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/coomer/ - coomer.party

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File: 1732775808354.jpg (135.11 KB, 540x811, reblogme-20754-YHencDQnwn.jpg)


Why can't I ever search artists, it always says "Displaying cached popular artists"


You need to press the serch button dumbass


Nah there's something up with the coding in the search feature. Typically typing in the the name automatically brings up the profile but it's not working instead you get this when you try to search something

Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.


who is this?



The coding is broken atm


You have some extension which fucks over the markup and that in turn breaks the page.

File: 1733508326861.png (62.43 KB, 1146x336, Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 1….png)


Anyone at coomer working on a 'sort by size' feature or at least view the size of the attachment on gallery view?

I created a tampermonkey script that doest his, but obviously being able to sort a creator page would be ideal. I would be happy to help build this but don't know where to start.


I'd prefer a filter for trans and gay shit tbh.
Sick of opening links and it's trans shit or gay shit.



I want a filter so I can FIND more trans and gay shit

Tired of opening links and its just some e-thot


The size of which files?

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Thought she was one and done, but she's been active under a new name.

pretty entertaining personality
hope she keeps it up


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I present to you "Betas inferno" it is a beauty and has everything, it is a shame that it is not updated but if anyone is interested they can find it
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


More more plis


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Nun hot


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is she half mexican, half asian or what


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if it's very hot

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anyone know why this fags posts are all blurred? did he find out people are uploading his shit here and do something that cant be scraped?


It's because whoever scraped is following him but isn't subbed, so the scraping only got the blurred preview pics. If anyone that scraped was actually paying, they'd be normal quality.


so whats the point of scraping if hes not subbed??

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how long should it take to upload when it's working?


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However long it takes.

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favorites isn't working :(

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Is it just me, or are searches down? Sometimes they work, most of the time I get 403 errors.



Everything is broken rn

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So I have found this amazing site (thank you so much). I have been trying to figure out how to add a hottie who i believe would be very popular on the page, miss Zumbieallure. I have a few sets of her and is always looking to add and share


You can add your browser cookies, and after that, the importer will download the images and videos.

To import something, simply enter the cookie information here: https://coomer.su/importer.

If youre unsure how to retrieve the cookie information, heres a tutorial: https://kemono.su/importer/tutorial.

Please note, this only works for listed services


File: 1733310440666.jpg (2.59 MB, 4000x3000, inbound5385019153140403538.jpg)

I want you

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I don't know this started like 2 days ago I noticed it I'm not always on the site. I try to go to my favorites it won't let me it will say this and I try to log out and won't let me log out and I don't know what is happening if you could fix this problem Cause I think this was venturing become a problem for everyone on the site I hope you can could fix this thank you


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I meant eventually

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