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 No.52841[Last 50 Posts]

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>51606


New thread time to pee my pants


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Wait? Yiff.Party? Did I hear that right?

Yup you did, after painstaking years Kemono finally managed to integrate ALL the data into the current database.

Final preparations are done but it already passed all checks, so after some time you will see it pop up.

Existing posts will have the Yiff.Party version inserted into the revisions, and new artists or posts will just show up as new posts and artists respectfully.

Question sits, is anyone interested in the old Yiff.Party UI?

Next updates in line:
1, Webp thumbnails, enabling animated images for videos instead of showing a black icon.
2, Boosty importer
3, Making our own DDoS-Guard/Cloudflare alternative, with blackjack and hookers!
On a more serious note, Russian goverment blocks now affect our transit providers so its getting tricky to serve anyone in Asia and Europe, if anyone can suggest us a Datacenter in North America we are happy to hear your suggestions on contact@kemono.ru
4, Opening developer positions again on the website as the frontend is rotting away. If you feel like you are of good help, then write to us on contact@kemono.ru (Paid Position)
5, Selling our unused hardware as part of our Kemono brand to you gooners. Will consist of Dedicated servers, Vps's and Domains. I simply just don't see any good competition in the space that accepts monero, the others are either hosted in some romanian fucking basement with laughable uptime or the hardware is prehistoric even for 2015.


Why are there so many revisions for a post with identical file hash, text content, title and file order?

Why can't the latest post have a unique ID? Without it, we are forced to re-download the post and all of its revisions when the post receives a new revision.


I wouldn't mind the old UI. Also, are there any plans on making a section for "Most Wanted Updates" like Yiff.Party did?


Yiff.party had posts and even artist pages which were gone from those original sites by the time Kemono rose as it's spiritual successor (seriously, getting rid of Yiffparty was a bit like burning down the Library of Alexandria). If all the information from YP was preserved and were to be absorbed into Kemono, it'd be a HUGE comeback as Kemono would be finally be able to fully render Yiffparty obsolete as it'd have all the information that was on that site plus more. Seriously, we'd get to do what the world might not be able to do with the Library of Alexandria. How often does THAT happen?

By the way, I know this might sound like a dumb question, but HOW do you plan to integrate that information into Kemono? And are you planning to make those old posts / artist pages distinguishable from everything else (e.g. featuring a "as seen on Yiff.party" label)?


"Question sits, is anyone interested in the old Yiff.Party UI?"
I'd say yes. A huge number of people, I bet, would love to see the UI again. I myselfe only used it for one year before it went down. So no strong attachments.
As someone with no idea how much workload it would be her an idea to consider. Many pages wich had a change in there UI, like DeviantArt or FurAffinity have the option to switch between the new and old UI. Might be an idea to do it that way. If it's not to huge a work.


meow is a fat sissy bitch


>Question sits, is anyone interested in the old Yiff.Party UI?

Nostalgia says YES but I would say NO. YIFF guy let the site die and told people that it will die in few days. Then he also ran with last donations that was there for site upkeep.

Kemono (and this also means Kemono UI) deserves the spotlight.


gives an error with the message:
Failed to fetch from API because path "https://kemono.su/api/v1/patreon/user/59232504/post/124581193" doesn't exist. Reason: 404 - . {"error":"Not Found"}

The thing is, putting the above 'not found link' returns the post I'm looking for (though a little garbled as it's in data form)




Metadata data for


Metadata problem occured help


the thumbnail for videos is going to be a MASSIVE upgrade. Will it get applied to coomer too? browsing fansly profiles is hell right now since they don't even display a title, it's like playing a black square roulette.


When will the website be launched or where can I find the link?


https://kemono.su/api/v1/fanbox/user/6638325/post/9517691 404s even though I've tried importing it repeatedly. The importer says it's up to date/doesn't have any posts to import. Import ID 740e144f-7cf8-4e51-9789-*


Any ideas in how to get the passwords for the dropbox links for this discord server? https://kemono.su/discord/server/1210613200874242158/1210614869154332722 It seems the importer is not pulling the passwords.


It looks like the Patreon importer won't import the works from User https://kemono.su/patreon/user/57150196


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Patreon Importer is having trouble fetching new pages from accounts.


hey will this negetively affect us in any way?



To whomever's importing 6alaj0, rars are locked and passwords are Discordwalled.


Why would it? That's just 2 factor auth for credit card payments. The importer grabs what the account already has access to. It doesn't try to buy stuff by itself.


Screw the yiff UI, not worth the effort. Just put it all in the db and maybe focus on fixing what's broken, I dunno, like the cache?

QoL improvements? Maybe newly imported posts at the beginning (edited posts isn't a very good idea because it would be a massive mess with all the flagging). Fucks up the order, sure, but between the whimsical API and the broken cache, if you take a creator with like 20k posts it's impossible to tell what changed and you have to query the entire thing, that's 400+ queries for a single creator.

Or maybe extra timestamps and a "hey look someone paid this much while you're busy bitching and begging because oh yeah you're totally poor" post fee/tier/whatever but it won't help for those massive post cases because it'll still be buried deep lol.


Imagine using Kemono and finding the page is just two-thirds ads. For reference, imagine watching a programme on TV and it's just two-thirds ads and one-third the actual programme.

What is this, Spamono (more like Spam-OH-NO)?

Seriously, scrolling through (even with a computer) some of the pages on this site and getting giant ads followed by a row of ads followed by another giant ad followed by another row of ads… so much spam it feels like you're reading the Spam menu in Monty Python… SEVERAL TIMES OVER!


Admin has confirmed he only needs session keys and does not care about ads so here is what you do.
0) Disable Javas- no wait you can't do that anymore because ReactJS and because you need API access for everything now
1) Get ublock lite/origin/whatever isn't complete shit and doesn't eat up all your RAM
2) Go to my rules (dynamic) tab, add kemono.su * 3p block
kemono.su * 3p-frame block
kemono.su * 3p-script block
Yes, this will effectively block all third-party content (you can also block onomek.js if you want but meh)
3) Now so that kemono doesn't blow up completely
or just the parts of the api you want
4) ez gg
5) ????

Works on mobile, works on microwaves, on your digital dog and what have you. Don't know if it allows you to run DOOM on Kemono though but you will no longer see ads unless they're directly served from kemono itself. And if they do, well, you take it a step further and block everything from kemono that you don't need. Making it faster.


will there ever be a fix for older posts not getting imported? there's a postgap in sedes' profile on posts from mid 2024, and everytime it's updated with new posts those old ones do not get imported


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hell no keep kemono's UI (but add recent activity + and a option to only show fave creators), so what'll be happening? Will kemono be rebranded? Yiff.Party be a separate site? or you just adding the database to kemono and calling that a day aside from server related changes?


Itch.io importer please por favor


To whomever's importing y0ak0, their stuff's on Discord, and it hasn't been updated since 2024.


Is the Patreon importer bugged again? an artist I'm following hasn't been updated in almost a month


And fanbox importer is back to being broken…


use uBlock Origin bro I see none of them


Seriously you should see it, it's obnoxious.



Well, seems like it's back now. Might have been backlogged


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I guess this thing still broken despite being reimported


It downloads two different zip files (idk if it's been like this before) for just a single zip/file

like: .pending-6942001-shit.zip and .pending-6942002-shit.zip

it's like zip being unintentionally split by two

Only happening to that post and specifically to those file, rest of the import are fine


one file or zip was successfully downloaded, but it got corrupted


The Patreon importer is definitely bugged again


Is there any chance that I still have the yiff.party data stored? I am interested in retrieving the content of a specific artist.


Is there any chance that I still have the yiff.party data stored? I am interested in retrieving the content of a specific artist.


the admin has always lied about this

until a few months ago, he'd say yiff.party is going to get merged with kemono.party. now he does occasionally while denying it like a shitty liar would do.



my bad i just assumed most people here use burner cards when paying for stuff to import here and i dont think people would bother going though the prosess to set up 2 factor auth for a burner card


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Some are now putting passwords behind Patreon's community chats. Pic related, I also saw a couple others. Here's hoping those too can be imported in the future.


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same for fanbox pls


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there's an issue with post now where post are being hidden now, only way I can see them is by typing a specific key word or a "space + letter" and it gives me 3 missing pages worth.

could be the imported profile (https://kemono.su/patreon/user/148389875?q=) that has this issue but it still seems important enough to check up on incase others have the same issue



I seen this happen and it is usually because posts are not still organized. Check in a day. It should resolve on its own


What’s yiffparty? Also I came here to learn how to import files and all that. Ik it’s having some trouble with the imports so imma just wait till it’s fixed all that


Tried this and other similar things, every time it still results in kemono and coomer not loading at all as long as uBlock Origin is enabled for the website. Not a blank page, just infinite loading. "Waiting for kemono.su…"
Once I hit the power button on uBlock and re-open the page (refreshing does nothing) everything works as intended, but then I get absolutely raped by ads.


I thought imports were busted, but it turns out most of my favorites were lazy fucks starting this year.
There was almost nothing to upload because they took breaks. And their latest uploads this week are barebones.


I'm using firefox ( in incognito mode) with ublock and is working normally.

Brave browser is an option too. When I use the mobile version in incognito mode, there aren't ads.


Kemono, you need to seriously tone the ads RIGHT down.


God I hope Kemono didn't just get make a deal with some uBlock company.



>Boosty importer

Why that over Fantia or S*?

>Question sits, is anyone interested in the old Yiff.Party UI?

Changing UI for nostalgia is just a waste of effort. If there's anything good to port from Yiff it'd be the request system.


How does Yiff request system work?


If I remember correctly, you clicked on a "Request Update" button which was next to the name of the artist. I dunno if that even worked tho, Yiff Party had its own request thread back then.


Can y'all just revive the dlsite scraper? I'm tired of paying, thanks




It didn't have one.

It was the website where people could import their shit. The owner abandoned the website and Kemono was made as a response to it.

>Changing UI for nostalgia is just an excuse to do something pointless instead of fixing the website



Boosty and Ci-En are rising platforms that people are moving to so there is some merit, I rlly want Ci-En so bad but DLSite crash and burned here hard


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the post I mentioned >>52940 have been reimported yet still broken/corrupted

maybe it needs holy (meow) intervention


>The owner abandoned the website and Kemono was made as a response to it.
Incorrect. Kemono was actually made BEFORE Yiffparty went down, though it didn't truly become functional until after the fall of YP. Seems kinda planned, t's as if the two are somehow linked.


What's even going on with Kemonochan? People are posting rubbish threads all of a sudden.


Happens from time to time. As long as no CP links just wait for Meow to clean it up. Might take a bit through.


These uploaders are the creators themselves, I think. Always directly post sketches, low quality stuff to their paysites, but then lock all the good stuff behind discord. And the Discord never gets updated, posted, or linked.


That's right! They are using kemono to advertise themselves. If you are curious about it, take a look at this page:
It was updated 75 times.


How many AI submissions and Indians do you expect to submit applications this time?


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>I dunno if that even worked tho, Yiff Party had its own request thread back then.
Iirc it was for new artists to import, not update requests. But I think the actual purpose of it was A. Get people to stop bitching to admins or whoever if an artist took too long to get updated, and B. Nudge randos to actually contribute by uploading, instead of just leeching (see picrel.)
Most importantly, it did these things WITHOUT being buried on a separate forum which doesn’t even allow requests in the first place.


And of course, because I am an autist, now I’ve been ruminating for the past several hours on “how would I implement this, to replicate these results on Kemono as it currently is?” And so:
>put a “Request Update” button on pages, a way to see how many update requests there are, and a bit of code at the end of the import process to reset them
>make a “New Artist Request” page
So, you know how you go to an imported artist’s page and it’s got a unique ID in the url? Tonight the Archangel Obvious descended from on high to deliver unto me a revelation: that shit can be ripped from any service without even being logged in (Except Discord). Thus, the mechanism for a New Artist Request page: A dropdown menu for the service, and a place to drop the link. Have a separate list from the actual imported artists that’s just [Site, ID, Artist Name, Link, # of requests]. Have the site check that the ID’s not already on an uploaded page or the list, and make sure importing an artist’s page takes it off the list.


>on the “Linked Accounts” and “Link another account” pages, add a dropdown menu to select a service and a button to request an import for a new related account. Maybe also a table showing the number of these requests. If “New Artist Request” is implemented, maybe it can be used here too.
The complaint embodied by >>53008 is evergreen, and this feature would provide a way to make these requests without coming here, where the average user never goes, and thus would never see them. Requests for a given service should be reset once an account from that service gets linked.
>add “Update Requests” “New Artist Requests” and “Linked Account Requests” as sorting options in the search page’s dropdown menu, and a link to the search page for one of them specifically on the sidebar in the Artist section
>add a banner (separate from the sitewide top banner) on the search page similar to picrel in >>53025 linking to the importer


But why do all this shit, you ask? Well, Meow, I don’t think an admin who likes out-of-place requests would implement bans for making them in every forum he’s in charge of.
Each one of those first 3 suggestions is intended to take care of one of the most common types of request I see around here, and if you make a space for them on the main site in a way that makes it clear that it’s the community’s job to fill them, then people won’t shit them in your telegram or matrix or whatever despite importing not being your job.


Or, MUCH more likely, the people who are importing those artists may have been doing so before those artists started doing the whole Discord shit and are so disgruntled by it that they're continuing to import out of PROTEST. As if to get our attention, to talk about, to get the attention of Kemono's admin(s), all in hope that something can be done about it. And if that's the case then it would appear they're already having some level of success judging by the fact we're talking about it now.

THAT would make a lot more sense.


So why do these creators pages keep on updating, even though there's nothing new?

Is someone updating creators' pages and not updating discord to protest? I don't think so.


Lol, I was saying this needed to be a thing since posts were in the 20000's, as opposed the third-world, schizo, niggerfag banscreeching. (Fuck your fetishes, kikes.)


what does any of that even mean dude go outside


>say something about adding old yiff.party website code.
>>people instantly want requests

Requests will never be a thing.


Yeah, fuck beggars.
Can't believe you're finally implementing the Yiff Party code to Kemono and nobody's talking about it.


Patreon chapters are back! But they have gaps again. Do these have to be reported, or does it get fixed automatically over time?


>THAT would make a lot more sense.
Not really, unless you’re assuming that every uploader lacks basic theory of mind
If they were actually doing this in protest, why haven’t they made it clear that that’s what they’re doing? Why don’t we see them posting and saying “I am not uploading this artist’s discord out of protest?” And more importantly;
>to get the attention of Kemono's admin(s), all in hope that something can be done about it
Ignoring that Meow is a contrarian fuckwit who wouldn’t do anything, solely because someone asked him to, what exactly do you think that he COULD do? Uploads are from the users, not admins, Discord servers get imported on a channel-by-channel basis due to the way Discord itself works, and most of the exclusive stuff is behind channels that require artist vetting to get into.
To be perfectly frank, I think your “explanation” is stupid, and it only reveals that you’ve never even visited the importer page in the first place, let alone actually used it in any capacity, because otherwise you would realize that what you’re posting is absolute nonsense.


why is web frontend c died?


Because (and I mean this as a compliment, before you get your panties twisted) requests are literally the one feature from yiff.party that you haven’t already replicated, if not straight-up surpassed, here on kemono.


>Make a request thread.
>Make it so anyone who posts in it is automatically banned.
>Point everyone who wants to make requests to that thread.
>Silence the retards while maintaining order.
It's literally a win-win.


>>53043 (sit down dog)
Giving candy to a baby, then come back and take it away. Yeah, what champs.

The thread was only removed because a minority of people kept breaking the rules. Yeah, a MINORITY. They should've been permabanned and have the request thread be temporarily suspended for a few months. But no, instead Kemono decided to completely remove the entire thread. Because why stop with a few bad apples when you can dispose the entire agricultural industry since that's… the logical to do?!

Imagine getting whipped for someone else's wrongdoings. But hey, when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. What pinheads.


>Can't believe you're finally implementing the Yiff Party code to Kemono and nobody's talking about it.

if you stopped reddit typing by taking your meds so you can read, you'd then find out the admin has been saying this for years and no one believes him because he's a liar


>Because why stop with a few bad apples when you can dispose the entire agricultural industry since that's… the logical to do?!
I mean… isn't that the whole concept behind the bad apples metaphor? That they spoil the whole bunch or something? Not that I support that view, but I'm kinda not surprised that the admins gave up on sorting the good and bad apples and just thew the whole thing out the window.


>Fanbox artist updates
>Stops at Feb 2024
Importer issue, or is this artist actually using KP to advertise old uploads? lmao


lmao retard

the importer gets any accessible paywalled content regardless if it exists in the system or not


I don’t understand why you take so long to upload and when you do. You don’t even upload everything. Episodes of several everybody hates Chris are missing. Reacted to By mj without Spider-Man.


learn to read dumbass. it did not import all accessible content. it cut off at old posts from over a year ago. the artist has been updating to their fanbox since 2 days ago.


lmao retard

importer has to purchase the post first


I think my country blocked kemono, I got a "
504 - Gateway Timeout . That’s an error.

We did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. That’s all we know."

error and couldn't access the site until I try it with a vpn and it worked fine


Both artist pages ('search and 'recent') on Nekohouse aren't working. Visit either one and this message comes up:

nekohouse.su says
Error 008: Could not retrieve artists.


Why are you posting about it here? Go tell the people who run Nekohouse.


Import 90f5ac75-394d-405b-a1de-* keeps dying and restarting on one specific artist's 4th page, which is annoying because the artist is up to date and I want to move past them to update the other artists I'm subscribed to.


Is it true that fanbox importer is dead again?


>THAT would make a lot more sense.
THAT is absolutely retarded.

Nobody gives a shit about the artist. They want the porn. If you bother updating by sharing a key, you plan on sharing the porn. If you care enough to stay subbed, you will notice when an artist moves to discord.

The rest is carefully curated paysite pages by artists to advertise.


nekohouse is kemono's testing bed


Yiff.Party had a tiered request board based on who wanted what.

Someone wanted Artist 1: added
Someone wanted Artist 2: added
From there, people could "vote" for which artist the userbase wanted the most.

I thought it'd be better than having multiple clogged threads and mentioned it a long while back.

Besides the fact they're third-world, diaper-shitting anarchists believing shitting on random dumbasses is some kind of dopamine pilled power trip (it's probably all they have after other third-world dirtniggers blew their shit to dust and pissed on the ashes), why Kemono's admins are shitting, screeching, and pissing the bed about such trifle are beyond me.

Damn. Who sucked your cock to go full powertard? I thought you were better than this. Kys for me because I'll forget. ;3


RIP Fanbox


Either It's Patreon turn or fanbox went poof. Choose your scenerio


alright, so i'll take it as im very fucking late news wise, but the javascript code/scriplet/"whatever the fuck" it is that shows the patreon ID of [INSERT RANDO HERE] doesnt work anymore. thankfully the code/scriplet/whatevs for fanbox still works, but did the patreon version get updated, or did patreon kill that entirely?

this is the code i was using last time for patreon

javascript:window.alert("This user's ID is " + window.patreon.bootstrap.campaign.data.relationships.creator.data.id + ".");


Astaghfirullah brother

no gooning during ramadan

reciting quran is better than requesting for imports


>Fanbox importer gets fixed

go fuck yourself


Fanbox sisters… not like this…


The Fanbox importer seems to be failing at importing free posts…

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