[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/coomer/ - coomer.party

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Site is so slow and I can't download videos, is anyone experiencing this too?



Yes, so slow…


new cdn servers, wait for cache to get primed.


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Is the API going away? The docs page isn't loading.


please add a sort function when in the post search. or just automatically sort them by newest post

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This pops up when I click on Search under models? is there any fix?





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Profile such as https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ellielai was recently revived after a deletion (from DMCA?) a few months back

But whereas the pictures are working fine, the vids send 404 errors

Can they be restored or are they lost forever ? (esp since the OF profile doesn't exist anymore)


vids are there no?
She has a pretty powerful lawyer group that keep sending fake passports that she is underage to my service providers.

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Is any else getting an issue where you try to click on a post and it takes you back to the first page? Also when navigating through some pages, it does the same? And search results aren't coming up?

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pass recommendations of femboys. in case anyone is interested it's called "pocket sora"
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Mmm~ femboy



That's just some faggot, not a femboy




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I was wondering if mrspoindexter coomer page can be brought back
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Does this mean the importer deletes content that a creator deletes? That’s unfortunate, seems like a flaw.


Came here to ask this and see it’s a popular topic 😂. How does stuff get removed anyways?


If you see the are posts about her of, but when you wanna open it, the page redirects to the menu



I honestly forgot, anyways re instated.


I couldn't care less, it was rather a threat by our partners, but we no longer work with them.

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401 Unauthorized getting subscriptions. Invalid key submitted

is the uploading down?

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upload logs need some work get a low memory error once the log grows to several thousand uploads crashes the page and can't load because it gives the same out of memory error.


Did admin fix it

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will video thumbnails ever be added?

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