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File: 1718227850691.png (1.34 MB, 1189x876, image-19-1.png)

 No.41229[View All]

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>39958
218 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Kill Discord


A wise man once said…

Discord was a mistake.




People posting art on Discord and even gardenwalling art there certainly was (especially perma-gardenwalling).

You all know what 'gardenwalling' means, don't you?


yeah, but as >>41767 mentioned before, many of the servers are outright useless for this site


More Discord imports? Seriously?


At least give us some Patreon updates please?


With all the channels queued, your only hope is to either pray for Discord to be turned off for 24 hours or just DIY and DDoS Discord core servers so they can't be reached.

No Discord, no import.


Fix Fanbox


They fixed it



It's funny now all servers are offline but they are updating the site maybe DMs will be working again and/or maybe add the community and private chats for Patreon, Fanbox, and Discord.


hope this means patreon/fanbox will be back up and working soon






They fixed it and Discord is preventing anyone from using it. Great.


Then at the very least have the Discord importer ONLY import posts with images or mega links. Most of the servers clogging the queue are completely pointless.




I'm surprised two Fanbox imports happened at all given they implemented Cloudflare for outside Japan:


File: 1719774295160.png (61.67 KB, 1671x478, firefox_2hN5e8Qo60.png)

is this even uploading? pressing upload file on a artist just redirects me to the artists index


ADMIN! This not funny anymore! You abuse us so much and now we FIGHT BACK!!! KIMONO FUCK PARTIE WILL DIEEEEE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!

*Me and other friend CHARGE AT ADMIN DEFEATING HIM!!!*



This is it, folks. We've reached peak autism.


the dumbassery of the discord importers have turned us into lobotomized chimpanzees


Hahah you stupid parasite fuckers.

I am going to add random useless public discords to the upload queue. I'm going to sort public discords by post count and add them to the upload queue.

I am going to clog your rotting servers with content you do not care about, contant that is in fact already free.

You will never be able to upload anything else to your stupid illegal site. Not only will you no longer be able to steal from hard working artists, you will be forced to buy new hard drives just to store all the inane useless trash I am going to add to the queue.




kys faggot


Discord imports were a mistake.


I think you're pretty retarded, ngl


do you seriously think you can make an impact? the site is stopped because of infrastructure changes on pixiv, it has nothing to do with retards with no life like you trying to "clog up the sevrers".
Kemono has a total of 13,052,840 imported posts. Once they fix it (and its confirmed its being worked on) it will go back to being able to gobble up everything you throw at it. Have fun wasting your time.



Who said its pixiv?


>(and its confirmed its being worked on)


Anyone else getting a deceptive site warning or something similar when they go through Kemono?


More Discord imports?! Not the best way to start July.


Lmao it's fucking easy to bait people here, post like >>41807 got (you)s so easily.


>the site is stopped because of infrastructure changes on pixiv
Then why have Patreon imports stopped too?


Why the fuck would infrastructure changes on pixiv affect anything to do with things like the Patreon importer? And why did I just check the post updates and see ONLY pixivFanbox updates since last time I checked? Fuck off or post some proof.


>It's not funny
I agree, and ab-
>Oh look, me power ranger.
You had ONE chance to get the message right.


I'm beginning to wonder. Might some people be trying to import Discord users for reasons OTHER than art? Reasons like paranoia, always wanting to know or show what other people are saying, might not even be artists but just people they know or went to school with, or are perhaps feuding with.

IDK, but if there's any place where people may attempt to bypass the Discord garden wall for that sort of thing, this is probably where it would happen.

I mean, would it really be a stretch?


I'm adding as much discords as possible because it's fun seeing coomers having butthurt over being unable to watch their favourite gay porn (´∀`)


Or what I'm trying to get at is, could the Discord importer be getting misused for drama related purposes rather than trying to get art?

I mean, with Patreon, there have been some non-artists who ended up on Kemono. So, could it be the same thing again, possibly with a dose of drama too?


Seems pretty obvious they shut certain importers down at intervals to avoid detection. These other grand schizophrenic conspiracies hold little weight to that possibility.
I still think Discord is a waste of time, but I'm not on a site called Kemono Party for generic vanilla human porn like a retard, sooo


I'm here for novels. Like wtf, there's shitton of high quality, free porn available and most of what's on Kemono "paid porn" is trash.


Honestly man, i'm just here for Genshin Mods. Game is literally unplayable otherwise.


I'm here for novels too.. I hope the importer is back soon. The wandering inn chapter just dropped and I need it.


kys retarded nigger


patreon has been acting up recently hasn't it? I know many artists who got kicked out because of the nature of their content. It might be related somehow.


So, should be Discord importer disabled ?


You know what worst that more Discord imports? Even MORE Discord imports!





I think you're just looking at the wrong artists then, paid porn isn't "trash" because it's paid, similarly to how free porn isn't "good" because it's free, no offense but this logic is idiotic

whether if the art is good or not depends on the artist itself, not on whether if it's "free" or "paid", like I still don't get this logic, cause there definitely is a lot of good stuff locked behind paywalls too


File: 1719872493694.jpeg (639.89 KB, 1125x2070, IMG_4525.jpeg)

Great site, love it


use chrome on my pc and the site still works fine.


That's why Discord importer must be disabled, because the server can be full of many Discords

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