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 No.41229[Last 50 Posts]

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>39958


Is all importer down or under some maintenance rn cause everything seems to be slowed down alot


Y'all. Update Discord in Kemono site please. Btw do not wasting your time guys


Who the hell knows man, this site's been fucked up since it was down for almost a month in the April-May timeframe, and ever since it came back it hasn't really been the same, it seems it all goes downhill from here on out.


It seems like the patreon importer is down. None of the patreon pages have been updated since a couple days ago.


Why aren't there more jannies to curb the glowies and their captain planet bullshit?


Come back when you can speak English, PROPERLY.


SubscribeStar needs to be sorted THIS YEAR!!!


Fanbox is the only one working rn
Patreon’s been down since Tuesday, and Discord’s been down since Saturday


Alright guy. Just bring back and update Discord in Kemono site as for now. And don't you being screwed up again!(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Fanbox is the only one up right now
Patreon and Discord haven’t been updating since Tuesday and Saturday respectively


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Are the video player and downloads horribly slow themselves or is it my connection? I also consistently get 429'd when I try opening videos in another tab


Anyone else suddenly get banned from Pixiv/Fanbox?

The only thing i did was browse, bookmark, support creators and upload to kemono…





You were warned.
>Come back when you can speak English, PROPERLY.
You didn't listen.
And now you've been banned for making a clown out of yourself. Way to go sunshine.


CP is not forbidden on Partychan but when some non american has slightly worse language abilities they got banned xD. Or maybe it's just deflection. It's easier to nitpick than to address complaint.


to be fair he was being really annoying


Fair enough.


Patreon importer finally works wohoo! Like a clogged toilet finally flushing through.


Hell NO! Those stupid Gay porn Patreontard will just clog up the website again!


You realize gay porn isn't the only thing sitting on the Patreon? Like most people using donation sites uses Patreon with others having smaller share or the market.


How long do imports take?
I submitted a gumroad import about a week ago and it still hasn't showed up


How long do imports take?
I submitted a gumroad import about a week ago


I’m really worried for when Mastercard and VISA inevitably drop support for Fanbox. Will most people bother to find a workaround or will Fanbox imports just die.


Could we get a subscribestar importer. Lots of creators are moving over there since Patreon continues to be stupid.


there used to be one but it broke months ago due to changes in the way subscribestar works


the gumroad importer doesn't work as far as I know. You can only import Patreon, Fanbox and I think Discord too.


Why in the absolute fuck are video uploads embedded in Fluid Player now? Pretty much guarantees bandwidth abuse.


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the DL speed finally got me so annoyed I actually playing Fallout NV, thx admins you ruined me even further


nah bro, where are the programmers and moderators who are supposed to maintain the site? since the site source code is no longer public and available, it is hard for people to contribute anonymously other than by applying for approval, which is no longer open to join the site coders. what has actually happened? hermiet disappears and gets banned from multiple forums, and kemono seems out of place after the mods leave the telegram group and are hardly present here.


Can we have a Skeb importer to scan for those private works? Many artworks are suddenly hidden


is there way to make importer import site separately rather make it queue?since different site have different demand.
it also slowdown a creator that need import with 2 or more platform at same time due how their sending their works.


I wonder if Kemono has yet worked out a way around SubscribeStar's modern setup. THERE HAS TO BE A WAY.


idk any proper thread for this, but who tf imported twomad's stuffs? i legit lmao after seeing it on the recently updated list


The patreon video importer is just importing some txt files with links that don't work.

You can see it here:



They work for now. Use VLC and/or yt-dlp to download it. Hurry up and download it before the M3U8 expires. Patreon video links last 24 hours. After that, the links will not work anymore, unless you flag it. But the re-importing is slow as fuck so you'll have to wait days, weeks or even months.


We have to wait for Discord update?


"SubscribeStar's modern setup" is humans watching this place and banning users' accounts. Not really anything anyone can do about that.


Surely there’s someway to obfuscate that







I hate image server 6 so fucking much you have no idea


I think there was a bug for Jennaize. There is a gap from May 10th to June 7th


I know that manual uploads have been suggested and rejected countless times but manual uploads for SubStar specifically would be a way to upload posts while avoiding detection.
They’d have to be strictly moderated or restricted to accounts of a certain age but that would be the only real way to upload SubStar.



oh no he mad


c2 and c4 servers are dead, whenever i try to download videos from those servers the download gets failed, hopefully it gets fixed like c6 did


>oh no he mad
Mate, you should see MY face when it comes to the action taken with SubscribeStar, or lack thereof. For me, six months and counting, AND THE LONGER THIS GOES ON FOR THE LESS LIKELY KEMONO WILL SURVIVE IN TERMS OF PURPOSE.


Doesn't help that c6 is still seasick, according to security programs anyway.



On a patreon's artist's page, please allow us to sort posts by recently imported/updated. Sometimes an existing artist get updated by someone on a higher tier (with access to more content), so more past posts get imported, but they're buried in the back pages because all posts are sorted by date of publishing. No way to tell if a post in newly imported or not without going to each post and looking at the import date. Sorting by recently imported will quickly show all previously unavailable posts.


You have an excellent idea. Thank you.


Why are some of my replies deleted from this chat?


Great. Fucking agreed with that shit


None of your business. Nobody cares about your replies. They are saying the right stuff

Shout out to >>41369


Disregard that, I suck cocks



you cared enough to reply, cockbler


just go to ehentai, much better


My favorite part of this thread is when Cobbler cobbled all over the place.


Probably cause they were too shit.


Yior Cobbler


>Loading creators… please wait!


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Favorite artists getting imported after months just to remind me all their shit was moved to DMs/Discord/SS over that period.


I really wished they should've fucking updated hirodi (Fanbox) by now, it's been fucking months. The fact that they prioritised some AI-shit posts and random text posts including YouTube posts instead of actual drawings really fucking pisses me off.


I'm fucking with you for not trying to update it yourself.


You gonna fix your fucking c6 server one day, or what?


Are you gonna fix your asshole or what? BE PATIENT!



Are you gonna fix your asshole or what? BE PATIENT!



Are you gonna fix your mum or what?



Cobble on this dick cheese anal rapist.


Kemono doesn't choose which artists to update, if AI-slop is bogging down the scraper its because subhuman retards are buying and submitting those subscriptions.

Blacklisting the shittiest 20% of artists would probably fix server capacity issues and cut our storage usage in half. Most of the retard artists are also the ones who upload 50 variations of the same 10MB PNG.


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idk its bug or limit, does max post updated limited at 20 post? there 3 patreon i saw not update after 20 post. like this one recently chocopizza, Dogvahkiin and gorillafrog. if it bug hope its fixed soon





patreon broke :(


nvm its back :)


Says a fucktard who always thinks it's not a bug when clearly I had tried updating the import system in which you think it's reliable, when it's not, fucking twat.





Your mom's a little bitch when I went down on her smegma infested cunt that smells like a fish market with metal.


many artists are going to subscribestars, what are the problems with not being able to import this page?


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Advanced captcha tech and other things. They have an actual security team unlike the other sites. They are also here reading this.

Really hope they get busted violating the Same Origin Policy or something like that.


We should have a server which can produce dynamic mac and ip to stow the files users upload, and then transmit them to the website.


Is funbox down? Last updates all 10 days ago


have you checked the artists page?
just cause your favorites arnt being update doesnt mean the importers down


Every user mentioning SubscribeStar more than 1 times should be fucking banned. Despite saying why it can't be properly imported, They keep asking the same question.


When will SubscribeStar be up?




It's easy my friend! Just subscribe to their content! What? You don't have money?


Fight the problem, not the symptom!


Are you guys AT LEAST trying to work out how SubscribeStar could be sorted?

And if not then…

Is there anyone here (on this board) who knows how to solve the SubscribeStar problem? Any ideas?


Hi guys?


fanbox free post imports disabled again? they seem to be left out


You solve the Subtard problem by taking out their surveillance team (hi guys!) and whoever thought banning paying users was a good idea.

It's not a tech problem, it's a human problem.


We need Cock Cobbler to give us more begging power to get Subscibestar imports.


Hi guys!




>Ctrl+F Fantia
>0 results
Man… There's no hope for this one anymore, isn't it? Even people are only begging for SS or Gumroad content


>advanced captcha technology
I'd feel bad for SubStar snitches being called "captcha technology". And "advanced".



After updating Subscribestar and Gumroad then Discord?


What a pain in the arse!


is the artists section being laggy for anyone else? The other sections are fine, but for artists, it just loads infinitely. Been like this for a few days



Hi guys!


You forgot the E M and O


Well what CAN be done about SubscribeStar?

I know that annoying user was going on about creating some SubStar unblur extension, but might that actually be in the cards? Or, could it be possible to remove the blur filter and potentially extract the pictures as to import them possibly without even needing an account? I know it's a human problem, but there's definitely a tech element to it.


And just curious, what exactly is "Hash Lookup"? Is it similar to the Posts "search" or "tags" system, or is it something else entirely?


Before I forget, I know a few weeks ago or something I mentioned I was interested in importing art from 2 Discord artists I follow in secret, but would I need a Kemono account in order to make the import? I only just thought about this.


sht ac/



Yeah creators.txt always fails to load with ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR for some reason.


OG devs left because Hermie refused to pay them.
Hermie's almost on the lam because a bunch of forever-single, middle-aged karens were bored and went after him for archiving e-thot coomer bullshit.
Mods left because they were tired of the job despite both them and the beggars™ lacking common sense.

Typical asian xenophobic schizos.

Me no speakee da Engee, lol.

The blur is its own image. The contents are still paywalled.

Just your cookie and the server's channel IDs in the URL.


VPN. Cry harder, cuck.


It clearly is since they can't break it unlike the other sites.


>I know that annoying user was going on about creating some SubStar unblur extension

Found him: https://github.com/golgon1995?tab=overview&from=2024-04-01&to=2024-04-30


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Speaking of ShitStar, their paranoia is leading to legit sub cancellations now. LOL


>OG devs left because Hermie refused to pay them.
I love that you keep repeating it but ignore my constant nagging for proof.


I don't care who that user is, it's just… oh that's right, the blur is it's own image.


soo is discord down or something im not updated


>>41531 (RE: response to 41517)

So you're all saying nothing can be done about SubscribeStar??

Right, so if all the other sites start doing the same thing as SS then Kemono can't do anything about it? And considering how it wouldn't be that far fetched for those sites to replicate the SS model, it would seem like it's only a matter of time before importing to Kemono becomes impossible and that we're therefore screwed.

In other words, there's a very real possibility that Kemono has already LOST the war and that it's only a matter of time before Kemono's fully defeated.


Is this what it has come to?


If there's no hope in bringing back SubscribeStar, why not bring back requests to compensate for the massive loss? We can't just leave this big hole unfilled.


Yes. But they're not updated it yet


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Fanbox import has been broken for the past 8 hours


There's a good and easy fix for the subscribestar importer: manual uploads
>b-b-b-but viruses!!!
How does all the other piracy platforms get around that problem then? I don't see shit like that happening to sites like f95zone, allporncomics, exhentai, etc.


Does every new link to the dropbox needs the app? Im trying to download new folders from Aseiusx and all I get is that I do not have access to the folder.


There's also "auto download to kp on manual view" through a separate handshake but that's just crazy talk to the scriptkid kp devs.


turn the fanbox importer back on you niggers


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Looks like the importers are working again.

My old pixiv account got nuked from orbit so I don't think I'll start scraping for the time being.


How do I watch this?
The only thing included in the post is a text file that looks like it's code for a media player but that's about it.
Not porn so it's safe to open.


We need to wait for Discord to be fixed in Kemono site btw. I'm be patient


If we really are finished with SubscribeStar then why not bring back requests to AT LEAST compensate for that.

But if the admins can't be bothered to resort to manual uploads with SS NOR bring back requests, then they're just shitting on the whole lot of us. In that case it'd beg the question, why?



Can't something just go right FOR FUCKING ONCE?????


DMs seems to be broke can someone fix it


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Beg somewhere else
Should work tho idk.

No work is currently being put into substar as I got other priorities.

Soon soon not so soon maybe soon ish better download speeds soon.


Just why aren't people active about fanbox now? Everything is just useless patreon contents



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Well I appreciate the download speed update at least, got a massive backlog and kinda gotta thank the shit speed bc I'm loving New Vegas after 2 years of not playing due to almost being filtered by deathclaw's


awesome to hear that, I had already accepteded that download speeds were going to be a 1990s simulator forever


Fanbox are apparently now confirmed to be following SubStar into full retard territory and banning people who contribute here. I think admins turned off autoimport for Fanbox a while back to see how this turned out. Triggered imports mean you're waiting for some brave hero to offer up their account and submit manually, but it's better than nothing.


I've similarly been seeing these .txt files that are evidently meant to be videos, I'm curious what's going on with them.


What even is this?


I refuse to believe the furry community has no solution to Fanbox/SS countermeasures. At least one highly autistic overpaid techfag should be able to crack both in a weekend.


holy fucking cringelord batman


I was going to take a guess on it being what I've seen before: needing to log in to see content from a base folder.
But I can't check this case anymore because in the most recent post:
>Someone imported the patreon folder to kemono 3 times today.
>I also got 2 emails about someone asking for access to the folder with an old obsolete link
>I'm too busy with drawing and irl to deal with your bullshit for what, two keyframes not even done?
>Patreon stuff will be sent through direct messages from now on.
>For the majority of supporters that have nothing to do with this, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.


It's not incomprehensible that FANBOX's public posts are excluded from the importer

But I think public posts should be imported, after all, many people use Kemono not only for leaks, but also for archives

And I've tried, Wayback Machine doesn't work well


That may be because Nekohouse is now available for those wanting Fantia content.



These are Patreon M3U8 playlist, see >>41359


Will it ever be possible to get hash lookups to list specific revisions?


Can we have SubscribeStar?
Can we have requests back?
Then h-



Someone posted this link here in relation to SS.
What's the context? What is it? Can it work and if so then how? I don't know this stuff, I'm not one of those tech gurus.


Was there a plan to add the Patreon community chat to Kemono, a lot of content is being moved there.


Too many artists already aware their contents being leak in kemono. And they posted their contents or the password through the DM or email. Why the uploaded never reupload the contents by themselves??



Kemono is owari, I thought you knew this.


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The furry community already has a solution. They pay, because they're rich as fuck. Those suits don't come cheap, you know.


Is Fanbox dead forever like Fantia and SubStar?


no. remember that the imported sometimes fluctuates. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work.


Pixiv is making changes to payment.
I expected this to be the inevitable drop of support for Mastercard and Visa but it seems to be a payment forwarding system.
Relying on MTL but I wonder if this is going to be a way to work around credit card companies and I also wonder if the implementation might be the cause for the recent account bans somehow.


I always hate those patreontards continuously posting useless gay posts and clogged up the website


No SubscribeStar, no Fanbox, no Fantia, no Gumroad, no Patreon, NO FUN ALLOWED! MISERY ONLY!



Misery is my food. You can't take away my food no matter how hard you try.


Does Patreon's autoimporter do imports every 24 hours or does it work differently? I tried to check the status page but it's broken.


are things still working as I find there isn't much new patreon stuff being imported the last few days some of the artist I follow haven't been updated at all and some fanbox accounts haven't been update for months now ?


Shit’s fucked


fanbox has implemented cloudfare checks since a day or two ago. i can't even use gallery-dl on my creators anymore so i doubt the importer is going to work. expect the fanbox importer to be down for a while.


Is it possible to fix or is this game over?


Damn it is wow dude got fuckin blessed by the gods


are you kidding me? nobody has uploading anything on kemono and nobody is talking about it!


The only thing that is importing is discord, but it is doing it very slowly.


maintenance maybe?
i dunno


For us, misery is starvation.


No no, why don't you all shut up and keep donating to us while you get nothing in return. What is this, democracy?

There will be no SubscribeStar, no requests, no Fanbox, and by our lack of action, there will soon be no site to import from (once they all replicate the SS model). So NO FUN!

Nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nine… NEIN!


Talk about putting the NO in KemoNO.


Doesn't Patreon also have cloudflare checks?
Hope the importer can work around it somehow


Can anyone kick that clown away from this server? That idiot is clearly here trolling.


Shut up, nazi retard


Every time someone complains about something, the admins stop the importers.


neat, the importer is down


Looks like the only importer that is working is the discord importer. I suggest that we should focus on the discords of the artists since some artists put their content there but have patreon and fanbox accounts that have nothing.


Most artists don't use Discord because it's a pain in the ass for them and their subs. Everything is on Subscribestar now. Either they find a solution or scraping eventually dies.


Well now the Patreon importer is dead too.


Well if discord is only being updated people should update people who only post discord like Ncad since they doesn't post anything on Patreon.


patreon being down is better than it being up to be honest
shame about the recent posts page


I've said it many times, and I'm gonna say it again. Can somebody please fix the imports?


is anyone working on imports at all?


all inactive


It's probs a update on the site which I doubt bc people's imports aren't working on the paywall sites side and the site is still loading on my end


What's with all the Discord updates?


Tis the only importer up right now


all importer is probably in maintains or server full cause there's too much AI pumping staff out


Getting pop-ups.

What is this, the 2000s?


You can't kick admins out.

Or at least you shouldn't attempt to suppress one's satirical take on what seems to be going on.


So that admin's from Doucheland.


Then why he didn't act like one?


Guys. Update Discord and Patreon now btw


>fanbox is still kill


So the person who made the issue, golgon, is one of those people who think you can just "bypass" the paywall. If you look at his profile you can see a bunch of issues he opened on other repos asking to "bypass/unblurr locked posts". The repo he made the issue on appears to be some type of multi language online interpreter, so I'm guessing he doesn't have the expertise to run the things he linked locally. But of course they don't let you download and use external packages so that's not going to work. I'm not looking into it too much but the things that he did link appear to still require cookies, are incomplete, or are not what he's looking for.


Ask around, read old threads, check Telegram, or, hell, I'd say Wayback if the cheeki breeki, chickenshit commienigger running the site didn't cuck it because e-thot coomer allegations (Also, one of my posts got nuked, so you could check that too, as spitting facts gets the boot faster than pedo and foreigntards). Lord knows you're fairly new and weren't there for it. They probably WERE paid™, but got cucked for maintenance, hence the myriad of site issues and lack of acknowledgement and responsibility while pointing fingers at the userbase.

The fact that SubStar essentially has embedded spyware in its webcode could be a thing, but IDK.

Agreed. It was never the admins/mods job to fulfill them, but felt the need to force "Me, me, me, I'm important because I'm Owner™/Admin™ and my Godforsaken coomer fetish is more important than yours" while cucking everyone else. Honestly hope those forever-single, e-thot cancer-defending dikes rapes Hermie and the mods with a plunger.

Too busy shitposting,lol. You're definitely the bitchmutt of the site's cucklord hierarchy.

Public™ archive, but my fetish cums first, lel.

They're literally switched on and off. They're not broken™.


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"NO. >:["


Fix. Patreon. Imports. Now!



>Pixiv is making changes to payment.


Can somebody please fix the imports?

Also, what's with the pop-ups every time I click on something?


can someone stop discord imports. its prolly just taking too much time. or give like patreon and others priority


I'm with you on that. There's been a lot of Discord updates since this morning.


I don't know. but it looks like someone already imported some patreon on kemono.



Someone on another thread pointed it out. Its prolly just giant discord servers that are filling up the queue. Don't think there is actually anything wrong with importers. All the requests are stuck. Prolly why 1 patreon import went through.


Well, I think that makes sense.


true, a patreon just got imported


Is there a way to view which imports are in progress? For each artists maybe? It is hard to tell when artists pages are gonna be updated without any sign of import progress


It seems plausible that scraping a whole server would cause an issue like this. The scraper should probably be made to scrape specific art-publication channels, instead of channels for memes, music, etc.


>No work is currently being put into substar as I got other priorities.
Out of curiousity, what priorities are those (besides download speeds you mentioned)? Does it have something to do with the lacking DM imports recently?


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>creator makes new account on different paywall site due to being banned from patreon
>oh cool guess i'll just check if anyone imported the new one–
>importer is broken for the 53287th time


I see two Pixiv updates.


I see pixiv updates does that mean we might be getting pixiv updates soon along with patreon ?


thats a good sign now we just need to fix the absurd pop-ups


Turn off the discord importer for a bit

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