[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/coomer/ - coomer.party

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>/coomer/ - coomer.party

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If the coomers community is interested, I can recreate the website and implement a new uploader to revitalize the site and enhance its functionality. Let me know what you think about this idea.
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Alone, I won't be able to secure the necessary server space. However, if we gather enough contributors, we can obtain sufficient space to run the service for a year or more. During this period, ads can generate enough revenue to meet ongoing requirements. Additionally, I plan to distribute any remaining ad revenue to the uploaders, similar to YouTube.


I'm conducting a simple anonymous survey for the new website. Please check it out.



You mean we could make MONEY just by uploading/importing OF content like we're already doing for free? Hell yeah, let's make this new Coomer happen!


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The survey response rate indicates that the community is not interested. I was expecting at least 500 to 1,000 responses, but we received only 38. I'm uncertain whether to keep the survey active for another week or deactivate it.



90% of the coomer community doesn't use Partychan i.e this message board

Ask elsewhere and you'll receive more replies. Asking here is pointless.

Not even the admins read this board..

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Probably this has been already discussed here but, has any coomer.su dev considered the use of IPFS to host the content?

The site allows downloads and video streaming but everything would be way faster if the site used IPFS instead, so people that want to DOWNLOAD AND HOST can do it making everything less sluggish a way cheaper (in bandwidth costs)

I'm not very good at explaining shit but I hope you guys get me. For example. futureporn.com hosts all their content on IPFS and you can import a VOD from their servers in your IPFS node distributing the load amongst people that want to consume the content of the webpage.

Is like a torrent, but designed for the Web
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bro… you do know where coomer.su gets its content from, right?


I didn't know that. Thanks


Yes. but the content is imported to their servers therefore making the service slow if there is too much traffic. Is not a proxy to onlyfans nor fansly, is an archive site. Archive.org distributes their files via torrent if you want to collaborate. Same with annas-library. You can download a book and help other people download the same book using torrents.



And where would that be smartass?


What would really speed shit along is if the main /artists or /creators page didn't absolutely feel the need completely resolve the entire list promise, including every picture, if all you want to do is search a name.

How is that content not cached already?

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Some importer with a charitable soul upload the content of this beautiful woman with pretty feet!!


Reading comprehension issues?

Requests aren't allowed and the OF importer has been broken for over a month.

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Hieveryone, I'm newbie here and i reaaly love Korean. Can you guys help me category all Korean Creator (girls & trans). Please help me

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idrc about people seeing my OF content for free but some super cool channers decided to find me on my SFW/family social media and harrass me with these leaks there.
Thanks guys. :|
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It didn't get wiped, just moved to jackraidenlol2. I really wish Coomer/Kemono would automatically link such accounts, to avoid confusion.


Tits or gtfo


Seriously guys…
Content preservation is one thing, but using it to harass/threaten a real person is another.
Whoever found her non-SW social media and used it for evil, stop and don't do it again.
The last thing I want is for libtards and feminazis to start targeting this website.
An incident like this is all they'd need.


>woman posts naked pictures of herself for money
>some guy found them and told her family about it
kemono is irrelevant to literal whores being shamed for being whores.

Do I think she should be harassed? No. Do I think she should be surprised? Also no.

In an extreme detached perspective, being a wife could be seen as exchanging sex for money, but not really, as prostitution ends at the sex. Whereas being a wife kind of starts at the sex. It's not just the sex for money, it's the whole child bearing, raising, etc. thing that follows.


Your view of marriage and women in general is a sad one. I hope you change and grow as a person.

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