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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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File: 1716442267259.jpg (7.29 KB, 194x173, neco arc clueless.jpg)


jap platforms like pixiv/fanbox, dlsite, allows lolicon content but requires censorship

western platforms like patreon but even pirate sites like f95 needs no censorship but disallows lolicon content

where can one publish uncensored lolicon content with at least decent reach?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Great overall, use it often

Great for furry, and they allow links to uncensored human loli, but the naughty bit on the post in IB have to be censored.






Baraag mastodon


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I followed the tutorial on site and put in my session id, but for the last hour the status has just said in progress and imported nothing, did I do something wrong?


No, it just puts your session id in queue as the number of active workers importing stuff is limited and they go through them in first-in-first-out order. Be patient and check it after some time.



What's the usual wait time for things getting imported? I tried a few months ago and it never went past "In Progress".

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Hello, I have been trying to ask for certain password but my posts are deleted even when there are a lot of other posts asking for the same. Why?

Are there a rule that I am not following?


jannies here aren't exactly competent judging by the 2 cp threads still up after hours. Just keep asking for passwords. Rarely see anyone actually get a valid pass though


Skill issue


Okay, only ask and wait patiently expecting not to receive nothing.

I am good in that. XD

File: 1716480346364.jpg (352.97 KB, 1080x1002, SmartSelect_20240523_13002….jpg)


i wanted the obrobine clip files, but all of their google drive links are dead, so i'm wondering if anyone has the files and could upload them


Been having this issue with a couple users as well. Unfortunate¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ .


you're actually fucking retarded just stfu


The obvious red flag is the word 'kemono'


can't play animation of this [url/user]
this post
Animation blocking by antivirus but only this post can't play (got block)
other post can play be normal


old post c3.kemono.su can play only adress start with c2 got blocked by antivirus software


Do you care to share what AV, what the detection is for, what the message is.
Or are you here to ramble garbage?


Why are you being such a nigger ass lmao?

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