missing posts for this (webnovel) author:


After this one - https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2778175/post/116812584 - there should be a few more "B4" (book 4) posts. Instead, there is a jump of about 25 posts.

Accessibility does not explain the gap, if those later chapters could be accessed and downloaded, so should have been the earlier ones.


File: 1737843892761.png (3.2 MB, 1905x2717, 2025-01-25 17.24.00 nekoho….png)

>Since nekohouse exists its really not necessary to be concerned about them.


Fanbox announcements are still not importing correctly


Good morning, its me again, the posts are now all imported and i would like to apologize for my behaviour, give my earnest thanks to people working at kemono and the ones donating their keys, and i would like to wish everyone else reading this a very good day.


Technically that would actually be BP



This is probably a nitpick but it appears frequently edited comments under patreon posts do not update correctly after being reimported?


Well I guess they better get that fixed I do not wanna wait 50 million more years for this artist to import, cause of more importers fighting for priority.


The import I'm on appears to be stuck and won't continue.



File: 1737941673863.png (10.1 KB, 659x323, firefox_kAKNgpcZju.png)

I'm getting this error when trying to view the recently updated page and the search page won't load either.
I get this on both Firefox and Chrome. Everything was working just earlier today


I see similar when trying to import from fanbox, importer ID 2040bd05-0390-4c3a-8287-*


Ok so what? Get over with it. It takes several days to fully import.


Sorry for your loss, buddy. I think you got a rare condition in your case.


File: 1737943885535.png (1.7 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20250126-200905.png)

Nvm looks like I will have to wait 50 million years for morinetsu to update due to importer clog


File: 1737944022643.jpeg (5.01 KB, 259x194, download (8).jpeg)

You won bro. I am happy for you.


I've been trying to import from FANBOX, but Kemono is only showing "Wait until logs load…" for 30 minutes now. Should I just wait it out or should I try again? Btw, I'm using a VPN to access Kemono, so maybe that's why it's a bit slow.

ID: 84711759-b418-4980-b663-4ae3029e9ce1


File: 1737949374810.png (123.22 KB, 2282x740, .png)

Does it really take this fucking long for the import to properly load and work?



For whatever reason, same goes for me and I decided to try something and it made me kinda irked. I iisabled the adblocker (uBO in this case) for the site specifically on the Recent and Search areas and it worked again. Enabling the adblocker for those pages however bricks it again. So, that's not great.


I was having the same issue. Sure enough, turning off uBlock fixed it. How ridiculous…


Sometimes there's a fetch error sitewide in Coomer and Kemono. Just wait. It happened to me weeks ago and it just solved itself after a few hours.


admin needs to fix that


It's working again.


I saw that error a couple days ago on a post I really wanted to see and it fixed itself yesterday upon reimport. It's fucked up that it breaks with adblock, but if it then fixes itself it doesn't seem intentional.


Alright wtf is this?

I get:
Failed to fetch due to client settings.

When i go in the artist search, but it works if i turn off ublock.

I am not turning off ublock, get less invasive ads you faggot.


fix your stupid nigger website


As was reported here before, I fond yet another example:


THERE IS A GAP OF MISSING STUFF. Here, The "Duskbound" chapters should go into the 70+ chapter numbers before they switch to book 2. Instead, chapter 64 is the last one,



I don't mind needing to turn off uBlock for the site to get some ad revenue, but you're a faggot for allowing pop-up ads



Looks like it imported up to Patreon's "See more posts" button, and stopped.



There used to be instructions on how to whitelist the api in the ad blocker but it seems to have been removed. I won't repost those instructions in order to not get in trouble as I'm guessing there is a reason they were taken down.


this has been happening pretty often lately, I think it just needs to be imported again or something



WTF, no??? That is useless unless the importer gets fixed!



… also, this problem has happened in the past - several times. A regression bug that keeps popping up once in a while.


Someone keeps repeatedly importing elma's free tier, meaning they're importing nothing, but it gets bumped up constantly as if it had actually been updated.
I will find you.

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