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Kemono Development and Discussion
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Asking why no one is updating pixiv fanbox of various artist nowdays?

being waiting for months already


Most active importers have been sick of waiting to upload their paid subs here and either did it somewhere else or gave up, it's not like being unable to share with others here would be a problem.

Kemono suspiciously removing some posts and creators didn't help with motivation to import session keys, some creators are literally empty now.


fanbox importer has been dead for months you dumbass


>>51207 Where's this "somewhere else"? Every time I try to look up paywalled anything the best I get are reposts of Kemono content.


Fanbox importer hasn't been working for months. There's naught to do but wait for the fucker running the site to fix it.
Nekohouse finally fixed their galleries so you can actually view what their importer pulls… But then the importer died.


based megasage.


there's no "somewhere else" and we don't talk about bullshit chinese forums that require you to grind rep to unlock post


The importer is fixed


I heard some people saying the fanbox important might be working is it true?

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