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 No.44152[View All]

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>43272
446 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Everyone, send spam and gore to this man's email


Hurry up, you're piece of shit.


If I wasn't such a coomer I'd almost want the importer to go down more. The spergs this place attracts when it does down is a good source of entertainment


Well it's not ahuge amount of info buuuut it does mean the importers are eventually gonna come back and that's good enough for me.


Why you think the e-mail address is correct and working?
Why everyone would follow you?
Getting over with it is all you can do.



Can someone say this in layman terms?


they're working on it


More space for Raid 6 redundancy of AI slop.
Site is going to be worse to use.
The admin is going cloud at home.
Importers will still be broken.


Thanks for the heads up
Any rough ETA on that or are we just going with soon(tm)?


Thanks for the update.


>just get rid of the AI/e-thot vomit
I second this motion


Any words on the importers?
You know the only thing people care about


TL;DR: No ETA, go upload elsewhere, now get a life and be productive.

>Temp rule: Asking about importer status now equals a ban. You can blame all the cumbrained retards that can't read an FAQ

FAQ clearly states OFFLINE. No begging, no being stupid, regenerate your neurons for a change.

Here's a translation: Terminally online zoomers who only function when they beat their meat to paywalled dicks because they're obviously bigger (and black) have been asking the same question over and over again and even demanding updates for artists for a service they are owed.

Namefags are correct: Deal with it. Kemono is NOT a service, it is an archive created by people who want to pay and share with others. Kemono owes you nothing. You are contributing to it or leeching from it, but it still owes you nothing. If you want to scare away importers by being self-entitled parasites and ruining the motivation of the only staff left too, good job, keep it up.


Stay mad tranny


>Any words on the importers?
You know the only thing people care about
Why does it matter though? They're just importers. No, no words on the importers.


>>Temp rule: Asking about importer status now equals a ban. You can blame all the cumbrained retards that can't read an FAQ
Cause telegram group is strict


I hope we get an ETA soon.



When the blood moon rises over the shadow forest, and the snow owl hoots thrice, then shall you again receive Patreon updates.


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You're right, Kemono owes us nothing.

However, as people using the service, we have a right to know why the service is not functioning correctly. And as the makers and maintainers of the service, they owe us an explanation; one that is EASILY ACCESSIBLE and doesn't require jumping into a fucking Dickscord knockoff to learn.

This board has had a sticky for as long as I can remember, made solely and exclusively for reporting technical difficulties and other things like that. The mods and admins should try FUCKING USING IT.

If they don't want to do the bare minimum, don't have a board to begin with.


Can you please learn how to speak proper English?


but hurt about unrelated shit.



Your mom gay Cobbler. Eat a dick.


Those clowns lost the keys to it when shino got caught. So much for parading on Twitter, this is where we are now.


I'm just brainstorming here, but wouldn't it be possible to do some alternative type of importer, that isn't a utility that runs on Kemono servers using credentials and mimicking user interactions? I looked at Patreon specifically to see how it could be done.

For example a browser plugin that you initially set up to connect to kemono (using kemono user logins), which will then act as a sort of "userscript" when running Patreon (but not exactly due to possible CORS limitations).
Grabbing things from the frontend would be impossible because they obfuscate the HTML, but they still load everything from the backend via an API. I've looked at the one single patreon page I subscribe to and it looked to me that all the data is in that patreon api ajax request, all the posts, comments, metadata, file download links, all properly tagged and ID'd. And all the links had access tokens in them; I could open the separate tabs, even other browsers.



If it's possible to make a way to intercept this as it loads during normal interaction, then you could do something that takes the json and forwards it to kemono importer. Additionally it could also take the file urls from the json, download them, and then also forward them to the kemono importer in the background.

That would get through all IP protections since it is the user themselves doing normal browsing that would do the scraping, not a third party site. It would effectively act as a user proxy, not a scraper. It would also require the user actually browsing the page for things to be imported, which would only be a problem for users with fucktons of content to be imported retroactively. Note that I'm hypothesizing that users who give Kemono access would also normally open the patreon pages they subscribe to, which could be an entirely wrong assumption.

Only single way to block this proposed importer would be to monitor user clicks and see if they match up with what was requested. Unfortunately Patreon runs airgap.js and they specifically collect user clicks, impressions, how long you looked at each post, etc. This could be an issue and lead to bans.



I don't know what the kemono importer actually does, but if it did API scraping and the Patreon API is the same (just with ip ban + time limited tokens to block scrapers, etc) then it would just need to be rewritten to take json inputs from users (with some identification to prevent bad info), and then internally build up all the required info. For files it would only need media id + file data, again supplied by user input. To prevent garbage injection, you could also set it to require 2 or more separate users uploading matching data.

The only thing I don't know if it is possible via browser plugins or user scripts to monitor background network calls until you find the right API call, and if browser plugins have enough access to launch network calls to a third party in the background, independent of the active windows. Because an ajax call from an opened patreon page, even from the console, to a third party site, would get blocked by CORS. That's the only reason I'd go for a plugin, otherwise this could be done even with a userscript.

This is all hypothetical, I only looked at how patreon works for like 25 minutes, but it doesn't seem impossible to me. The big question is what processing do browser plugins allow for (to monitor the patreon page as it is loaded, and then forward the patreon page api calls to kemono), and whether Kemono would monitor user clickthroughs closely enough to catch offenders.
I didn't check how the rest of the sites work either, only Patreon.


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sorry for breaking this up to multiple posts, I kept getting "body too long" errors.

like I said all this is hypothetical but it could get past everything EXCEPT sites actually monitoring if user interactions match the loaded data. Patreon does monitor interactions via airgap.js, see picrel.
No idea if they actually use that for protections, or if it is only used so the board members can have a wank over how much user tracking they have.

Implementing it on the Kemono side would also have a bunch of unknowns, if the importer is some AI copy pasted junk written in Rust or Brainfuck then I've no clue if it would be even possible to extend it. Where could one take a look at how the importers work?


I've thought about that sort of idea, it solves a lot of problems but exposes you to users sending garbage.

I don't think the garbage problem is insumountable, if there is some way to check the sender has actually paid for a sub it will limit botting, and from there you may be able to manually ban bad actors.

I don't think cross referencing multiple uploads can work. Going from 1 person to 2 people willing to scrape is a very large hurdle, and it doesn't even stop bad actors because someone who wants to fuck with Kemono will be just as happy to do it for $10 instead of $5.

Of course if you need users to install and browse a post to get it to Kemono you are basically 80% of the way to just being exh where users upload a zip. Maybe you could try an exh@home type thing where users can volunteer to be a proxy and get you a wider pool of IPs.


>>45097 Really is this site's troll.
A third-world dirtnigger faggot with nothing better to do than shitpost on a retardchan, pretending like they matter while the world around them is getting raped and nuked, lol. Try to do better before you're the next to go.

As for the importer, godspeed to whatever dev IS working on it. Lord knows the schizos paypigging their shit have no qualms about nuking it due to Snowflaking.


It all depends on how much people actually browse their patreons, and it could be made completely transparent to users beyond needing to log in to Kemono from a browser plugin to link things up.

>Of course if you need users to install and browse a post to get it to Kemono you are basically 80% of the way to just being exh where users upload a zip.

The upload part to kemono could be automated and running in the background. Users would only need to open up a users patreon page. They wouldn't need to download the files or manually upload zips.
If they are mass importing an older account, they'd need to click the "Load more" button until all posts show, and this would indeed be annoying. But, that would be all the interaction required. And once an account is imported, a user normally browsing the site for new posts, would update the account on kemono too.

>Maybe you could try an exh@home type thing where users can volunteer to be a proxy and get you a wider pool of IPs.

That wouldn't work if Patreon does the bare minimum browser fingerprint checks. Even just a basic IP + geo check could show that a user is accessing from different continents in too short time periods or even simultaneously, and that would be the end of that.

Also we don't even know what state the current importer is, other than that it is broken.


>That wouldn't work if Patreon does the bare minimum browser fingerprint checks. Even just a basic IP + geo check could show that a user is accessing from different continents in too short time periods or even simultaneously, and that would be the end of that.

But that must also be a problem with the existing (or formerly existing) scrapers because people would just submit their credentials and then a server somewhere else would do the actual scraping. If geolocation is critical you would probably have enough @home volunteers to let people choose someone nearby.

I'm not an expert but I assume that geolocation has enough false positives (either people actually travelling, or random cell towers/wifi geolocating incorrectly) that showing up in another country won't immediately ban your account.

Overall I agree that a browser extension has promise because it would be so hard to detect, but there is also a benefit to having people able to submit credentials once then have the server check for new posts every 12 hours or whatever automatically.

Of course the whole conversation is moot because THERE ARE NO DEVS.


At least it's a productive discussion in case someone wants to make their own scraper.

Good to see some working neurons here every now and then.

For the costs, see >>44619.


Where is this? Nothing on >>20983 states anything about that. Neither does >>8965 (which is where you'd expect status updates, not the FAQ), nor >>4 (which is where you'd expect rule updates, not the FAQ, again)


Ight cumbrains, instead of bitching and arguing over shit that you have no control over, get a hobby and do something with your life, and check up in a month to see if shits back online. If it is, yay, if not, onwards you go. It is that simple


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I don't understand why people are bitching for something that is provided for free essentially.


>Meta comment about how they are above complaining while complaining.

I love the internet


Meanwhile someone has already made a alternative to coommer


at least coomers works


>More HDD space
There would be so much space freed up if there were some kind of standard regulating what could and couldn't be uploaded. Imagine how much real estate could be reclaimed if the AI slop, reaction slop, and other miscellaneous bullshit was removed. Just keep the art and nothing else. Yiff dot Party's admin refused to do that, and it killed the site. Why make the same mistake?


bro i think enforcing such a standard would cost a whole lot more in perpetual labor than some hdds


it would probably take some time at first to check, but you could just block certain accounts from being imported in the first place, im sure people would be happy to share their lists of garbage patreons to ban


unless banning certain artists to be imported is hard i dont see why it would be labour intensive?

just ban artist who have more than 80% ai art and be done with it.


I'm not really a fan of the AI slop, but I prefer AI slop to furry slop. And I suspect there's a lot more furry slop on Kemono currently. So why don't we just ban all the furry slop?

Oh, because some people like the furry slop. Well, as much as you may hate it, some people like the AI slop, and the reaction slop, and all the miscellaneous crap that you personally don't care about.

You don't get to be the arbiter of what content gets to be on Kemono. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what Kemono is. Kemono is not a porn site. It is not an art site. Kemono is a paywall archive. Which means if it's behind a paywall, it belongs on Kemono


Having 1e100 bytes free means nothing if you don't store anything on them though lol

Hoarders could use a few if kemono needs more money


>All these fucking subs I have ready to import
>No fucking words on the importer status


Neat, how long until a kemono alternative that actually works comes out?
I wanna share my fucking stuff!


Panda wouldn't be so bad if they didn't encourage people to upload a massive amount of galleries that are incomplete. It's like pushing incomplete stuff on top of popular and giving it 100k favorites or something.

This is why trusted manual importers would be the worst idea ever, if they don't upload malware they'll just abuse it and push the stuff they import on top and obscure everything else, making other importers the same as total leechers.


ay we are reaching the maximum amount of this thread


That's it folks, this God Forsaken place is dead


Can we get another post for people to doompost on?

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