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/coomer/ - coomer.party

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If they're not ogres then they're not ftm. They're just dykes that want to feel special. I guess being gay just isn't that cool anymore.


it doesn't matter how you call those bitches
is 'girl with androgynous appereance and big clit, maybe deep voice' a better description?

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I'd say so, cause you can see that there's new imports coming in every minute.


Started an import. Hope the backlog of imports is cleared before the importer inevitably breaks again lol


Wow, maybe the Tasker profile I made to check for updates from the API will get some use after all.



I still can't uploading too

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First off, huge props to the guy who was able to fix the onlyfans imports, I was just wondering if it’s possible to fix the fansly imports so that the title shows up in the posts on the creator’s page? It’s a bit annoying sifting through not knowing which post is which, regardless, thank you anon for fixing the imports!

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Changing to Coomer.party because Kemono page fucking Died and the Admins Run Away
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Hope you not just fooling us bro


Who is we? Where is the git?


idk if i believe you, since there is more than 3000 posts of her onlyfans on Coomer as you can see here https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/sam-dreamy-lips


got it.

guess we have to wait and see then


So… we're back in full?

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since the platform isn't being updated, any other recomendation of OF archives?
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Oops, server overload. I've fixed it


manyleaks.fans is good OF archiver too


your definition of good is shit. there's no search, and no way to add new content



No trans girls

Just popular e-girls

Awful site.



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With the OnlyFans importer down I've been starved of good stuffer content, I love Asianbellygirl but I can't find anyone else that's good content, either they're fat or their content isn't uploaded properly. Help a man find a skinny stuffer, thank you bros.


maybe consider killing yourself or a taking a break from fat bitch porn


I'm not sure how helpful this guy's 2nd suggestion would be, but his 1st is solid advice. Wholeheartedly recommended.

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fansly importers are down, its genuinely so over
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If they don't do something it is literally over.

At LEAST fix the Fansly importers ffs


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We're so back

(Fansly importer appears to work again)


That makes me wonder…

Has the Fansly importer just come back out of nowhere or did someone (an admin maybe) fix it? 🤔

Nobody has said anything here for ages. ⌛

No comments about the OF situation here. (Only on Kemono and indirectly.) 🤫


Some service on the server was prob just restarted… Might have even been automated.



Probably automated. There are no admins here.

Meow is the only one but he works on Kemono.

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I am starting to think the admins are being paid off by OF to stop development, its the only reason I can think they would disappear and reject people that are offering to help


No. Originally it was 3 people who worked on Kemono and Coomer.

One worked on Coomer and 2 on Kemono or vice versa

One got bored and left

The other went crazy and idk.

All that's left is Kemono's Admin [Meow]

Coomer has no admins currently.

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What program/website do I use to download all the content from an OnlyFans page?


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hi guys i just wanna know, is it admin who are the upload the contents or it's people who doing that?


The people


Aa.. i got it, but how about if we gonna to request? is it permissible and how about the steps?


is it be able to request the content?


Did you read the sticky…?

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