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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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Sorry for the intrusion but lately the site has started to behave weirdly: every time I load a page the sidebar automatically activates and flickers rapidly, disappearing and reappearing. Ads are becoming very annoying, they spawn infinitely, one overlapping the last, and as soon as more than 5 ads load the browser becomes very slow. Last thing, I'm searching for the Discord of an artist called Reagan Long or Beagan Bong, I know it exists, I don't know if it's imported, it's not inside the linked accounts page of their other accounts.
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Brave is better to block ads. Use it instead.


>Absolute big balls move insulting while anonymous


What about the sidebar flickering? Is it my fault?


You didn't provide enough information for which side to blame, so I guess it is your fault.


Turns out it's duckduckgo problem. But still I'm searching for the artist discord

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>Someone imports a Patreon
>Creator says to go to Discord for the full images in every single post
>Whoever is importing doesn't do the Discord
>They are literally importing literally nothing every single time due to ignoring the fucking Discord
11 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>SEAmonkey immediately proving what seemed to be a simple baseless schizo right


>fnaf porn enjoying westoid
it's not funny at this point, it's just pathetic , but thanks for the self-own i guess


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>desperate strawman on a reaction image
I don't even even want your fourth-rate SEAmonkey concession. Apply yourself.


>doesn't even know what strawman means
>use it anyway in an attempt for a desperate comeback
>fails like a little westoid he is

Bet your finger were shaking with rage as you hit the reply button bro. You already lost, there's no more concession in the first place other than those coming from you 2 days ago.


Oh my god just shut up and kiss already, you two.

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The site is no longer available, please tell me why.


You gonna ask every single time there's a 4xx or 5xx?
Problem on your end, everything works fine on my machine.

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can anyone import with DM please ?
password is missing


its in the community chat which cant be seen . Cmon admin do something bout this please

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It flashes on screen for half a second thengoes black. I read its an adblocker issue but even with all adblockers disables the problem continues. It does work on my secondary browser that has no adblockers
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


You are getting throttled hard by your ISP.


Could be, but i don't think that's the case.
Nobody cares over here in slavland.


Well there is no reason to slow down on kemono's end.



Honestly, this just started to happen to me too. It used to work fine, but then I decided to try and clear out the memory and cookies of my Firefox browser and now it won't work at all. Regardless of what browser I use.

I know it ain't my ISP as I can access the site just fine on my laptop.


Can you be more specific how it "it won't work at all"? You retards realize without steps to reproduce I can just say it works because it opens up for me just fine?
And ofc mention things asked in >>51591

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Today the site updated the link to the GreekoAI artist archive, but it is empty, can you help with this problem?

16 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


i wonder what happens if you already have a mega link to a directory open in browser or are even in the middle of downloading a file when it gets deleted/replaced


it happened again holy shit this guy is trash


Maybe instead of just linking his post, download it, and then put in a different mega?


That's what you always do, you never ever rely on a link as some kind of permanent drive. Don't share the files from the pool either unless you put them on bunkr.

Paygating AI is hilarious though. Greeko should just kill himself along with anyone dumb enough to pay for this shit unless it's strictly for leaking and killing the account.


I honestly wouldn't mind paying for it if there was a workflow or info on LORA's and models. Would make it worth it imo.

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We need the page of all creators to load the community messages since there are a lot of content there.

Also it would be helpfull to have a waynto ask for a post to be updated since some creators update a single password once a month and the page doesnt update it at time


faggy admin lol he wont listen hehehe


he's too busy with his tranny friends

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Why is only the published content being updated on fanbox?


They're testing fanbox imports.

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Does the "Upload File" page this button is meant to send you too still work, or is that page broken for everybody else?


Manual uploads have never been a thing since 2021 when developers and moderators existed. They are much less likely to be a thing now and in the future.



I figured as such. I think I remember back that you used to be able to upload stuff, but they disabled it after people began abusing that feature to ruin the site.
Just wanted to check if it really was broken for everyone or if it was just me.

Though, strange that the devs haven't gotten around to removing it yet if they aren't planning on having the feature return.


Yeah, that was after the Bikomation virus infestation. You can thank furries for that. Entrusting people with manual uploads means creators can also come and upload viruses among other things.



Yeah, those were some wild times. I remember certain artists personalizing the different rewards they sent out so that whenever somebody would reupload it on Yiffparty/Kemono or elsewhere, they could ID who did it and ban them.


What did bikomation do? I hate him so much

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