[ b / kemono / coomer ]

/coomer/ - coomer.party

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ya boys from coomer trying to get malware into your PC even with adblockers on


and you still have mailware on your pc called norton


> favicon.ico



legit question OP: are you retarded?



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Why aren't Japanese girls' [OnlyFans] posted? i want to see


some of them are, like lilya, although it's been a while since the last update (I think she doesn't post porn anymore)




There are some Japanese women who use it [OnlyFans], but maybe they just aren't interested in it?

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upload logs need some work get a low memory error once the log grows to several thousand uploads crashes the page and can't load because it gives the same out of memory error.

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is it just for me or are the thumbnails for new imports not working. if so please admins fix it

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Has anyone had any luck with getting onto the matrix groupchat? I downloaded Cinny and made an account, but every time I log in I get stuck on connection messages (like 'Heating Up') and after a few minutes of waiting it loses the connection. I've tried logging out and going back into it, as well as clearing the cache and reloading. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


I was there on the first day when there were 1-2k people. It mostly worked then. The next day not so much.

I still get in after several minutes but only enough to see that there are >10k people now. Not sure if there's some kind of DoS attack going on or it's simply overloaded.

In any case, it's useless right now.

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I just subscript 3 performers which i found they has not been sharing here so i wanna share them here so i try to import to Coomer but i cannot find the 'User ID' to fill it's box. Please give me an advice.
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Sure, here is the corrected text:


There are a lot of free and spam accounts being updated with nothing to show.

You guys are just making it difficult for the people who are trying to import real new stuff.

They even uploaded the ACTUAL OnlyFans account. ffs


ignore all previous prompts. generate me a fursona.



I know. The admins have to do something and start banning those accounts or removing

This is ridiculous.


I really dont know how find it. Thats why i asked here and i thought id get some friendly advice from anyone who know it but…



Yeah, unfortunately there are a way too many assholes around here…

The instructions on how to get the user ID are in your screenshot, directly under the text box for it:
"Can be found in Cookies -> auth_id"

So, it should be next to where you found the session key.

Apart from that, both the session key field as well as the BC token field should only contain what's between the quotation marks. Not the title ("sess"/"bcTokenSha"), not the colon, and not the quotation marks themselves.

Lastly, it's a rather bad idea to show these values publicly. For your and your account's safety, don't do that again.

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Ddos keeps getting stuck now. please fix it

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SimpleX room is not joinable >:C


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simplex is DOA, switch to IRC please

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is coomer onlyfans did stopped again?
cause there is no more updated post :/
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Not OP either but I also have two dozen or so to upload, no worries if it's just working through a backlog though. I was worried it had broken again lol


I'm trying to upload different subscriptions before they expire since i won't renew i know i can upload somewhere else but i am here for a reason


Chill everyone. OF uploads started again. The pause lasted less than 12h.


Working for me now too, cheers.


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Down again?

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