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Most of the videos I've tried to watch are not working, I get error like 502 Bad Gateway, or the videos work only the first 10-20 seconds before stopping loading. How to fix this?
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Any solution


Happens with all the pre-2024 uploaded videos. Hope it will get fixed


I've noticed this also for videos around April 2024. Previously there wasn't a problem with these videos but I believe it started with the last website update. not sure tho


sadly i have to agree with that.
a lot of photo files take forever to load with
502 and 404 errors.
videos have mostly the same issues but they also fail 10% in. downloading doesn't help because they also fail at the same part.
I hope you fix it. website was working amazing until around 4 december.


Even the embedded player has the same issues

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I came across this lovely specimen in the wild recently. The quality of the image seems too high for a random thot, so wondering if anyone recognizes her from OF or Fansly.


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Another image.


Layla marlene

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how are people getting the importer to work? I've tried for days, and it won't work yet new content is uploaded by others? I know how to input all the info btw.

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I can't download the videos the download stops bruh I can't even watch it I hope they fix this

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do you know how to fix this


Some extension cucks you out.


Same issue here

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y'all notice that when you click a link leading to OF on any website it sometimes leads to some chick named Tilly? Tf is up with that?

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Post the weirdest accounts you've found. I'll start.

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Cannot import from OF providing necessary data. Is importer broken?

Browser Im using is Chrome

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I was wondering if anyone thinks there’d ever be a way to import content from JFF as an option. So many hot men and women one there, who get freakier af.


That would be awesome


Is there a working scraper for JustForFans?


Fanvue And fansone too

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Seriously like 90% of profiles I click on are just 5 second clips, thirst trap photos, and then dozens of posts saying "Check DMs for the $20 PPV" which makes Coomer kinda useless for actually watching anything I couldn't just find already on like, basic-ass sites like Pornhub.

Does ANYONE know a good source where people who pay for this shit reupload it? At this stage I want it out of fucking spite because this is like full price + microtransactions but for porn.


simpcity and socialmediagirls, as far as I know that's the best place to get it

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